满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When he thought of the past, my grandfa...

 When he thought of the past, my grandfather would sometimes show us photographs of himself at school. They were brown and faded, and it was hard to believe that the blurred(模糊) figure of the little boy in the short trousers and socks could ever have been Grandfather. Besides, he wore a cap --- all the boys in the photographs wore caps pulled so far forward that half of their faces were obscured. When Grandfather asked us to pick him out from the group, we would surely point to the wrong boy.

On one such occasion my younger sister, aged six, burst into tears when Grandfather proudly guided her finger to the right boy. "How could that boy be you?" she cried. "He should have a beard." We were, of course, all convinced that grandfathers should have beards, preferably white and bushy, like our own grandfather's.

"I was a good scholar," Grandfather would say, wagging his beard over the photographs. "I should have been top of the class if I hadn't had to get up at six every morning to milk the cows and chop the wood, and again when I came home from school."

"But Saturdays? What did you do on Saturdays?"

"Saturdays, if it was fine, I'd be out all day in the fields with the men," replied Grandfather. "And if it was wet, I'd be helping my mother with odd jobs round the house. There wasn't much time for studying."

We all tried hard to imagine what it would have been like to have seen Grandfather getting up at crack of dawn and never, obviously, having a moment for himself. It seemed we had learnt something from what Grandfather had said about his childhood.

41. In the first paragraph of this passage, what the author really tells us is that ________ .

A. his grandfather used to wear short trousers, socks and a cap as well

B. it was difficult to tell which of the boys in the photographs was Grandfather

C. he didn't believe Grandfather wore a cap pulled forward when he was at school

D. it was fun to watch boys in the photographs wearing caps pulled forward

42. The author's sister burst into tears because________.

A. she did not get a chance to pick out Grandfather in the photographs

B. she was told which was the right boy before she herself could pick him out

C. other children did not agree with her that Grandfather should have had a beard

D. she found Grandfather in the photographs did not have a beard

43. When Grandfather said, "I should have been top of the class...", he meant ________ .

A. if he had had more time for studying, he would have been the best in his class

B. he should have spent more time studying rather than playing ball games

C. his school days should not have been so hard and miserable

D. he could have never been the best student even if he had studied still harder

44. In the last paragraph the author said, "We all tried hard to imagine..." because ________ .

A. the figures of the boys in the photographs were small and blurred

B. the children had never experienced life like that of Grandfather

C. the photographs Grandfather showed them were brown and faded

D. Grandfather failed to tell them about his childhood in detail


41-44 BDAB  【解析】略



Since my family were not going to be helpful, I decided I would look for one job by myself and not tell them about it till I'd got one.               

I had seen an agency advertised in a local newspaper. I rushed out of the   21_   in search of it. I was wildly excited, and as    22_  as if I were going on the stage. Finding the    23_  quite easily, I ran breathlessly through a door which said " Enter without knocking, if you please. "

The simple atmosphere of the office    24_  me. The woman looked carefully at me   25_  through her glasses, and then    26_  me in a low voice. I answered softly. All of a sudden I started to feel rather   27_  . She wondered why I was looking for this sort of   28_  . I felt even more helpless when she told me that it would be   29  to get a job without    30_  . I wondered whether I ought to leave,   31_   the telephone on her desk rang. I heard her say:

“   32_  , I've got someone in the   33_  at this very moment who might    34_   . " She wrote down a   35_   . and held it out to me, saying: "Ring up this lady. She wants a    36   immediately. In fact, you would have to start tomorrow by cooking a dinner for ten people."

"Oh yes, " said I——   37_   having cooked for more than four in my life. I   38_  her again and again, and rushed out to the   39_  telephone box. I collected my thoughts, took a deep breath, and rang the number. I said confidently that I was just what she was looking for.

I spent the next few hours   40_   cook books.

21. A.bed        B.house      C.agency      D.office

22. A.proud       B.please        C.nervous     D.worried

23. A.family       B.door      C.place        D.stage

24. A.calmed       B.excited       C.frightened    D.disturbed

25. A.as usual      B.for a while   C.in a minute   D.once again

26. A.advised      B.examined     C.informed    D.questioned

27. A.encouraged   B.dissatisfied   C.hopeless     D.pleased

28. A.place        B.job            C.advice       D.help

29. A.difficult      B.helpless       C.possible      D.unusual

30. A.ability       B.experience     C.knowledge   D.study

31. A.  after      B.since       C.until         D.when

32. A. Above all   B.As a matter of fact   C.As a result   D.In spite of that

33. A. family     B.house        C.office        D.restaurant

34. A. hire       B. accept      C.suit          D.offer

35. A. letter      B.name    C.note        D.number

36. A. cook       B.help      C.teacher      D.secretary

37. A. almost      B.never        C.nearly       D.really

38. A. answered    B.promised     C.thanked     D.told

39. A.  outside    B. local       C.closest       D.nearest

40. A. burrowing   B.buying         C.reading      D.lending



  I was really anxious about you. You _______ have left home without a word.







 ___ reading books in my spare time, I also surf on the internet sometimes.







  Work means much to me. It is ______ of my life ______ air, water and sunlight.

A.as much a part; as

B.as a part as much; as

C.as a part much; as

D.so much a part; as



 To gain a bigger _______ internationally, many companies are striving to make their products more competitive.







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