满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Let Harry play with your toys ______, Cl...

Let Harry play with your toys ______, Clare. You must learn to share.

A.at last

B.in secret

C.after all

D.as well


  D 【解析】略

Steel and iron can be used ______ bridges as well as machines.

A.to make

B.to making





Children are always ______, and usually think differently from adults.







I’m sure you ______ to us just now, because we already know the truth.









6ec8aac122bd4f6eSECTION C

Directions: Write an English composition according to the picture below.


1、 Finish the composition with no less than 120 words

2、 Any real information related to the examinee and the school is not allowed to be mentioned in the composition

Vocabulary for reference: 跳房子:play hopscotch










Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and required words limit. Write your answers on your answer sheet


From bankers to factory staff, employees in the west face the bleak prospect of losing their jobs as a global recession starts to bite. For colleagues in the East the pain is more likely to come through a pay cut.

Human resource experts say cultural differences explain why Asian firms try harder to keep jobs in difficult times, which will stop unemployment and may help keep Asian economies afloat at a time of slowing exports.

The East Asian attitude may also make it easier for firms to recover quickly from the economic downturn since they will not need to rehire or train new staff, leaving some experts predicting Western shift to Eastern flexibility.

“In the Confucian attitude, the right thing to do is to share the burden. There is the sense of collective responsibility whereas in the west, it’s more about the individual survival,” said Michael Benotlel, associate professor of organizational behavior at Singapore Management University.

Steven Pang, Asian Regional director for Aquent, a headhunting firm, said in many East Asian companies there was an responsibility “ to take care of the members of the family and go through the pain together” even if that meant causing losses.

Us firms from General Motors to Goldman Sachs plan to lay off workers by the thousands. But at the Asian units of Western multinationals, jobs cuts will probably less severe.

Japan’s jobless rate was 4 percent in September, up from 3.8 percent in January, while Hong Kong’s was flat at 3.4 percent. But US unemployment is expected to have jumped to 6.3 percent last month from below 5 percent in January.

Experts say that while there are noticeable differences in labor practices in East and West, the gap will narrow as more firms become more multinational and competition forces firms to adopt the best practices of rivals from abroad.

81. According to the passage, what does “to share the burden” mean?

(no more than 6 words)


82. Why would firms in the west lay off workers when facing a bleak prospect?

( no more than 5 words)


83. Why is it easier for the East Asian firms to recover quickly from the economic downturn? (no more than 12 words)


84. What’s the passage talking about? (no more than 15 words)




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