满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

She was wearing black high—heeled shoes ...

She was wearing black high—heeled shoes that      her skirt and jacket.






D 【解析】略

The car factory was built at       was once some good farnland.

A.the place where



D.the place what



This evening desert exploration includes     exciting drive,      camle ride and       Arabic food and music.

A./;a; an

B.an; a; /

C.an;/; an

D./; a; /













Nowadays many graduates are looking forward to obtain jobs in big cities, not willing to work in the countryside.That’s because it is hard for them to find jobs.In fact, there are no enough chances to satisfy the most of the job hunters in big cities while in the countryside talented people are bad needed and a lot of position are waiting for them.Rural areas were a vast world, when they can put their abilities to good use.Therefore, the college students should have the right attitude towards them and the jobs.I believe they can have as bright future in the country as they have in the city.



Many of the most damaging types of weather begin quickly, strike suddenly, and disappear rapidly, destroying small areas while leaving neighboring areas untouched.Such event as a tornado struck the northeastern part of Edmonton, Alberta, in July 1987.Total damages from the tornado went beyond $250 million, the highest ever for any Canadian storm.

Traditional computer models of the atmosphere have limited value in predicting short-lived local storms like the Edmonton tornado, because the available weather data are generally not detailed enough to allow computers to study carefully the slight atmospheric changes that come before these storms.In most nations, for example, weather-balloon observations are taken just once every twelve hours at places separated by hundreds of miles.With such limited data, traditional forecasting models do a much better job predicting general weather conditions over large areas than they do forecasting specific local events.

Until recently, the observation intensive method needed for exact, very short-range forecasts, or “Nowcasts,” was not possible.The cost of equipping and operating many thousands of conventional weather stations was extremely high, and the difficulties concerned in rapidly collecting and processing the weather data from such a network were hard to overcome.

Fortunately, scientific and technological advances have overcome most of these problems.Radar systems and satellites are all able to make detailed, nearly continuous observation over large areas at a lower cost.Communications satellites can send out data around the world cheaply and immediately, and modern computers can quickly collect and analyze this large amount of weather information.

Meteorologists(气象学者)and computer scientists now work together to design computer programs and video equipment able to change weather data into words and graphic displays that forecasters can understand easily and quickly.As meteorologists have begun using these new technologies in weather forecasting offices, Nowcasting is becoming a reality.

1.Why can’t traditional computer models predict short-lived local storms?

A.The weather data people collect are often wrong.

B.Detailed weather data in some small areas are not available.

C.The computers are not advanced enough to predict them.D.The computers are not used to forecast specific local events.

2.The word “Nowcast” in Paragraph 3 means ________.

A.a network to collect storm data     

B.a way of collecting weather data

C.a more advanced system of weather observation

D.a forecast which can predict weather in the small area

3.What can make “Nowcasts” a reality according to the passage?

A.Scientific and technological advances. B.Advanced computer programs.

C.Computer scientists.              D.Meteorologists.

4.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.The advantages of “Nowcasts”.        B.A tornado in Edmonton, Alberta.

C.The difficulty in predicting tornado.  D.A great development in weather forecast.



A team from Krakow, in Poland, used functional magnetic resonance imaging (机能性核共振成像)(FMRI)to assess brain activity when 40 volunteers were shown various images.Men showed activity in areas which dealt with what action they should take in order to avoid or face up to danger.But the study found more activity in the emotional centers of women's brains.The researchers, from another university, carried out scans on 21 men and 19 women.Brain activity was monitored while the volunteers were shown images of objects and images from ordinary life designed to remind different emotional states.

The images were displayed in two runs.For the first run, only negative pictures were shown.For the second run, only positive pictures were shown.

While viewing the negative images, women showed stronger and broader activity in the left thalamus(神经床).This is an area which passes sense information to the pain and pleasure centres of the brain.Men showed more activity in an area of the brain called the left insula(脑岛), which plays a key role in controlling natural functions, including breath, heart rate and digestion.Generally, activity in this area tells the body to either run away from danger, or meet it head on - the so-called "fight or flight response".

While viewing positive images, women showed stronger activity in an area of the brain associated with memory.With men, the stronger activity was recorded in an area associated with visual processing.Dr Urbanik believes these differences suggest women may analyze positive stimuli(刺激)in a broader social context and associate positive images with a particular memory.

For instance, viewing a picture of a smiling child might remind memories of a woman's own child at this age.On the contrary, male responses tend to be less emotional.

1.The research shows that men response differently to__________compared with women.

A.different images    B.ordinary life 

C.different activities        D.medical scan

2.According to the passage, when faced with danger, ____________.

A.women react more slowly than men       B.women usually try to avoid it 

C.men usually have no reaction         D.men react to it more directly

3.What is discussed in the 4 th paragraph?         .

A.Men and women’s different memories   B.The different responses to the children

C.Different reactions to positive stimuli    D.Negative results of the visual processing

3.The passage mainly develops______.

A.by inferring                   B.by comparing  

C.by listing examples       D.by giving explanations



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