满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

书面表达(满分30分) 假设你是李华,你的朋友Alice给你写信决定今年来中国上...




(Expo 2010 Shanghai China)的概况。请根据以下信息用英文给她写一封回信。




中国 上海


城市,让生活更美好(Better City. Better life)








Dear Alice,

  I’m very pleased to know that you’ll travel to Shanghai,China.______________________________



  I’m looking forward to meeting you as soon as possible.


                                                                  Li Hua


Dear Alice,   I’m very pleased to know that you’ll travel to Shanghai China. As you know, Expo 2010 will be held in the city of Shanghai, China. The event, which is scheduled from May 1, to October 31, will last six months.   Focusing on the theme “Better City, Better Life”, Expo 2010 will attract 200 nations and international organizations to take part in the exhibition as well as about 70 million visitors from home and abroad.   I think it will help all the people who visit the grand international event learn how to create an eco-friendly society and maintain the sustainable development of the environment. Moreover, I believe that the Chinese people will present to the world a successful, splendid and unforgettable expo.   Welcome to Shanghai, China!   I’m looking forward to meeting you as soon as possible.                                                                Yours                                                                Li Hua 【解析】


第二节  短文改错(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)








  On the earth, all living things need others. Each kind of life eats   76________

one another kind of life in order to live, and together they form       77________

a food chain. Some food chains are simple, while others don’t. But             78________

all food chains begin with the sun, and one of the links disappears, all           79________

food chains become break up. It is known that all lives need to live on           80________

the sunlight. But only animals can use sunlight directly. Plants are    81________

as “factors”. They make food from sunlight, water and other things.        82________

Plants feed food to other things. Animals can’t use the sun’s energy 83________

only after it has changed by the plants. Some animals feed directly   84________

by plants, while others eat smaller animals. They eat plants indirectly.           85________




                           第二卷 (非选择题)


第三部分  写作(共三节,满分55分)



66. Mr. Kinsley bit his t_____while eating a cheeseburger.         66________

67. The tradition of p______building started in ancient Egypt.   67________

68.A p______is generally put up in public places and seen over long distances.      68________

69.The cobra(眼镜蛇)is the largest p______snake in the world.               69________

70.Lunxun is called the father of modern Chinese l_______.               70________

71.Clavicle(锁骨)width plays the most important role in how wide your_____(肩). 71________

72.The waitress placed some flowers in each _____(花瓶)at the tables for the guests. 72________

73.Some children cannot_____(咽下)pills until age 10.                          73________

74.Behave politely, and you’ll leave them a _____(有利的)impression.     74_______

75.The suggestion of the last meeting was _____(通过)and it would come into

effect next Monday.                                             75________




第二节 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 (E=AB, F=AC, G=AD)。选项中有两项为多余选项。

---- Good morning. Can I help you?

---- Yes, please. 61

---- We’ve got all kinds of mobile phones here.  62

---- I really know little about them. Which one sells best these days?

----  63

---- How much is Motorola?

---- What type would you like? The newer, the more expensive.

---- I want one newer but not too expensive.

----  64  .It looks nice and works well.

----How much is it?

---- 1600 yuan.

----  65  How about 1,200 yuan?

---- I have to ask for 1,500 yuan. That’s the best we can do. OK?

---- OK. I’ll take it.


A.What about this one?

B. Which do you prefer, Siemens, Nokia or Motorola?

C..Any discount?

D.UM…Motorola is more popular, I think.

E.My mobile phone is Motorola.

F.Something is wrong with my cell phone.

G.I’m looking for a mobile phone, but I have no idea.




Electric cars will not be really much cleaner than autos powered by mineral fuels until they rely less on electricity produced from usual coal-fired power plants.

 “For electric vehicles to become a major green alternative, the power fuel has to move away from

coal, or cleaner coal technologies have to be developed,” said Jared Cohon, the chairman of a National

Research Council report released on Monday. About half of US power is produced by

burning coal, which gives off many times more of traditional pollutants than natural gas, and about

twice as much of the main greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. Nuclear and renewable power have to

generate a larger portion of US power for electric cars to become much greener compared to

gasoline-powered cars, Cohan, who is president of Carnegie Mellon University, said in an interview.

Advances in coal burning, like capturing carbon at power plants for permanent burial underground,

could also help electric cars become a cleaner alternative to vehicles powered by fossil fuels, he said.

Pollution from energy sources did $120 billion worth of damage to human health, agriculture and

recreation in 2008, and electricity was responsible for more than half of the damage, said the NRC


  Electric cars have their benefits such as reducing imports of foreign oil. But they also have hidden

costs. Materials in electric car batteries are hard to produce, which adds to the energy it takes to make

them. In fact, the health and environmental costs of making electric cars can be 20 percent greater

than usual cars, the report said.

  The report estimated that electric cars could still cost more than gas-powered cars to operate and

manufacture in 2030 unless US power production becomes cleaner.

1. Why are electric cars not clean enough?

   A. Because they run too slowly              B. Because they are too expensive

   C. Because they rely on coal-fired power.      D. Because they give off more carbon dioxide.

2. We can infer from the passage that ______.

   A. electric cars will soon take the place of gas-powered cars

   B. no one holds hope for electric cars at present

   C. electric cars waste more energy than before

   D. some people believe that electric cars are cleaner

3. The underlined word “them” refers to “______”.

   A. electric cars     B. batteries       C. producers        D. materials

4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way to make electric cars cleaner?

   A. Developing cleaner coal technologies.        B. Making electric cars run faster.

   C. Generating more unclear power.             D. Making advances in coal burning.




  Matches made over the Internet often do not last long because people end up choosing unsuitable

partners and forming emotional bonds before meeting face-to-face, an Australian university researcher

has found.

  Women may especially find Mr. Wrong, as they tend to be attracted by fine comments or clever

emails, said psychologist Matthew Bambling from the Queensland University of Technology.

  “You can never assume things are the way they seem online,” Bambling said. “The fact that they

can write a clever comment or a witty email doesn’t mean they will be Mr. Right, that’s for sure,” he

said, adding some men use the concept of “netting”, sending emails to dozens of women and hoping

one might respond. Bambling said you can find a partner online, but warned those using the Web to

find love to be aware of the traps. “There’s definitely an uncontrolled effect online,” he said, with

people more likely to exaggerate their good points while hiding anything negative. “Few guys for

example would say ‘look, I’m a middle aged alcoholic who’s been married five times, pick me’.

They’re going to present themselves as a good catch.” He said it was easy for people to quickly invest

too much emotionally in an online relationship because they don’t see the full picture of the person

they are emailing.

  Bambling said people can avoid many of the problems by meeting early in the actual relationship,

rather than by getting to know each other only by email. He suggests couples arrange to meet over

coffee after a few emails, which will help people from building up a fantasy image of their match.

“The main thing to remember is to make real life contact as soon as possible if you are interested in

someone, because then you will know contact as soon as possible if you are interested in someone,

because then you will know if a relationship is a possibility.” He said.

1. Why were women quite likely to find Mr. Wrong over the Internet?

   A. Because they often judge a person by his appearance.

   B. Because single women usually felt more lonely.

   C. Because the emotional bonds were hard to break.

   D. Because they were easily attracted by fine comments.

2. About the online relationship Bambling suggests we should be ______.

   A. rejective    B. favorable      C. cautious      D. hopeful

3. The underlined word “exaggerate” in Paragraph 3 probably means “______”.

   A. enlarge     B. invent         C. remove       D. cover

4. What is suggested by Bambling for a better online relationship?

   A. Writing clever comments or emails to girls frequently.

   B. Finding a partner online through one night respond.

   C. Making real life contact before further development.

   D. Investing much emotion in your partner.



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