满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

写作(满分30分) 日常生活中我们经常可以看见一些乞丐在街上或地下人行通道乞讨。...


日常生活中我们经常可以看见一些乞丐在街上或地下人行通道乞讨。最近, 一些大城市如北京、上海等地通过法规禁止乞丐在地下人行通道行乞留宿。你们班就此事进行了讨论。请你根据以下讨论结果用英语写一篇短文。





3.参考词汇:地下人行道 subway    同情心 compassion。

In everyday life we often see some beggars begging in the streets or subways. Recently some big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai have passed the law to ban beggars from subways. We have had a discussion about it...                      _____         

______________________________________________________________  _



One possible version: In everyday life we often see some beggars begging in the streets or subways. Recently some big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai have passed the law to ban beggars from subways. We have had a discussion about it. 46% of the students are against the idea.They think it is not right for the government to forbid beggars begging in subways. Some beggars really have difficulties in making a living. They play music in subways to survive. We shouldn’t look down upon these people. The society should take some measures to help them. On the other hand, 54% of the students are for the idea.They think beggars won’t do any good to our city’s image. Beggars make a lot of trouble for the city. What’s worse, some beggars are just taking advantage of other people's compassion to make easy money. So the government should forbid beggars public places. 【解析】略



When your family travels or is away from its usual eating and sleeping routines, probably someone will get sick. It can take time to adapt to the food, water and air in a new environment, and kids can be especially __________________________ travel-related problems, including motion sickness, diarrhea(腹泻),and infections(传染病).

Motion sickness is caused by a disagreement between the eyes and ears: the inner ears notice movement. But the eyes, focused within a car or other vehicles, do not. These different signals coming into the brain cause a lot of problems such as sickness, dizziness, paleness, and cold sweats. Motion sickness often happens on ships and boats, but it can also affect kids when they travel in planes, buses, and cars. Here are some ways to help kids fight motion sickness:

★Before you leave, have your child eat a light meal, as motion sickness seems worse on an empty stomach. Provide foods that are easily digested and avoid fatty foods.

★Try to avoid eating during short trips. For longer trips, have a small amount of drinks and eat light, small meals and snacks.

★If your child is feeling sick, provide some mild foods, like crackers(超薄饼干).

★Encourage kids to look outside the car, rather than inside. They should focus on still objects---not moving ones---or a far point.

★Keep the window open a little to allow fresh air in.

★Use a headrest to reduce head movement.

★Make frequent stops, if your child complains of feeling sick and it’s safe to stop, a short walk for some fresh air might help.

76.What is the best title for the passage?(with in 10 words)

__________                      _    ______________________________________

77.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

These mixed signals which enter the brain can lead to a series of illnesses such as sickness, dizziness, paleness, and cold sweats.

__________                      _    ______________________________________

78.Fill in the blanks in the first paragraph with proper words.(with in 10 words)

__________                     _    ______________________________________

79.Please give another suggestion to prevent motion sickness.(with in 30words)

__________                      _    ______________________________________

__________                      _    ______________________________________

80.Translation the underlined sentence into Chinese.

__________                      _    ______________________________________



Over time, the custom of kissing developed as a way for adults to express their love and affection for one another. The roots of this form of affection can be traced back to primitive times, when mothers fondled their children, much as mothers do today.

Much later, in the sixth century, society apparently accepted the custom of kissing between adults as expression of their affection. Not surprisingly, France first accepted kissing in courtship (求爱).There, figure dancing was popular, and each dance was sealed with a kiss.

The custom of kissing swept from France through Europe to Russia, where Russian nobility loved to imitate the French. Eventually, the kiss was incorporated into marriage ceremonies, and today lip – locks couples into sweet matrimony.

The custom of kissing today, as well as in ancient times, serves to pay homage to another. For example, early Romans kissed each other on the mouth or on the eyes to greet one another in a manner they thought to be dignified (valued and respected). One Roman emperor even ranked a person’s importance by the body part he was allowed to kiss. He allowed important nobles to kiss his lips, less important ones to kiss his hands, and the least important ones to kiss his feet.

In Russia, the highest sign of recognition from the Crown meant kiss from the Tsar himself. Today, natives of many African tribes pay homage to their Chief by kissing the ground over which he has walked.

61.What’s mainly talked about in the passage?

A.The way to express love and respect.

B.The expression of affection.

C.The custom of kissing.

D.The function of kissing.

62.Which of the following can best explain the word “homage” in the fourth paragraph?

A.Recognition.      B.Respect.    C.Importance.       D.Appreciation.

63.It can be learned from the passage that kissing            .

A.is a widely accepted way to show love and affection

B.used to be a proper way to show love on wedding ceremonies

C.is a universally accepted way of greeting in the world

D.from the Tsar is a sign of being accepted from the Grown

64.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.It was Russia that made the custom of kissing go to the whole world.

B.Early Africans kissed each other on the mouth or eyes to greet one another.

C.One Roman emperor allowed important nobles to kiss his nose.

D.Russian nobility followed the custom of kissing from the French.

65.We can infer from the passage that          .

A.mother developed the custom of kissing.

B.kissing means differently on different occasions

C.figure dancing was usually sealed with a kiss in Russia

D.society found it hard to accept kissing in public in the sixth century



Nothing can spoil a vacation quicker than losing your money or credit cards. A few simple steps before you head out of the door can help protect your cash, card and personal information while you’re traveling.

Paul Stephens, a policy analyst San Diego, notes that people spend a lot of time planning their trips, from buying guidebooks to finding just the right beach outfits(装备).“But their eyes glaze(呆滞) over when the subject of keeping money safe comes up,” he said.

“Why not take a few minutes to do something that could probably save your vacation?” Stephens asked.“In most cases, they can go on your to-do list with‘ buy travel bags’ and everything else,” he added.

The top recommendation is to clean your wallet. Remove unnecessary credit cards and any other unneeded documents that could compromise(危及...的安全)your identity if lost or stolen while you’re on vocation.

Then make a photocopy of the cards you’ve decided to take along and keep it in a secure location with you(not in your wallet)or leave it with a trusted relative or friend back home. Then you will know who you need to contact and how to reach it if your wallet is missing.

“Travelers should never leave their wallets or any identifying documents in their hotel room when they’re not there,” he said.” Choose a hotel with a safe to keep your valuable things in. Or keep your wallet and documents with you at all times. ”

56.According to passage, _______can destroy one’s vacation the most quickly.

A.being lost on vacation        B.losing money or credit cards

C.living in a bad hotel.      D.losing contact with family

57.What does the underlined word stand for?

A.The people who are going traveling.

B.The outfits that are prepare4d for traveling.

C.The suggestions on what to buy when traveling.

D.The steps to avoid losing money or credit cards.

58.What should people do with their wallet before they go on vacation?

A.Take it with them all the time.

B.Put it in a safe place at the hotel

C.Remove unnecessary cards and documents.

D.Leave it with family or friend.

59.What is the topic of the passage?

A.How to prepare for travel.

B.How to be happy during your vacation.

C.How to keep cash and cards safe on vacation.

D.How to protect your luggage on vacation.

60.According to the passage, we know ______.

A.people don’t always know how to protect their money or credit cards

B.people should take a lot of money with them while traveling

C.people can leave their identifying documents in rooms, if the hotel is expensive

D.people can spend a few minutes preparing the luggage for travelling





As Amy Hagadorn rounded the corner across the hall from her classroom, she knocked into a tall boy from the fifth grade running in the opposite direction.

“  36  ”the boy shouted.Then, with a silly smile on his face, the boy   37   his right leg and walked the way Amy limped(跛行)when she walked.

Amy closed her eyes. “  38  him!” She told herself as she headed for her classroom.

But at the end of the day, Amy was still thinking about the tall boy’s   39   way. It wasn’t as if he were the only one. It seemed that ever since Amy started the third grade, someone laughed at her  40  . Kids made fun of her about her   41  or her limping. Amy was   42  it. Sometimes, even in a classroom full of other students, the teasing(嘲笑)made her feel   43  alone.

Back home at the dinner table that evening, Amy was   44  . Her mother knew that things were not going well at   45  . That’s why she was happy to have some exciting news to   46  with her daughter.

“There is a Christmas   47   contest on the radio station,” Amy’s Mom announced.“  48  a letter to Santa, and you might win a prize. I think   49  at the table with blonde(白肤金发的)curly hair should enter.”

A   50  took hold of Amy when the idea first came to her. Out came pencil and paper, and Amy went to work on her letter. “Dear Santa Claus,” she began.

While Amy worked at her letter, the rest of the family tried to   51  what she might ask from Santa.Amy’s sister, Jamie, and Amy’s Mom both thought a three-foot Barbie doll would   52   Amy’s wish list. Amy’s Dad guessed a picture book. But Amy wasn’t   53  to tell her secret Christmas wish just then. Here is Amy’s letter to Santa, which she wrote that night:

Dear Santa Claus,

My name is Amy. I am nine years old.I have a problem at school. Can you help me, Santa? Kids laugh at me    54  the way I walk and run and talk. I have cerebral palsy(脑瘫). I just want one   55   when no one laughs at me or makes fun of me.

36.A.Go ahead   B.Watch it   C.Make it     D.Mind you

37.A.lived up to         B.got down to      C.took hold of       D.started at



38.A.Blame         B.Beat          C.Scold  D.Ignore

39.A.funny         B.angry         C.silly    D.unfriendly

40.A.more than one day    B.every other day

C.every single day        D.on particular day

41.A.speaking    B.listening     C.reading      D.writing

42.A.tired of      B.free from   C.angry with         D.satisfied with

43.A.surprisedly         B.all       C.exactly      D.even

44.A.calm  B.eager          C.quiet  D.pleased

45.A.school       B.home C.dinner         D.play

46.A.work  B.connect      C.share D.talk

47.A.singing       B.speech       C.dancing      D.wish



48.A.To write     B.Written     C.Write D.Having written

49.A.everyone   B.someone   C.nobody       D.anyone

50.A.sadness     B.smile C.coldness    D.cry

51.A.guess          B.recognize  C.read   D.consider

52.A.form  B.make C.top     D.reach

53.A.contented B.surprised   C.lucky  D.ready

54.A.in front of          B.in spite of          C.in place of          D.because of

55.A.friend        B.day   C.classmate D.way



The two phrases are similar ____ structure but different _____ meaning.

A.in; in

B.to; to

C.in; from

D.with; from



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