满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Football, to me, is more than just a gam...

Football, to me, is more than just a game. I have probably learned more than valuable lessons from it than from school.

When I joined the team freshman year, I didn’t realize what I was getting into. Even though I had been playing since fourth grade and knew it was hard work, nothing would prepare me for the effort I would put into football that year. We worked all summer in the weight room and ran on the track to get in physical and mental shape before the season.

See, football is more of a mental sport than anything else, so running on the track wasn’t only about getting in shape . We would push our minds by running as hard as we could even if we felt like we were going to pass out. At the beginning, I was immature (幼稚的) and only thought of myself, sometimes even giving up when I was tired or hurting. Then after the third game I had a season-ending injury. Imagine working all summer and then only being able to play three games! I needed surgery on my arm and at least five months to recover.

After freshman year I decided that I would always give my best effort. Playing varsity (大学代表队) football has taught me so much more than just what my tasks are on a particular play or how to block. I have learned to think about others first, and realized how important working hard is. Being with all my friends, even sweating and bleeding with them, really made us unite as a group of hard-working young men, who will succeed in life.

65. What is the text mainly about?

A. How the author dislikes the game of football.

B. When the author began to play football.

C. How the author has changed his attitude to football.

D. What sport the author likes best.

66. The author thinks football is ________.

A. just a game    B. of a mental sport    C. hard to pass out  D. not worth his effort

67. From the text we can infer ________.

A. the author joined the football team with a clear aim.

B. football only brought the author certain tasks

C. the author worked all summer to get ready for the season.

D. the author never lost heart when he met with difficulties.

68. In the third paragraph, the phrase “getting in shape” probably means ________.

A. becoming physically fit             B. designing the playground

C. losing weight                     D. measuring the track


 C  B  C  A 【解析】略


Making your stay a complete success is our goal. Just let our manager on duty of front-desk staff know if any part of your stay isn’t satisfactory. We promise to make it right or you won’t pay for that part of your stay.


If you forget to pack any standard toiletry item(tooth brush, toothpaste, shaving cream, razor or comb), just call the front-desk and we’ll get you a free replacement right away.


We invite you to join with us to save water by using your towels more than once.

In addition to decreasing water and energy waste, you can help us reduce the amount of waste water that must be recycled within our community.

Please hang the towels up if you wish to join in the program----if not, simply leave them on the floor.  

We appreciate your help!


The Project Planet Program is an effort of this hotel to protect the environment by saving water and decreasing waste water. If you are staying with us more than one night, as part of the Project Planet Program, we will wash your sheets every three days.

If you would prefer not to join in this program, simply hang this card on the outside of your door and sheets will be changed right away. As always sheets are automatically changed after every guest checks out .

We appreciate your help!

61. We can find this passage in a ________ in a hotel.

A. café bar        B. front-desk    C. fitness center     D. guest room

62.If you forget your comb, you can         .

A. buy one in the hotel shop    B. replace one with a tooth brush

C. phone the front-desk to get one D. go in person and get one at the front desk

63. Leaving the towels on the floor means that        .

A. you want to join in the program B. you want the room-maid to hang it up

C. you need them collected and washed         D. you want to use them more than once

64. What is the Project Planes Program trying to do?

A. Make your bed sheets cleaner.   B. Work for a better environment.

C. Help guests checking out faster.         D. Persuade guests to stay longer.





I used to find notes left in the collection basket of the church, beautiful notes about my homilies (讲道) and about the writer’s thoughts on the daily readings. The  41   attracted me .But it was a long time  42   I met the author of the notes.

One Sunday morning, I was 43   that someone was waiting for me in the office, a young woman who said she  44   all the notes. When I saw her I was  45   , since I had no idea that it was she who wrote the notes. She was sitting in a chair in the office. Her  46   was bowed and when she raised it to look at me, she could hardly  47   without pain. Her face was disfigured (畸形) , so smiling was very  48   for her.

We  49   for a while that Sunday morning and agreed to meet for lunch later that week.

As it  50   , we went to lunch several times, and we shared things about our  51   . We spoke of authors we were both  52   , and it was easy to tell that  53   are a great love of hers.

She suffered from a disfigurement that cannot be made to look  54   . I know that her condition  55   her deeply. Yet there was a beauty to her that had nothing to do with her  56   . She was one to be listened to, whose words came from a wounded  57   loving heart. She possessed a fine tuned sense of beauty. Her only  58   in life was the loss of a friend.

The truth of her life was a desire to see beyond the  59   for a glimpse (瞥) of what it is that matters. She found beauty and grace,  60   befriended her and showed her what is real.

41. A. heading       B. paragraph                C. notes                      D. baskets

42. A. since           B. after                       C. when                    D. before

43. A. told            B. managed                  C. intended                    D. proved

44. A. lost            B. left                         C. dropped                         D. collected

45. A. shocked        B. satisfied                   C. frightened                D. disappointed

46. A. hand           B. arm                       C. head                   D. neck

47. A. cackle         B. smile                            C. speak                   D. bow

48. A. tense      B. unfair                      C. ugly                     D. difficult

49. A. chatted                B. discussed                 C. drank                   D. greeted

50. A. turned up       B. turned out                 C. came out                D. came up

51. A. families        B. beliefs                   C. hobbies                  D. lives

52. A. popular with     B. fond of                   C. familiar to                D. concerned in

53. A. friends          B. churches             C. writings                   D. books

54. A. bold        B. cheerful            C. attractive                       D. generous

55. A. hurt            B. impressed             C. prevented             D. defeated

56. A. fame            B. wealth              C. interest               D. appearance

57. A. and             B. or                  C. but                             D. also

58. A. fear             B. condition             C. focus                     D. anger

59. A. dream           B. surface             C. imagination             D. wisdom

60. A. it               B. they                C. which                   D. that





31.   New Zealand  _________________________ (由… 组成) two large islands: North Island and South Island.(make)

32. The story of how I got my new job, and came to be  _________________________ (和…关系好) my boss is a funny one.  ( terms)

33. _________________________ (是在这片地上) the farmers produce food for the whole population of China.  (it)

34. They _______________________ (冒着失去…的危险) everything to save the girl.  (risk)

35. You won’t have a good harvest if you _________________________ (违背自然) and do things at the wrong time of the year.  (go)

36. The students were late for class yesterday for _________________________ (各种各样的原因) .  (variety)

37. _________________________ (追溯到) the Qin Dynasty, the traditional Xiangsheng Show is still one of the main Chinese art forms to entertain people.  (date)

38. Chinese MaoTai ____________________ (质量上乘) and is sold all over the country. (of)

39. _________________________ (他们的共同点) is that they combine fun with the opportunity to learn something.  (what)

40. New Zealand has a population of about 3.8 million people, _______________________(其       

中14%)  Maori.  (which)



.Some farmers have _____________ keeping deer, and there are now about 4,500 deer farms in the country.

A.turned to

B.turned into

C.turned up

D.turned down



If you try to learn too many things at a time, you may get _____________ .







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