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SECTION C(12 points) Directions: Complet...

SECTION C(12 points)

Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.

In 1162, deep in the heart of Asia, a child was born. 48.       was holding a blood clot (血块) in his hand, a sign from heaven that he was bound to be 49.     great warrior. His life was to become a legend.

The boy, who would become Genghis Khan, was called Temujin (铁木真), 50.         he was only nine years old, he received news that was to change his life.

Many believe that his story is simple, 51.        that he was an evil, cruel – barbarian (野蛮人) who killed millions. 52.       the real character of Genghis Khan is far more interesting. How did this uneducated person turn the separated tribes of Mongolia 53.       a powerful nation and revolutionary weapons that finally conquered Europe? His troops fought from China’s Pacific Coast 54.         Europe’s Adriatic Sea, creating the basis for one of the greatest continental empires of all time. 55.        after his death, his heirs (后裔) gathered their memories into a poem to memorize and sing highly of his life.


48. He     49. a     50. When     51. and     52. But    53. into    54. to 55. Shortly / Soon 【解析】略

SECTION B(18 points)

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D.Fill in each blank with word or phrases that best fits the context.

Those days I’ve prepared to complete my college degree. The last project was named “smile”, which required us to go out and smile at three people and   36   their reactions.

It was freezing. My friend and I went out to a fast food restaurant. We were standing in line, waiting to be   37  , when all of a sudden people around us began to back away from their position.

As I   38  I smelt a terrible “dirty body” smell, and there standing behind me were two poor homeless men. As I looked down at the short gentleman close to me, he was smiling and his nice sky – blue eyes searched for   39  .

To sit in the restaurant and   40  up, they had to buy something. When the young casher at the counter asked what they wanted to order, one of them said coffee because that was all they could   41  . I smiled and asked the casher for two more breakfast meals on two   42  plates. Then I walked around the corner to the table that the men had chosen as a resting spot. I put the plates on the table and   43   the blue – eyed little man’s cold hands with my hands. With tears in his eyes, he said. “Thank you”. I noticed that all the   44  in the restaurant were set on me at that time.

I returned to college and   45   a paper about this story as my project to the instructor. She read it and though highly of my project. Just then I realized in my own way I had   46   the people at the restaurant, my friend, the instructor, and every person that shared the classroom. I graduated with one of the biggest lessons I would ever learn unconditional acceptance.

Much love and compassion is sent to each person who may read this and learn how to   47  people.

36.A.recognize  B.record         C.describe       D.imagine

37.A.paid     B.treated         C.served         D.charged

38.A.turn up     B.turn down     C.turn to         D.turned around

39.A.assistance  B.acceptance       C.advice         D.admission

40.A.break          B.pick         C.cheer         D.warm

41.A.afford      B.enjoy          C.spend          D.drink

42.A.big       B.separate       C.beautiful      D.special

43.A.shook       B.shared         C.clapped        D.covered

44.A.customers B.hands          C.eyes         D.sounds

45.A.handed in B.wrote down      C.took out       D.search for

46.A.involved   B.contacted     C.investigated      D.touched

47.A.hate     B.please          C.love         D.beat



They took the injured straight to the nearest hospital. Otherwise some of them____________


B.would die

C.might have died

D.could die



____________you leave now, since here so much work has not been done yet?







Rich as he is, he is not particular about____________he eats and drinks.







.Despite the fact that I’ve been told about the local people’s attitude to strangers under no circumstances____________any rudeness.

A.did I meet

B.I met

C.had I met

D.I had met



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