满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

In case it thunders, we’d better ______...

 In case it thunders, we’d better _____________ the electricity at once and turn off the TV.

A.cut in

B.cut off

C.cut down

D.cut away


B 【解析】略

He is such a _____________ teacher that he knows what his students need.







 Captain James Cook took _____________ of the islands in 1769 and from that time British people started to settle in New Zealand.







附加题 : 本大题供所有同学选做,每小题2分,共20分,得分计入总成绩。


It was very kind for them to meet me at the railway station.

A             B       C       D

Some people read the books and watch TV while others have sports.

A                   B    C       D

They will very happy when I tell them the news.

A         B   C         D

I had to drive to home because my friend Bob had drunk too much beer.

A        B                           C        D

I′ll have the car wait at the gate.Will that be all right?

A         B               C      D

Tom and Jane went on do their homework till midnight.

A     B        C     D

I want to thank you again for have me in your home for the holiday .  

A               B     C          D

That pair of trousers of yours are very dirty, you’d better clean it.  

A       B  C                      D

Know some everyday English will be of great help.

A           B                 C     D

We hope you a pleasant trip back home.

A      B   C          D






例:We______(起床)before dawn, it was still dark outside.(get)

答案:got up

71 He always _____________________(作弄) his classmates, which made them unhappy.( tricks)

72 Her mother was ill so she had to look after her _______________(夜以继日地).(day)

73 The boy __________________________(正盼望) being given a birthday present.(forward)

74 If you _________________(想要减轻体重) , here are some do’s and don’ts.(lose)

75 Don’t be tempted to cheat,--you’ll never ________________(被放过) it.(get)

76 Hard as he is working, he can only just _______________(维持生活).(earn)

77 _______________(说实话), I am not satisfied with what you did.(honest)

78 Trees used to _____________(被砍倒) for firewood in the past.(cut)

79 After having worked together for three years, they finally ________________(彼此相爱) . (fall)

80 We are worrying about ____________________(下一步我们该做什么).(what)



Guangzhou (Xinhua)——12 people were killed and 20 injured early yesterday morning when they jumped from a burning train car into the path of an oncoming goods train in Southern China. When No. 247 Wuchang——Guangzhou passenger train was passing the Dayaoshan Tunnel in Guangdong Province, South China at 00 :17 yesterday, a fire caused by passengers' smoking broke out on No. 17 car. They wanted to extinguish fire. As the train stopped some frightened passengers jumped from windows. 12 people were crushed to death and 20 others injured by a northward passing goods train(No. 1766)。

1. In which direction did the passenger train travel?

A. Northward. B. Southward. C. Eastward. D. Westward.

2. When did the accident happen?

A. At 00:17 am.           B. At 00:17 pm.

C. At seventeen past one.  D. At seventeen to one.

3. Where did the accident happen?

A. In Wuchang.  B. In Guangzhou.

C. In Hubei.   D. In Guangdong.

4. What was the cause of the fire?

A. A heavy rain.   B. High temperature. C. Carelessness.   D. Fear.



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