满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

. For millions ofpeople,the American dre...


For millions ofpeople,the American dream ofowning a home seems to be slipping out of


“Maybe young couples can no longer afford to buy a ready-made house as their parents did,'’

says 40-year-old building instmctor Pat Hennin.“But they can still have a home.Like their pioneer ancestors,they can build it themselves,and at less than half the cost of a ready-made house.”

The owner-builders came from every occupational group,although surprisingly few are professional building workers.Many take the plunge with little or no experience.“l learned how to build my house from reading books,”says John Brown,who built a six-room home for$25,000 in High Falls,New Jersey.“If you have patience and the carpentry(木匠)skill to make a bookcase,you can build a house.”An astonishing 50 percent of these owner builders hammer every nail.1ay every pipe,and wire every switch with their own hands.The rest contraet(承包)for some parts of the task.But even those who just act as contractors and finish the insides of their homes can save from 30 percent to 45 percent ofwhat a ready-made home would cost.

One survey revealed that 60 percent ofowner-builders also design their homes.Many others

buy commercial house plans for less than $100 or use plans available from the U.S. Department ofAgriculture.

49.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A.The cost of having a house built.

B.A comparison between young couples and their parents.

C.The life of owner-builders in America.

D.The American dream of owning a house.

50.It can be inferred from the passage that many Americans find it difficult to _______

A.build a house             B.find aready-made house

C.have a good job           D.buy a house

51.The underlined phrase“take the plunge”most probably means“_______”

A.decide to build a house    B.decide to pull down a house

C.decide to buy a house      D.decide to rent a house

52.From the passage we learn that_______.

A.Many house plans are offered free of charge.

B.Most of the house plans arc offered by building instructors

C.Fifty percent of the Amedcan young couples build houses.

D.Must of the owner.builders design their homes.


49---52   DDAD 【解析】略


Parenting has never been an easy job,but mothers and fathers today face challenges in raising their children that their own parents may never have had to deal with

While children have always been particular eaters,for example,parents today are trying to supply healthful food in a world full ofchicken nuggets,processed snacks and soft drinks.Bike riding and hopscotch have given way to video games and text messaging.And working parents have to cope with all things around day care,jobs and family.

At the same time,a large amount of health information on the Intemet and elsewhere has introduced a higher level of stress for parents.Web sites provide supplemants(补品)that increase a child’s brain health while news organizations report on the latest scare from baby bottles or too much television.

All of this makes raising a healthy child overwhelming.But it doesn’t have to be.

This Well guide offers small steps and simple ways to improve a child’s well-being in four

areas—nutrition,development,playtime and safety Inside,there’s advice from experts on how to raise a healthy,active youngster;tips on diet and behavior,help for problems like insomnia,and the latest thinking on day care,discipline and other topics.It’s all designed to help kids stay well every day.

45.According to the author,what is most likely to be found in today’s homes?

A.Hopscotch     B.Healthful food.  C.Bike riding.  D Brain supplements

46.What does“Well guide'’in the last paragraph probably refer to?

A.A programon how to deal with daily affairs

B  A game on how to make kids clever.

C.A book on how to raise a child.

D A site on how to reduce work stress

47.From the 1st paragraphinthe passage,we can infer that_______

A.today’s parents are too busy to raise their own children

B  today’s parents should seek advice from their own parents

C  it was much easier to raise children in the past

D.parents have more concems in raising children today

48.The underlined word in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by          .

A.relaxing       B.delighting      C.stressful     D puzzling






They say that before long,we will be able to receive more than 500 television networks on cable or by satellite .Some people think that it's ridiculous to have that many channels.Their usual criticism goes something like this:

“I already get more channels on my TV than I have time to watch.No one needs to see that much TV.There’s not enough time in the day to watch all that!”They also state that most of what’s on television now isn’t worth watching in the first place.

I think they’re missing the point.If the local library wanted to add another 5,000books,would

we say“That’s silly,we’ll never have time to read all those books.”?The point is that we would

have more choices.

I don’t believe that most people should watch more television And if we had 500 or even 1,000 channels to choose from,we wouldn’t have to spend more time watching the tube.We would.however,have a better selection of programs to choose from.That means that the quality of our viewing time would improve.

I,for one,say that the more channels we can access,the better,Give me more choices! If they’re not worth my time,I’ll just hit the“off”button.

41.The author’s main purpose of writing this article is to tell readers

A.his opinion about having more channels on TV

B.some people think it unnecessary to have so many TV channels

C.we will soon have more channels on TV

D.how to choose proper programs on TV

42.According to the passage,some people dislike having more channels because _______.

A.they already get enough channels on their TV

B.it's a waste of time to watch TV programs

C.some of the TV programs are poor in quality

D.they can’t afford enough time to watch so many programs

43.According to the author having more channels means_______.

A.having more good programs

B.having more choices

C.having more time to watch TV

D.getting more information over TV

44.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A  People usually don’t have enough time to see all the programs on TV.

B.More and more television networks are being set up

C.People will think it silly if the local library adds another 5.000 books.

D  If we have more channels,we can improve the quality of our viewing time.






Temperature is part of my married romance Coming to New’York from Baltimore-where there is just one small snowstorm each year-1was  21  by a fireplace in my new home,wit fires  22  all day,just as what ancient people did at a wedding.

My husband,Peter,comes from northem Ontario,where winter  23  from September to May and cold wind is  24 .”When Canadians have 30 below,they  25  it,”he says.“Cold wind is for crybabies.”

So to marry this man I had to learn to  26  for serious cold. To get me from Baltimore's Inner Harbor to Albany’s frozen Hudson,Peter piled me  27  jackets and sweaters,scarves and gloves.even a hat with earflaps.The gift of Sorel boots-comfortably warm at Canada’s 30 below,was a  28  we were getting serious.

That first winter together,living in upstate New York,I thought I’d  29  My boots were good below freezing,but my fingers could  30  tie them.Physical adaptation is real,but it came slowly.And there is also emotional  31  to cold.Some days I tell myself that I have enough beach memories to stick to on  32  days and other days I am reminded that living cold does indeed build  33 .

34 ,having a warm house is important.After my first marriage ended,for years I 35   ! went on a second date with a man whose response to my”I'm cold”was.”Put on a sweater.”Now I’m married to a man who  36  that cold hands do not mean a warm heart.And that a big oil bill is better than roses But surprisingly,I've grown,too.I am  37 ,in this new life and climate,to go look for that cost-saving sweater.

The word comfortable did not  38  refer to being contented.Its Latin root,comfortare, means to strengthen.The Holy Spirit is Comforter;not to make us comfortable,but to make us

39 .we  40  not be warm but we are indeed comforted.

21.A.set down          B.set about          C.set up          D.set out

22.A.lighting           B.burning            C.going           D.flashing

23.A.appears           B.starts             C.keeps           D.runs

24.A.something         B.everything        C.nothing         D.none

25.A.suggest           B.mean              C.overlook        D.enjoy

26.A.wear             B.stand              C.dress          D.ride

27.A  under            B.over               C.inside          D.with

28.A.remark           B.sign               C.warning        D.show

29.A.sleep             B.forget             C.die            D.continue

30.A.hardly            B.easily             C.tightly          D.loosely

31.A.health            B.reaction          C.feelings         D.adaptation

32.A.rainy             B.freezing           C.sunny          D.happy

33.A.character         B.love              C.hope           D.hardship

34.A.Meanwhile        B.However          C.Therefore       D.Besides

35.A.merely            B.ever             C.never           D.just

36.A.wonders          B.knows            C.states           D decides

37.A.unable            B.accustomed       C.interested       D.willing

38.A.originally          B.exactly           C.actually         D.namely

39.A.wild              B.cold              C.strong          D.warm

40.A.will              B.must              C.can            D.may




-Hello,Anne,it’s Jack here Can I speak to Robert,please?

-Hi,Jack.Robert_______in the garage,Can I get him to call you back?


A.has worked       B.is working       C.worked          D will work




Hundreds of houses fell down in the earthquake It seemed________that everything


A.all of a sudden

B.in a hurry

C.to our surprise

D.in a while



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