满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A murder will occur this weekend in the ...

A murder will occur this weekend in the peaceful seaside town of Langley, Washington. In fact, a murder has occurred there every February for the past 25 years. But don’t panic! It’s all part of the town’s yearly Mystery Weekend.

What began as a local event in 1984 now attracts visitors from over the U.S. and even abroad. Would-be detectives(侦探)arrive on Saturday. There, they receive a packet, including a newspaper with details about the crime and information telling where to find clues(线索). Visitors then travel to various shops, restaurants and other places, searching for clues as they go. Along the way, they meet and interview suspects (疑犯) played by local people. The visitors need turn in their guesses on Sunday at 4:00 p.m.. Then as everyone gathers, the murderer is found, and prizes are awarded for correct answers.

For visitors, Mystery Weekend is not only fun but also a great introduction to the charms of Langley. It’s a very attractive place with historic buildings, exciting ocean views and above all, friendly people. Since Langley is on an island, a fun way to get there is by taking a ship to the nearby town of Clinton and then driving the rest of the way. Langley has a delightful selection of hotels with bed and breakfasts that are open all year round. And activities in Langley aren’t limited to Mystery Weekend. There is also great hiking, biking, golfing and diving to enjoy. And for a special adventure, visitors can book on one of the whale–watching ships that leave nearby harbors each day. 

1. The second paragraph mainly tells us__________.

A. where visitors can pick up the clues

B. what people do during Mystery Weekend

C. when Mystery Weekend came into being

D. how the detectives try to clear up the case

2.According to the passage, visitors in Langley can Not__________.

A. watch whales performing

B. take a ship to Clinton.

C. enjoy a wide variety of activities like dancing and singing

D. stay in hotels opened throughout the year

3.We learn from the text that Mystery Weekend  ______.

A. is an event which happens once a year.

B. aims to decrease crime rate

C. is intended for detectives

D. offers visitors a chance to make money

4. What would be the best title for the passage

A. Langley    B. Mystery Weekend    C. Would-be detectives    D. A murder


 B  C  A  B 【解析】略

It was in the hotel _______ I stayed yesterday _______ the accident happened.

A.which; that

B.that; that


D.where; that



She is the only one of the girls who _______ in the company.

A.is well paid

B.are well paid

C.is paying well

D.are paying well



.—The moon cake is really delicious. Can I have another piece?

—________, since you are at your close friend’s home.

A.You can

B.Behave yourself

C.Go ahead

D.Never mind



—_______ us another hour, I suppose, and we will fulfill the task perfectly.

—Will that do? OK.

A.To give






—Would you like to go outing with me tonight?

—Oh, with so much homework ________, I’m afraid I couldn’t afford the time.

A.to finish






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