满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

.____ the news, so far, has been good, t...


.____ the news, so far, has been good, there may be bad days ahead.

         A.While                 B.When      C.If     D.As


A 【解析】


—We’d better go downstairs right now for lunch.

         —____ They serve food 24 hours a day.

         A.Hurry up!            B.Take your time.                C.It doesn’t matter.  D.No way!




The traffic slowed down because of the heavy snow in Yushu County, presenting a new ____ to the recovery from the earthquake.

         A.suffering    B.disaster     C.damage     D.challenge




Mr.Smith’s decision to attend ____ ceremony tomorrow can be seen as ____ gesture of his intention to improve the relationship.

         A.the; the      B.a; a    C.the; a          D.a; the




在第76至80题中,Celia, Enoch, Martina, Brian和Derek准备选择一所大学就读。阅读下面六所大学的介绍(选项A、B、C、D、E和F),选出符合各人需求的最佳选项,选项中有一项是多余选项。

1  Celia’s mother is a nice kindergarten nurse and when she was very young she was in close touch with children. With time passing by, she has got interested in early children education and has made up her mind to follow her mother.

2   Enoch is from Texas of US whose grandparents were black slaves who worked on a south plantation(大种植园). He has learned some about his ancestors’ miserable past and wants to study the Black People in US. Also, he hopes the university will offer the dormitory equipped with the Internet so that he can have a good connection with his friends.

3   Martina’ mother, as well as many of her relatives, is an active member of the Women’s Right Movement. Influenced by them, Martina thinks highly of their work and takes part in their activities from time to time. She has decided to do more studies about the Women’s Right Movements after she graduates from school.

4  Brian expects to head for an exciting and challenging major which makes humans live better and longer when he enters university. What’s more, he is energetic and eager for an environment which is convenient for outdoor activities such as hiking , rafting so that he can enjoy a long life.

5   With the coming of IT age, Derek is determined to find a college or university where he can have cost-effective life-long learning with high quality so as so meet the needs of a changing and developing world. Then, can you guess what his head-for major may be?

A. Most exciting and full of opportunity, challenges and self-discovery, this university combines urban cultural lifestyle with small town safety. It has a mild climate and is ideal for outdoor activities such as hiking, rafting. Its main majors are Education, Engineering, Physical / Life Sciences and so on.

B. It is a community college located next to a famous resort town offering technical programs for students. Its task is to provide a comprehensive, student-centered college education and use a variety of teaching methods in the classroom. It owns the following majors: Music, Early Childhood Education, Economics and so on.

C. Our college is to achieve and maintain recognized excellence in education, service and leadership within a changing world. It is cost-effective life-long learning and prepares students for great careers. Its majors are Information Technology, Professional and Career Development Programs, Social Sciences and some others.

D. As a state-assisted private university, it was founded in 1929. The campus has grown significantly in size and scope. Residence halls are equipped with Internet access. The university offers 117 different majors including Art, Environmental Sciences, Black Affairs Studies Program, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering and so on.

E. This University has earned a reputation for providing quality education to meet the needs of students preparing for new careers of tomorrow. It is close to the city of Detroit , with a safe environment. The following majors are offered: Philosophy, Psychology, Women’s Studies Program, Social Work, etc.

F. In our university, students are treated as individuals, and are helped to be good at academics, art, music. Personalized instruction in a small classroom setting is possible. Students interact one-on-one with highly qualified professors. Our main majors are: Math / Computer Sciences, Social Sciences / Humanities and so on.



Sandeep Mukerji was on his first visit to Thailand but would leave the “Land of Smiles” with a frown and an empty pocket.

A stone’s throw from the Grand Palace in Bangkok, the 26-year-old Canadian ran into a monk in a robe. The monk told him that the attraction he was hoping to visit had been closed.

The monk then introduced Mukerji to a jewellery store instead. On the way there, three different people told him that it was the last day of a once-a-year, tax-free jewellery promotion to encourage tourism.

They said that tourists can make a lot of money by buying gems(宝石)in Thailand and selling them once at home.

Two hours later, Mukerji had spent US $ 1, 250 on a set of almost worthless jewellery in the jewellery store.

“The whole process took me by surprise. They take advantage of your greed,” he said.

In fact, Mukerji is just one of a huge number of tourists who are cheated by the promise of making a fortune. The scam(诡计)brings Thailand more than US $ 10 million each year.

Although tourist police stations have displayed posters to warn of the scam, many fresh-faced tourists still fall prey to the trick.

The police say they receive 5~10 complaints a day. Many more may not realize they have been cheated until they go back home.

That authorities say that the jewellery scam is harmful to Thailand’s image, but getting rid of the cheats is hard.

Sanit Miphan, head of the police, said the scam has been running for about 15 years but not one jewellery shop owner has been arrested.

The shops usually open for two weeks and then close. They reopen and register under a new name. What’s more, overcharging(要价过高)itself is not breaking the law.

Yet, to keep the tourism business alive, the police said they would take action against any shop receiving more than 10 complaints.

73. Sandeep Mukerji was cheated probably because of all the following EXCEPT that_______.

A. he was young

B. he believed that the monk wouldn’t cheat others

C. he had more or less the wish to try his fortune

D. the cheat scam was too skillful to be found out

74. How many people cheated Sandeen Mukerji?

A. Two        B. Three       C. Four          D. Five

75. Suppose everyone who was cheated lost as much as Mukerji did, how many visitors to Bankok would be cheated each year?

A. About 6, 000   B. About 8, 000   C. About 10, 000.    D. About12, 000.

76. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Thai tourist police are carrying out their task very efficiently.

B. The management of Thai tourist market is very strict.

C. Any shop receiving complaints will be punished as seriously as possible.

D. It is hard for the police to crack down(制裁) the cheats efficiently partly because many cheats’ deeds seem not to break the law.



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