满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



Dear Mr. Takashhi,

I am writing to apologize for any misunderstandings that occurred when I showed you around Beijing the other day. I noticed that you were a bit   31  when I put the business card you gave me in my   32  without looking at it. And   33  did not know why you kept making an OK sign and why you   34  so many things. After reading a magazine article, I know that Japanese people give out their business cards   35  they greet others and they would like others to look at their cards carefully. So I should have read your   36  before I put it in my pocket. And I also know why you bought so many things   37 . Because gift-giving is expected in Japan and on a trip, you must bring back lots of   38 . As for the OK sign, I now know it is a request for small change.

I feel very sorry for not having known these   39  habits earlier. I hope you can forgive me for all these misunderstandings. I hope   40  our next meeting will be happier.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hualing

1. A. pleased       B. upset            C. excited          D. encouraged

2. A. hand          B. box              C. watch            D. pocket

3. A. I             B. you              C. we               D. nobody

4. A. made          B. saw              C. bought           D. eat

5. A. unless        B. before           C. after            D. when

6. A. faces         B. books            C. cards            D. clothes

7. A. there         B. here             C. home             D. everywhere

8. A. gifts         B. photos           C. pictures         D. sweets

9. A. strange       B. rare             C. unusual          D. cultural

10. A. which        B. that             C. when             D. where


 B  A  D  C  A  A  D  B  B  B(此题所提供答案错误。原答案提供的选项为A项。所以此题答案有些争议。老师可以根据自己的理解来得出最后最佳答案。) 【解析】 1.根据后文名片放在我手里没有看而且后面液体在日本人们给名片都会仔细看可知你可能是难过的。 2.名片当然是放在我的手上。 3.没有人(nobody)知道你为什么不停做OK手势,并且买那么多的东西。这里双重否定表示肯定。 4.根据后文可知买(buy)那么多的东西是作为礼物赠送给他人的。 5.我看过一本杂志后才知道日本人发放名片时,除非(unless)相互问候,他们都希望别人仔细地看他们的名片。 6.把名片放进口袋之前我本应该看看你表情的(faces)。 7.我也了解你为什么买那么多的东西。买东西是到处买,所用everywhere。 8.旅途回家要带很多东西和照片(photos)回家的。 9.根据第一段的误解,可知是由于不同家文化不通的缘故,所以说我不知道这些少有的(rare)习惯。 10.hope后跟宾语从句用that引导。

I knew that the lady _____ Bill when she spoke of a bright young fellow.   

A.referring to

B.was referring to

C.pointed at

D.was pointing at



I could have turned to Mr. Smith for help, but he ______ too busy then.



C.should be

D.has been



– Do you like living here?

-- Yes, but I’m still ____ to the new time zone.







________ stop advertising, prices would be greatly reduced.

A.Were they to

B.Could they

C.If they

D.Would they



The speaker is giving a rather _______ speech, as I can judge from the _______ look on the listeners.

A.inspiring; inspiring

B.inspired; inspired

C.inspiring; inspired

D.inspired; inspiring



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