满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My cousin is a person __________ I can d...


My cousin is a person __________ I can discuss my problems.

A. with whom         B. who          C. whom        D. that


A 【解析】


. Nowadays online games _______ teenagers.

A. is popular of                 B. is popular among 

C. are popular of                D. are popular among




 ---What do you ______ the waste bottles?

---We can sell them instead of throwing them away.

A. deal with       B. to deal with      C. do with      D. to do with




Only thirty per cent of ______ parents say that they know what their children like to do after _____ school.

A. /, the          B. a ,the          C. the, /              D. a, a    



Direction: Complete the sentence with correct words.(12 points)

79   谣言证明是假的。

The  rumor ___________ ____________ to be false.


He is determined to ____________ his ___________.


We have _______ ________ the new life.


She ________ herself ______the cause of teaching and was loved and respected by her students.


Don’t ___________ me _________ your trouble.


We must carry through the _________ ________ pollution.



Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and the required words limit.(6 points)

Write your answers on your answer sheet.

As we rush through our busy days accomplishing our tasks-work,kids,shopping,cleaning, eating and so on,we often complain that we don’t feel good.There is a simple,quick,and effective way that you can feel better throughout the day and also be more attractive.

All you have to do is smile more.

Smiling changes your attitude,whether you realize it or not.If you have any doubts,next time you feel down,start smiling and thinking positive thoughts and see what happens.You can’t help but have a better attitude when you smile.

Smiling also raises your confidence.

Smiling affects your emotions because of a brain-body connection.It triggers scientifically measurable activity in the left,frontal cortex-the area of the brain where happiness is registered.

Your face has 44 muscles between the skin,cartilage(软骨),blood and bone that you contort(扭曲), flex, and move.This lets you make over 5000 different types of expressions.That’s a lot of expressions! And each will have a different effect on your feelings and those looking at you.

Now that you know how good smiling is for you,make a conscious effort to use this smile  exercise a minimum of six times throughout your day.When you smile,remember to breathe in  through your nose and think positive thoughts.This I guarantee will have a positive influence on  your day and in your life.So smile!  

76.How can you feel good and be more attractive according to this passage?(within 2 words.)

_______________________________________________________________________________77.Why can we make more than 5,000 different types of expressions?(within 19 words.)

_______________________________________________________________________________78.What are the benefits of smiling?(within 12 words.)



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