满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The key point is not who said the words,...

The key point is not who said the words,______ they are true or not.

A.but whether

B.and whether

C.but how

D.and how


A 【解析】略

As I know, it is five years since Mary ____ in the south.



C.has lived

D.was living



—What are your parents?

—My father is a teacher, and my mother is______.

A.he other

B.he rest





第二节: 书面表达 (满分25分)







Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m a student from Xinhua University.






Y ours sincerely,

Li Hua





After finishing school, I began to look for a job anywhere.            76. __________

Now six months have past , but I haven’t found the job               77. __________

I am interesting in . Last Sunday morning ,I received a phone          78. __________

call from a man calling him Mr.Wang. He said on the phone,           79. __________

“I hear that you do well on y our studies . I may offer you a            80. __________

job . ” I entered into his office with a beating heart . How I wished      81. __________

I will go through the job-hunting talk and he would take on me         82. __________

as a lab assistant ! But to my surprised , what he said made me         83. __________

feel disappointed. It was only a model which he needed . If I          84. __________

accepted the job, I would be scolded by my parents .                 85. __________




There is a debate going on in America public schools over the best way to teach English to foreign students. Many schools use bilingual education. This means that students study their core subjects such as science, mathematics and social studies in their native tongues. They also take a few h ours of English.

Recently, many educators have begun to criticize bilingual education. Opponents claim that bilingual education slows not only students’ development of language skills but also their adjustment to American life. They often remain separated from the mainstream student body.

These critics have proposed the immersion method (沉浸式语言教学法). This means that students take only English classes until they can function effectively in regular subject classes. Proponents of the immersion theory argue that in order to prepare these foreign students for college or the job market, they must be able to communicate in English.

Despite this disagreement, nearly all educators agree that English is a necessary tool for improving the quality of one’s life in America.

72. In bilingual education programs, students ______.

A. study in their native countries

B. study their core subjects in their native languages

C. study only English until they can function effectively in regular subject classes

D. mainly work on adjustment to American life

73. A proponent is someone who ______.

A. supports a certain idea or policy      B. is against a certain idea or policy

C. uses the immersion method of teaching English   D. is a school administer

74. According to the article, which of the following is NOT true?

A. Nearly all educators agree that English is important for foreign students.

B. Students in bilingual education programs are often separated from American students

C. Nearly all educators agree that bilingual education is best for teaching English to foreign students.

D. Students with good English language skills have better chances for college or the job market.

75. What is the author’s opinion about the bilingual education in America?

A. He is for it strongly             B. He is against it strongly

C. He doesn’t show his own opinion  D. He is against all the educators



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