满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It is reported that some wild animals w...


 It is reported that some wild animals were found _______ in a big cave in the mountain.

A. to hide dead                           B. hidden dead

C. hiding dead                            D. hidden death


B 【解析】


 I ______ on a sofa because my grandparents have come for the weekend.

A. slept            B. was sleeping       C. have slept        D. am sleeping




 Your uncle seems to be a good driver;______, I wouldn’t dare to travel in his car.

A. even so          B. even though        C. therefore        D. so




What an unforgettable experience! I’ll write it down _______ it is still fresh in my memory.

A. since            B. after              C. while           D. until




 ---- How was the television debate last night?

   ---- Super! Rarely______ so much media attention.

A. a debate attracted                    B. did a debate attract

C. a debate did attract                   D. attracted a debate



Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

人们结交的朋友通常有两种:与自己志趣相似的或不同的。两种朋友各有特点。请你以 “Friends, Similar or Different? ” 为题,按照以下的英文提示写一篇英语短文。

Some people choose friends who are different from themselves. Others choose friends who are similar to themselves. Compare the advantages of the two kinds of friends. Which kind of friend do you prefer for yourself? Why?

注意:1. 不少于120个词,文章的题目和开头已给出(不计词数)。

2. 文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。

Friends, Similar or Different?

It is very neccesary and important for everyone to have good friends. Some of our friends can be similar to us, and some of them can differ in many ways. Regardless of their similarities or differences, there are a few advantages of having such friends.



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