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语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其...



1.  feast     A. league       B. spread          C. break           D. steady

2.  clothing  A. cloth        B. clothes          C. bath            D. youth

3.  remote   A. pot          B. dozen          C. pilot            D. vote

4.  gifted    A. skilled       B experienced      C. punished        D . tended

5. official   A. officer       B. curious         C. potential         D. physical


1-5 ABDDC   【解析】略

第一节  语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


1.  feast     A. league       B. spread          C. break           D. steady

2.  clothing  A. cloth        B. clothes          C. bath            D. youth

3.  remote   A. pot          B. dozen          C. pilot            D. vote

4.  gifted    A. skilled       B experienced      C. punished        D . tended

5.  official   A. officer       B. curious         C. potential         D. physical








Dear Peter,

I’m very much delighted that you are coming here for                        76.______

the holiday. But I’ll be able to meet you at the airport                         77.______

as we planned, as I will be hosting a speech contest at                         78.______

that time. I’m terribly sorry about that. But I had asked                      79.______

my best friend to go to an airport at 6:00 on Saturday                         80.______

afternoon to meet you. He will be the airport while you                      81.______

arrive, hold a board with your name on it. Then he                             82.______

will take you by taxi to the hotel that we have booked                         83.______

a room for you. I will call you late. Wish you a pleasant                     84.______

journey. And I’m looking forward seeing you soon.                             85.______

Yours, truly,




根据对话内容, 从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

W: How can I help you, Mr Martin?

M: Well, I started having a bad headache weeks ago and it' s getting worse. I can' t sleep

well. I’m tired all the time, and the worst thing is that my hair is getting very grey and I' m

only 30.

W:    61  Well, do you smoke?

M: No. I gave it up a month ago.

W: Right. I see you' re a businessman.   62  

M: Well, I usually work eight hours a day, but at the moment I work at least ten hours.

W: That' s a lot.   63  

M: Well, I usually sit in front of the TV with a pizza and a coffee.

W: Hmm.   64  

M: Not really, but I' m losing a lot of weight and I don' t know why.

W:   65   I think it' s just too much work. I want you to eat more vegetables and

do some exercise. Come back and see me in four weeks.

A.Don' t worry.

B.Come on. Just for a minute.

C.Do you do any exercise at the moment?

D.How many hours a day do you usually work?

E. And how do you relax?

F. And you should feel free to call or visit me.

G. I see.



The Danish capital is a year-round destination. Here are some of the city's best annual events.

Roskilde Festival (July)

The Danes love the outdoors and they love rock music; the Roskilde Festival is where they combine these passions for a weekend of drunken celebration. The four-day event is held about 30 minutes from the city completely, which means you can either go in for the full festival experience, or you can travel from the city to the festival each day.

There are also day tickets if you don't have the power for the whole collection of facts.

Kulturnatten (October)

For something a little more high brow there's the Night of Culture. For one night only some 300 venues in the city stage theater performances, art exhibitions, concerts and poetry readings.

Father Christmas Congress (July)

One of the more bizarre fixtures in Copenhagen's calendar, the event is held in July—the slow season for Santas—at the Bakken amusement park, some 20 minutes north of the city. The most interesting of the event is a procession of Santas from all over the world along Strøget. Parents should be prepared for some embarrassed questions from the kids.

Tivoli Gardens (November/December)

These pleasure gardens make for a great day out any time of the year but to see them at their most attractive, visit from mid-November through December, when they are transformed into a fairy tale of lanterns and Christmas markets. There's also outdoor skating, a Christmas entertainment and the very Danish 'Nissekøbing' village, home to more than 100 mechanical fairies.

1.If you are free in October, you can go to _____.

A.Roskilde Festival


C.Father Christmas Congress

D.Tivoli Gardens

2.Roskilde Festival is a festival _____.

A.where many famous singers in Denmark gather

B.which is only held in the center of a city

C.that lasts about half an hour per day

D.that the Danas can enjoy

3.How does the author think of the procession of Santas?



C.Worth seeing.

D.Full of encouragement.

4.The passage is probably written for _____.







Planting trees around poultry farms can improve air and water quality -- and relations with neighbors. Research has shown that just three rows of trees near poultry houses can reduce the release of dust and ammonia(氨). They can also reduce the strong smell of ammonia gas.

The trees take dust, ammonia and odors in their leaves. They also provide shade from the sun, so they reduce cooling costs in summer. And they act as a windbreak, so they reduce heating costs in winter. Trees can also improve water quality around farms by removing pollutions from soil and groundwater.

Several years ago, people were objecting to the odor of poultry farms on the Delmarva Peninsula in the eastern United State s. Delmarva is where the states of Delaware, Maryland and Virginia come together. Two thousand farms there can each house an average of seventy-five thousand chickens.

Traditionally the farms used windows to provide fresh air in the chicken houses. Farmers rarely planted trees or tall crops around the buildings, so there would be no barrier to the airflow. But then farms began to use new ventilation systems. Instead of windows, the new systems used tunnel fans to circulate air. The fans directed airflow from the poultry houses toward the homes of neighbors.

Researchers began dealing with the problem in two thousand. They found that over a period of six years, planting three rows of trees reduced total dust and ammonia by more than half. And they found that smells were reduced by eighteen percent.

Farmers may think trees will take too long to grow and be effective. But some trees can grow quickly. At least one-third of the Delmarva farms have planted trees, technically known as vegetative environmental buffers. The idea offers a way to cut pollution, save money and energy, and make the neighbors happy.

1.The second paragraph mainly tells us ______.

A.planting trees as much as possible

B.the advantages of trees

C.how to reduce heating costs

D.why trees are received

2.The word “odor” in paragraph 3 means ______.





3.The farms on the Delmarva Peninsula used to use ______ in chicken houses to provide fresh air.


B.tunnel fans



4.It can be learned from the last two paragraphs that ______.

A.three rows of trees are really good to the environment

B.researches began to realize the problem in 2000

C.most farmers show interest in planting trees

D.the trees growing quickly can be cut off in a few years



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