满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

.—What do you think made hi m so excited...

.—What do you think made hi m so excited?

—_________a scholarship to Harvard, I suppose.

A.He has won


C.Because of winning

D.Because he has won


B 【解析】略

He is _________to staying up late and getting up late.







None of us was good at swimming, so the crossing of this dangerous river was really a_________.







—I've never found a better job and I’m so glad.


A.I don't think so

B.Too bad


D.Don't worry






    One winter evening, a storekeeper was going to close up  his shop. Suddenly he saw Seth, a lazy, good – for – nothing fellow grasp a pound of fresh butter and hid it in his hat. No sooner had the storekeeper seen the act than he hit upon exactly the right revenge(报复). He would punish the thief, and satisfy his own appetite for fun.     

Seth had his hat on his head, and the butter in his hat. He was anxious to leave. However, the rightful owner of the butter offered him a cup of hot drink, took him by the shoulders and planted him in a seat close to the stove. The grocer filled in the stove as many sticks of wood as he could. Seth already could feel the butter settling down closer to his hair, so he jumped up, declaring that he must go. “Sit down; don’t be in such a hurry,” replied the grocer, pushing him back into the chair again.      

Streak after streak of the butter came pouring from under the poor man’s hat. The fun-loving grocer kept on putting wood into the stove. Then, as if surprised, he remarked, “You seem to be sweating as if you were warm! Let me put your hat away for you.”     

“No! ” exclaimed poor Seth at last, unable to stand it a moment longer. “ No, I must go; let me out.” A greasy (油腻的) waterfall of butter was now pouring down the poor man’s face and neck, dipping into his clothes, and trickling down his body into his boots. He was bathed in oil from head to toe. Just as Seth rushed out of the door, the grocer said , “ I believe the fun I’ve had out of you is worth the money, so I shan’t charge you for that pound of butter in your hat.”

56.Why did Seth put the butter in his hat?

       A.Because he didn’t want to pay for it.

       B.Because he just wanted to play a trick on the grocer.

       C.Because he wanted to revenge himself on the grocer.

       D.Because he had nowhere to put the butter but in the hat.

57.What is not the action that the grocer took as a revenge?

         A.The grocer offered Seth a cup of hot drink.

         B.The grocer offered to take off Seth’s hat.

         C.The grocer overcharged Seth for the butter.

         D.The grocer forced Seth to take a seat near the stove.

58.What was the purpose of the grocer’s hospitality(热情好客)?

         A.He wanted to be kind to him.

         B.He wanted to sell more of his goods.

         C.He wanted to make friends with Seth

         D.He wanted to take his revenge on Seth by making the butter in his hat melt.

59.What is the best title of the passage?

         A.Great Fun                          B.The Right Revenge

         C.A Fun-loving Grocer                 D.A Foolish Customer




第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


With a heavy heart Sally arrived early on the morning of the auction (拍卖). It was almost a year since her dear grandmother passed away in this house.   36   the family business had failed and left them with heavy debts. So the bank had  37  the family to have an auction sale to repay their debts.  38  the past several weeks, she had managed to save $450 in order to bid(出价)on the  39   that her grandmother liked very much. Surely this would be enough, she had thought.

Now the  40  moment arrived.Looking around, Sally was surprised to see so many people had   41  .As the auction began, Sally waited.Finally, the time came to bid on the quilt.She held her   42  tightly and listened.The first bid was $45. She was  43  . It was so high.Quickly other people bid and soon the bidding   44  $85. Sally cried out “$450!” For a moment there was silence.Hope   45  her. She glanced again at the quilt, thinking how   46  her grandmother would have been with her at this moment.Just then, from the back, another person shouted “$475!” She lost her   47  .Suddenly she couldn’t help wondering   48  so many  people would be interested in that old, dirty quilt.Finally the quilt was sold for $500 to a complete   49  .

   After the sale, she went to the counter to pay for the few items that were now hers.The woman at the cash desk handed her the quilt.“There must be some  50  .Someone else has got it.” she said.A hand-written   51  was pinned to the quilt, which   52  :

Dear Madam,

   I noticed you admiring the quilt.Clearly, it was 53  to you.Please accept this quilt as my  54  . I don’ t expect any repayment from you, but do a   55   favor in the future for a stranger who happens to cross your path.


                                                            A stranger

36.A.Naturally   B.Unfortunately         C.Luckily     D.Probably

37.A.hoped             B.waited      C.expected D.forced

38.A.With      B.At    C.By    D.Over

39.A.house             B.present     C.furniture           D.quilt

40.A.interesting      B.necessary     C.big            D.sad

41.A.turned over            B.turned up              C.turned back   D.turned on

42.A.purse    B.picture      C.book            D.quilt

43.A.glad       B.frightened         C.moved     D.shocked

44.A.rose       B.climbed     C.reached         D.raised

45.A.told        B.helped       C.filled         D.gave

46.A.pleased          B.anxious     C.angry       D.familiar

47.A.thought          B.chance      C.way          D.money

48.A.whether         B.what          C.how          D.why

49.A.relative          B.customer           C.friend       D.stranger

50.A.reason            B.secret       C.mistake               D.fun

51.A.check    B.wallet        C.address          D.note

52.A.read       B.wrote        C.spoke       D.showed

53.A.wonderful              B.basic          C.pretty            D.important

54.A.honor              B.respect     C.gift             D.thank

55.A.particular       B.common        C.major            D.similar



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