满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Welcome to Language upon Thames. This br...

Welcome to Language upon Thames. This brochure has been designed to give you an overview of our Language School and the courses we offer. If you have some additional questions please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

At Language upon Thames,we feel it is important to be flexible,in order that students can decide what period of study suits them best.

Small Group General English Courses

These courses are aimed at students who wish to improve their speaking,listening,reading and writing skills and are offered at the following levels:





Studying one of the above courses will enable you to use English more confidently and competently on a daily basis.

Try our free online test to see which level you are at—CLICK HERE.

Exam Courses

These courses ale aimed at students who wish to gain academic qualifications in English and are offered at the following levels:

University of Cambridge exams:

ADVANCED l — FCE (First certificate)

ADVANCED 2一CAE (Advanced)

ADVANCED 3一CPE (Proficiency)

Studying one of the above courses will enable you to continue your education or enter university in this country. (Students wishing to gain admission to a British university are normally required to have the Cambridge Proficiency Certificate.)

Speaking, Listening & Pronunciation

This course builds on communicative confidence and competence and is aimed at students who wish to develop the important skills of speaking and listening.

Emphasis is also placed on pronunciation,with activities designed to meet the needs of students of different nationalities,who need to focus on different areas.

CLICK HERE to register for a General English course.

Other Languages

At Language upon Thames we offer a wide range of cafeterias,restaurants,shops and bars. Most importantly,we have foreign language classes of French,Japanese,German,Spanish and Italian during the day,evening or on a one-to-one basis.

68. What does this passage mainly talk about?

A. English courses.

B. Ways to improve students’ English.

C. The best way to improve your skills.

D. The importance of English.

69. If you attend Exam Courses,you will     .

A. use English as fluently as a native speaker

B. deal with everyday English well

C. . have better pronunciation of English

D. be able to continue your education or enter university in this country

70. Judging from the description,we can tell that this passage must be taken from     .

A. a newspaper        B. a magazine

C. . the Internet            D. a guidebook

71. The following statements are true EXCEPT     .

A. Only Englishmen can attend the courses.

B. The courses are designed for learners of different levels.

C. . One can learn French even in the evening.

D. Language upon Thames is a school aimed to offer help with language learning.


68-71 ADCA 【解析】略

 His parents put a lot of effort into getting him ____ to a key school.







-What an amazing story! It’s the most impressive story I’ve ever read.

-But I’m sure it won’t interest ____.







-Have you read the novel?

-Yes. I ____it three times while I was in university.

A.had read


C.have read

D.was reading



What I want to do most is to have____ quite interesting book, and ____ time to enjoy it.

A.a; the

B.the; the


D.a; 不填



 _____ tomorrow, our ship will set sail for Macao.

A.However the weather is like

B.However is the weather like

C.whatever is the weather like

D.Whatever the weather is like



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