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For the past year, the World Food Progra...

For the past year, the World Food Program has operated a project to prevent hunger in twenty-one countries in Africa. In the project, the United Nations agency works with small farmers to grow more and better produce.

The World Food Program buys the produce through local cooperative associations. Then it distributes the products within the country or area. The project works mainly with women. Sheila Sisulu from the World Food Program says the project aims to break a cycle that keeps people hungry. The situation is that farmers have to sell their produce at low prices after harvest, when supplies are greatest. Then they have to pay high prices to buy food for themselves during the "lean season," when supplies are limited.

But when farmers produce more food, they can sell more. And when they produce high-quality food, they can get higher prices. They can also store food for themselves, and have enough money to buy food if they need to during the lean season. Sheila Sisulu says the farmers are now starting to earn profits through the project.

The Food and Agriculture Organization and the International Fund for Agricultural Development help the farmers choose the best seeds and fertilizers. They also advise the farmers on the quality levels that the World Food Program requires to buy their produce.

Two other groups recently launched a separate effort to increase food security in Africa. The groups are the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa and the New Partnership for Africa's Development. They say African governments have to increase their investment in agriculture in order to fight problems related to climate change. The groups want the governments to develop programs in seeds, soil health, policy and markets.

Former United Nations chief Kofi Annan is the chairman of AGRA. The group's president, Namanga Ngongi, says many African governments are not meeting a target of spending ten percent of their national budgets on agriculture. But he says investment has risen from four percent of national budgets to probably five and a half percent today.

1. The underlined word “lean” in Paragraph 2 probably has the same meaning with ______.

A. He is a tall, lean and handsome boy, liked by many girls.

B. The changes made the company leaner and more competitive.

C. The company recovered well after going through several lean years.

D. The doctor told him that lean meat was healthier for his mother than fatty meat.

2. According to Sheila Sisulu, the project _____.

A. distributes the products within the whole world

B. has benefited few African farmers during the past year

C. enables the African farmers to sell their produce at low prices after harvest

D. can help the farmers to get away from the situation that keeps them hungry

3. The problem of hunger in Africa can possibly be relieved by ______.

A. United Nations chief

B. the World Food Program

C. African governments and farmers

D. the Food and Agriculture Organization

4. Which can be the best title?

A. Hunger, the most serious problem in Africa      

B. Two efforts seek to increase food security in Africa

C. A project to grow more and better produce in Africa

D. More investments in agriculture by African governments


 C  D  C 【解析】略

Sir William Osler has a few words for you: “In the Life of a young man the most essential thing for happiness is the gift of friendship.” Truer words were never spoken. For what more could you ask than comradeship during the peaks and valleys of life? To whom else but a close, valuable friend can you show off your successes and complain about your failures or losses?

What is a “good friend”? How is he best described? Well, it has been my observation that although many will cry with you, few can sincerely rejoice (欣喜) with you. Therefore, in my opinion, a good friend is one who can enjoy your successes without envy; one who can say, “That was wonderful! You can do it again, even better if you want!” and mean it. Nothing taxes a friendship more than the prosperity of one and not the other. Even the closest of friendships often cannot resist such pressure and fail. No wonder many minor friendships go down day by day for the same reason.

A person of good character and sound moral, of honor and humor, of courage and belief is a friend to be sought and treasured — for there are few. Too often we hear, “If you can count your good friends on more than one hand, consider yourself blessed.”

What makes a friendship last? Well, I don’t know all the answers, but one of my observations is that most good friends usually have similar tastes. They generally like and dislike many of the same things. There also usually seems to exist a similarity of personality types — especially in the fundamental values of life such as honesty, sincerity, loyalty, and dependability. More often than not, birds of a feather do fly together. I don’t think it matters a lot whether one prefers jazz or hockey to another’s Mozart or ballet. Much other matters far more: relying, sharing, giving, getting, enjoying; a sympathetic ear always there; criticism when it can help; praise — even if only because it would help. With not many people on this earth will you find this much in common. When you find one, hang on to him, for a good friend found is a rare treasure.

1. The function of Paragraph 1 is to introduce _____.

A. a famous saying 

B. the topic for discussion

C. a famous person 

D. two different attitudes

2. What is the meaning of the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2?

A. People don’t have to pay taxes to develop friendship with others.

B. Success of one person can promote his friendship with others.

C. Friendship can be affected by the difference in success between friends.

D. Nothing can affect friendship because it has gone through the peaks and valleys of life.

3. What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?

A. One is lucky to have many friends.

B. A friend should have a good character.

C. We should count our friends on more than one hand.

D. A true friend should be treasured because there are few.

4. According to the passage, which of the following plays the LEAST important role in a long-lasting friendship?

A. Hobbies.                            B. Tastes.

C. Personality.                          D. Sympathy.



During the school year many parents take on the role of driver as they drive their children from one lesson to another. Many of us want our children to have a little taste of everything, from organized sports to music, dance and more. But we can overdo it, leaving our children feeling a little burnt out, and according to parent educator Diane Loisie, it's their school work that suffers the most. "After school, if they're busy in a number of sporting events, besides they need to do their homework, then the time they'll feel sleepy is in the classroom. Your child needs free time. So if you're filling up that after school time, then it's during the day that they're going to be taking a break. "

Professor Claire McDermott agrees that there's a lot to be gained from sometimes putting those scheduled lessons and activities away. "Relaxing time is important for children. It's time just to do the things they want to do. A child can go up to their room, or they can play around. It doesn't look like productive time; parents certainly wouldn't be saying ‘Wow, are they ever learning things now?’  But this relaxing time gives both the body and the brain just a wonderful chance to relax after a day. It helps a child prepare for sleep, and it also helps to understand the learning that's gone on that day. "

It's hard to prevent signing our kids up for some activities and lessons. After all, many of us want our children to have a head start in life and the chance to join in great activities in the arts or sports is a part of that. However, Loisie feels that in the long run most children feel better with just a few key activities because it gives them an opportunity to master them. "When we get our children in too many activities because we want our children to experience everything, then what we're doing is setting them up not to be good at one thing or gaining a skill." So choose your children's activities wisely. It may be one of the best things you've ever done for your kids.

1. What is the biggest disadvantage for children to attend too many lessons after school?

A. They can get bored easily about everything.

B. They might have no time to do the homework.

C. They might not pay much attention to learning.

D. They can not easily focus on learning during the day.

2. What should we think of children's playing around aimlessly?

A. It is productive.                           

B. It is helpful.

C. It is a bad habit.                           

D. It is a waste of time.

3. Why should parents limit the activities our children attend?

A. Because children have no time.

B. Because children cannot learn many things.

C. Because children do not have enough sleep.

D. Because children cannot focus on too many activities.

4. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Don't be children's drivers after school.

B. Choose activities for your children wisely.

C. Make your children learn as much as possible.

D. Let children learn something from various subjects.



When asked about my plan for the future, I hope to get a job on the local newspaper at first and ________work for "China Daily".







Upon reaching an ________ age, more often than not, children are encouraged, but not forced, “ to leave the nest.”







Almost all job applicants are determined to leave a good _________ on a potential employer.







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