满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



A young girl, Hattie, stood outside a small church. "I can't go to Sunday School," she said to the pastor(牧师). The next time the  21  met her he said "Hattie, we are going to have a larger Sunday school room soon. When we get the  22  with which to found a school building we are going to  23  one large enough to get all the little children in, and we are going to begin very soon to  24  the money for it."

The pastor did not see Hattie  25 , until he heard from her parents some two years later that Hattie died. As her poor little body was being moved, a purse was found. Inside was found 57 cents and a note  26 : "This is to help build the little church  27  so more children can go to Sunday school."

For two years she had saved for this offering of  28 . When the pastor tearfully read that  29 , he knew instantly what he would do.  30  this note, he told the  31  of her love and devotion.

A newspaper  32  the story and published it. A man  33  them a land worth many thousands. Checks came from far and wide. Within five years the little girl's gift had  34  to $250,000.00 a huge sum for that time.

Her unselfish love had  35  wonders. When you are in the city of Philadelphia, look up Temple University,  36  hundreds of students are trained. Have a look,  37 , at a Sunday School building which houses hundreds of Sunday scholars,  38  no child in the area will ever need to be left outside at Sunday school time. In one of the rooms of this  39  may be seen the picture of the sweet face of the little  40  whose 57 cents made such remarkable history.


21-25 CDABA  26-30 BCDAB  31-35 CABCD  36-40 ABCDD 【解析】 21.根据前两段判断是“牧师对小女孩说的话”。 22.建学校需要钱,从后文小女孩的做法以及人们的做法判断用money。 23.建造一个大的学校让所有的小孩到里面学习。 24.raise the money“募集这笔资金”。 25.在这两次见面之后再也没有见到小女孩,所以用again。 26.read“内容是”。 27.根据so more children can go to Sunday school可知“是大点的”。 28.尽管很贫困,但是小女孩为了能帮助更多的人圆梦,开始积攒钱,所以是一种爱。 29.根据上文a purse was found. Inside was found 57 cents and a note  26 可知。 30.拿着信开始讲述这个故事。 31.解析与30相同。 32.一家报纸把这个故事发表了出去,推断“是听说了这个故事”。 33.受到该故事的感动,很多人开始提供援助之手,所以“他是主动提供”。 34.捐助不断增加,达到$250,000.00。 35.do wonders为固定短语,意思是“创造奇迹”。 36.where引导非限制性定语从句,在句子中充当状语。 37.前面提到look up Temple University,所以用too。 38.so that“为了”。 39.在一所Sunday School里面的房子里面,所以认为building恰当。 40.在一个房间里有小女孩的照片,因此用girl。

He was down with the flu, and ____ couldn’t come to the party.







At last he chanced to sail back towards the place _____ he had started. 

A.with which

B.for which

C.from which

D.on which



_____ U2, the Irish rock band from Dublin perform a concert in Beijing, tell me in advance.







—Can’t you read the sign, sir? No parking here!


A.You’re welcome

B.Go ahead

C.Pardon me

D.Thanks, anyway



They only say such unkind things about you out of ____ envy, because you are ____ success as a writer.

A.the; a

B.the; /

C./; a

D./; /



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