满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

第二节:短文写作(共1题;满分25分) 2010年4月14日,青海省玉树地区发生...


2010年4月14日,青海省玉树地区发生了大地震,造成了很多伤亡,损失惨重。地震是一种自然灾害,是人类所不能改变的。那么我们该怎样做才能使人们尽量免受地震带来的伤害呢?请你以“What Can We Do to Protect Our People from an Earthquake?”为题写一篇100词左右的英语小文章,向某英文报社投稿。




(One possible version) What can we do to protect our people from an earthquake? On April 14, 2010, a big earthquake attacked yushu qinghai province.  A great number of people lost their lives or were badly injured, and the economy also suffered greatly. All these lead us to think about a serious question---- what can we do to protect our people from an earthquake? As we know, earthquake are a kind of natural disaster we can’t keep from happening. But we can do lots of things to protect our people. First, we should build buildings strong enough to survive an earthquake. Also, we should spread basic knowledge about earthquakes among people. For example, students in schools should be taught how to react once an earthquake occurs. Moreover, more emergency shelters should also be build all over the country. Most importantly, we should keep it in mind that as long as all of us draw together, nothing can ruin us. 【解析】略




71.She ____________________(不可能已离开学校), for her bike is still here.(leave)

72.The day ______________________(我们一直盼望的)is coming . (look)

73. Since the Reform and Opening up,_________________(发生巨大变化)here. (take)

74. ——Mother, you Promised!

——Well, so I did ,But it was you ________________(没有遵守诺言)first. (keep)

75.___________ (我们应该保持镇静)in the face of an emergency is the most important. (keep)

76. In spring Festival , children ususlly__________________(穿新衣服)。 (dress)

77. The childrem went home from the grammar school with_____ (他们的功课都做完了).(finish)

78. Many people hold the view ____________________(他说的话)is right.(that)

79. The children _______________(好像在吃)something in the room when I came in (seem)

80. Over the past five years, the old man as well as his three kids______(靠乞讨谋生). (earn)





As a teenager, I didn’t get along well with my mother before . She 31 every aspect of my life, leaving me unable to have my 32 space.

About two years ago, I had a 33 with her . I just couldn’t control my bad temper that day . I said something  34  to mum . Mum was hurt, but she went away without saying anything .

When I was  35  at home, I started to recall the happy time we spent together and realized that I should 36  .But when I saw mum, the  37  moments pushed all the thoughts of saying sorry out of my head. I came back to my bedroom, feeling distracted (心烦意乱). That night I didn’t   38 well.

The next day, I got up earlier than usual. And I 39  a letter beside my bed. It was mum! In this letter, mum   40 how she loved me and how she worried about me . The 41  of mum’s love raced through my mind when I read it . I couldn’t help crying. I went out of bedroom and saw mum standing there   42 me.

“I am sorry, mum . Please 43 me !” I said with a guilty conscience(愧疚感) . Then I saw tears of 44 coming into mum’s eyes. We embraced(拥抱) emotionally. That moment was totally in my 45 forever.

From then on,   46 there is argument between us ,we will write our feelings and thoughts to each other. Then we can 47 and soon get along well.

By telling my story, I just want  48 people to know that if you have problems with your parents try to find the  49  . Never think that you have nothing to talk with them.They are the persons who always love you and stand  50  you! Maybe they’ve hurt you before , probably just because they didn’t know how to express love.

31. A. took notice of     B. took care of      C. took hold of      D. took the place of

32. A. private        B. wide   C. empty D. quiet

33. A. talk      B. conflict      C. instruction  D. decision

34. A. cheerful       B. wonderful  C. helpful       D. hurtful

35. A. asleep   B. sleepy C. alone  D. lonely

36. A. complain     B. tolerate      C. change       D. apologize

37. A. unhappy      B. uncertain    C. unfriendly  D. unfamiliar

38. A. eat       B. feel     C. sleep   D. live

39. A. wrote   B. found  C. accepted    D. read

40. A. implied B. explained   C. declared     D. promised

41. A. words   B. stories C. records       D. details

42. A. pointing at   B. staring at   C. waiting for D. looking for

43. A. forgive B. accept       C. forget D. punish

44. A. happiness     B. regret  C. sadness       D. shame

45. A. diary   B. memory    C. imagination       D. life

46. A. because       B. unless C. if       D. although

47. A. understand   B. play   C. think D. relax

48. A. unkind  B. impatient    C. adult D. young

49. A. answers       B. difficulties  C. solutions    D. suggestions

50. A. for      B. by      C. in      D. against



Most people are _________ bringing down the price of housing as it is too high.

A.in honour of

B.in seaceh of

C.in charge of

D.in favour of



Many social services are provided by ________ societies and organizations that don’t expect any material payment







. I suggest you buy this one . It is ________ more expensive but it can be used for a longer time .







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