满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

第两节完型填空一 (共12小题,每小题1.5分,满分18分) 阅读下面短文,掌握...

第两节完型填空一 (共12小题,每小题1.5分,满分18分)


Last Tuesday I took two daughters, aged five and seven, to town by car. It began to rain _36_ so I decided I would leave the children in the car _37_ I rushed into a shop. I warned the girls not to _38_ anything and told them I would be back within a few minutes. Then I locked all the doors and left _39_ happily out of the window.

I returned to the car in less than five minutes but the girls had _40_ ! I could hardly believe my eyes . The car doors were _41_ locked, the windows tightly shut and on the back seat were only two coats. Being _42_, I ran to the corner of the street _43_ there was no sign of them. I rushed up to an old lady nearby and asked _44_ she had seen two small girls but she said “No”.

Feeling quite sick with fear, I sat on the driver’s seat, and went to stop trembling (发抖). Suddenly, I heard  a merry laugh _45_ me. I got out of the car, ran round to open the boot (车尾行李箱) and inside were two very red-faced and _46_ children. They had obviously pulled out the back seat, climbed behind it and then been unable to push the seat forward again. _47_ tears in my eyes, I leaned forward and pulled their ears.

36.A.heavy  B. hard        C. big            D. quick

37.A.before            B. since          C. after           D. while

38.A.talk              B. reach         C. hear            D. touch

39.A.them             B. her           C. herself          D. themselves

40.A.discovered         B. disappeared    C. described       D. delivered

41.A.even               B. again         C. already         D. still

42.A.foolish            B. proud         C. frightened       D. pleased

43.A.where            B. which        C. that            D. when

44.A.what             B. when         C. whether         D. how

45.A.behind            B. over                C. before          D. with

46.A.worried           B. excited              C. surprised        D. interested

47.A.For        B. About               C. With           D. Down


36---40  BADAB     41---45  DCACA     46---47  BC 【解析】略

I don’t suppose Sabrina will agree, _______?

A.do I

B.don’t I

C.will she

D.won’t she



Jerry was very excited to see the playground ________ she used to play football ________ with lots of snow.

A.where; covered

B.which; covered

C./; covering

D.where; covering



We have been left no_______ choices except to go ahead to face them.



C.the other




. It is his clothes, hairstyle and the way _____ he walks _____ make people laugh.

A.that; which

B./; that

C./ ; which

D.in which; what



Zhang Hua is clever and works hard at his lessons. __________ .

A.So is Li Ming

B.So does Li Ming

C.It was the same with Li Ming

D.So it is with Li Ming



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