满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意...




         It was my first day of high school, and I was late.My next class, German, scared me.I just could not speak that _21__.As the bell rang, I ran to the classroom.

         At the door, a hand reached out and  _22_ mine firmly.I looked up.A man with large glasses smiled.He _23__himself as Tony, which means teacher in German._24_, his warm smile and __25_ words eased my fears.That year, I __26_ his classes a great deal because I learned __27__just German.

         I admit I only speak a little German.__28_ I try to live out the life lessons I learned from Tony.

         Every day Tony stood  _29_ his classroom before and after class to give his “hand hug”.After school his room was always filled with students and he would _30_ to and chat with them—_31_  those not in his class.He taught me that every person is _32_ your time.

         One time, I was rejected by my friends.Tony told me, “Linda, life gives you _33.But learning its lessons will turn those ashes to jewels.” Therefore, I learned to look at my troubles   _34_  and not to fear any difficulty.

         In my senior year, I _35_ president of one of the school’s clubs, so I was very__36_.Many times I didn’t even have time to buy lunch.He served me by giving me his food as well as advice.He __37__ out what he taught us to do: __38_ others.

         The author William Arthur Ward _39_: “The mediocre(平庸的) teacher tells.The good teacher explains.The superior teacher demonstrates.The great teacher _40_.” Thank you Tony, for inspiring me.

21.A.country      B.language   C.nation         D.word

22.A.hit          B.beat   C.shook          D.patted

23.A.introduced          B.regarded   C.treated      D.considered

24.A.Once again         B.In addition C.For once     D.Right away

25.A.exciting      B.welcoming          C.disappointing     D.boring

26.A.escaped     B.heard          C.enjoyed      D.preferred

27.A.more than B.other than C.less than    D.rather than

28.A.And    B.So       C.But     D.Therefore

29.A.within         B.outside       C.beyond       D.ahead

30.A.say     B.listen C.talk    D.speak

31.A.ever   B.yet     C.still     D.even

32.A.worth         B.worthy       C.full of D.filled with

33.A.troubles     B.lessons       C.ashes          D.jewels

34.A.frequently B.similarly     C.hopefully    D.differently

35.A.made B.became      C.took   D.held

36.A.proud          B.capable      C.busy   D.free

37.A.proved        B.picked         C.put     D.lived

38  A.serve B.offer  C.give    D.teach

39.A.read   B.put     C.told    D.wrote

40.A.inspires      B.encourages        C.praises       D.excuses


21—40   BCADB   CACBB   DACDB   CDADA   【解析】


–Mr Zhu, can I go to meet you at four tomorrow afternoon?

–All right, I _____ to my office from a conference by then.I will be waiting for you there.

         A.have come back       B.will come back        

         C.will have come back         D.will be coming back




The committee is discussing the problem right now.It will _____ have been solved by the end of next week.

     A.eagerly           B.hopefully        C.immediately           D.gradually




I am fortunate enough to get a job that I love and _________, I can walk to work within 10 minutes.

         A.what’s more      B.that is to say      C.as a result D.on the other hand




—Are you sure the delegation will come to our school next week?

—____________.The head of it has just emailed me about the departure time of their flight.

         A.No wonder             B.Definitely not           C.Don’t mention it       D.You bet




—Jack, this is the third time that you have been late this week.

—Sorry, sir, but I was_____ for 15 minutes on the way here in the traffic jam.

         A.held up           B.put up             C.taken up        D.given up



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