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New York State has passed the USA’s firs...

New York State has passed the USA’s first state law banning motorists talking on hand-held cell phones. The ban will begin November 1, although drivers caught using hand-held cell phones will be given only warnings during the first month.

First-time violators(违法者) will face a $100 fine. A second time call for a $200 fine and every violation after that will cost$500.

At least a dozen localities(地方) have established bans, starting in 1999; and 40 states have had bans proposed but not passed.At least 23 countries, including the Great Britain, Italy, Israel and Japan, ban drivers from using hand-held cell phones.

There are about 115 million cell phones in use in the United States and more than 6 million in New York State.

“To think that I’m not going to use cell phone when at the same time I can still use my laptop, I still can read a paper, I can still change my pants(裤子) while driving 65 mph. I think there’s just something wrong,” an official said.

Other critics noted that other things like eating, drinking coffee and applying make-up while driving posed(造成) at least as much of a concern. They suggested that the ban include a broader range of things.

1.How much fine will a hand-held cell phone user receive if he has been caught using it four times while driving after November?

A.$500.     B.$1000.   C.$1200.   D.$1300.

2.We can see from this passage that _______. 

A.the ban has been put into effect in most states in the U. S.

B.many of the developed countries forbid drivers using hand-held cell phones

C.over fifty localities or states ban drivers from using hand-held cell phones

D.more people in the U. S. are against the ban than for it

3.The official mentioned in this passage _______. 

A.does not agree with this ban

B.doesn’t believe using hand-held cell phones while driving will cause any danger

C.doesn’t understand why hand-held cell phones alone should be banned among many others

D.believes changing pants while driving will cause greater danger

4.The writer intends to tell us in the last paragraph that _______.

A.it is not fair to have this ban passed

B.the ban will never be passed in the whole country

C.more activities of the same kind should also be banned

D.the ban will meet with more criticism

5.This article is most probably taken from _______.

A.a newspaper article            B.an advertisement

C.a personal diary                    D.a letter


 D  B  C  C  A 【解析】略



Everybody has had at least one experience from which he knows the meaning of life. This time, which took place several years ago, but seems as if it just happened.

On an afternoon several years ago, my brother-in-law opened the bottom drawer of my sister’s dress and picked out a beautiful skirt. “ Jan bought this the first time we went to New York, at least 8 or 9 years ago. She never wore it. She was saving it for a special occasion.” he said.I guess this was the occasion: it was the funeral of my sister, after her unexpected death.

He took the shirt and put it on bed, with the other clothes we were taking to the funeral. Then he closed the drawer and turned to me, “Don’t ever save anything for a special occasion. Every day you’re alive is a special occasion.”

I’m thinking about his words, and they’ve changed the way I live my life. I’m spending more time with my family and friends and less time in committee meetings. Whenever possible, life should be a kind of experience to enjoy, not to suffer. “Someday ”and “one of these days ”are losing their importance  on my vocabulary. If it’s worth seeing or hearing or doing, I want to see and hear and do it now.

Ever since that day, I have been trying very hard not to put off, hold back or save anything that would add laughter and color to our lives. Every morning when I open my eyes, I tell myself that every day, every minute, every breath, truly is a gift. So cherish every day and find the true meaning of your life.

56.Why did Jan buy the beautiful skirt but didn’t wear it?

A.She waited for a special occasion to wear it on.

B.She wanted to keep it for someone else.

C.She saved it till she grew up.

D.She would give it to herself as a gift some day.

57.What does the underlined word “cherish” mean?

A.Treasure.  B.Waste.      C.Own. D.Save

58.From his experience, the author learns that_______.

A.everybody can have a happy life through efforts

B.every day in our lives is worth cherishing

C.enjoying ourselves is the most important thing in our lives

D.everybody will have some things left to do after his death

59.What does the author write this passage for?

A.To show how to make good use of everyday in life.

B.To explain the true meaning of his brother-in-law’s words.

C.To tell people to cherish every day and find the meaning of life.

D.To encourage people to waste time and enjoy themselves in life.

60.What’s the best title for this passage?

A.Every Day IS a Gift      

B.My Sister Jan

C.What Is the Meaningful Life like   

D.The Most Important Time in Your Life



Seeing me, Tom---- one of my old friend, walked across the street ______ to me, saying “Long time no see.”

A.holding out

B.shouting out

C.reaching out

D.stretching out



We must know what we should do and what we should avoid ______a good impression on others in public place.

A.to leave


C.to have left




.As you        the town, the first building you see is the church.









当今,快餐在中国很流行,但快餐对人的身体却没什么好处。请根据下面要点,以“FAST FOOD” 为题写一篇英语短文。

1. 快餐在中国十分流行,尤其是儿童和青少年喜欢吃快餐。

2. 快餐受欢迎至少有三个方面的原因;

⑴ 方便、节约时间;⑵ 既可在快餐店里吃又可带回家吃;⑶ 店里的环境干净、舒服;

3. 快餐不是健康食品;

4. 建议:孩子要尽量少吃快餐。

注意: 1. 词数:100左右;

       2. 可适当发挥,以使文章紧凑连贯;

Nowadays fast food is becoming more and more popular in China, especially among children and teenagers    




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