满分5 > 高中英语试题 >




One night when my wife was preparing dinner, our little son took a piece of paper to her which read:

For washing the car ………………………………………………………………$5.00

For making my own bed this week ……………………………………………… $1.00

Going to the provision shop ………………………………………………………$0.50

Playing with little sister……………………………………………………………$0.25

Taking out the rubbish…………………………………………………………… $1.00

Getting a good report card……………………………………………………… ..$5.00

And for sweeping the common corridor…………………………………………..$2.00

Total……………………………………………………………………………… $14.75

His mother looked at him standing there expecting payment. I could see a thousand memories flashed through her mind. So she picked up the pen and turning the paper over, this is what she wrote :

For nine months I carried you, growing inside me …………………………… No Charge

For the nights I sat up with you, doctored and prayed for you…………………No Charge

For the toys, food and clothes and wiping your nose ………………………….No Charge

When you add it all up, the full cost of my love………………………………..No Charge

Well, when he finished reading, he had big tears in his eyes. He looked at his mother and said, “Mummy, I love you.” Then he took the pen and in great big letters wrote on the “bill” “All paid.”

41. What’s the best title for this passage?

A. Part-time Job                         B. Mother’s Love, No Charge

C. Payment for House Work               D. Greedy Mother

42. The write wrote the passage in order to ___.

A. show that children should be paid for their housework

B. show that children should not be paid for their housework

C. show a clever way of teaching children

D. tell children how to spend their spare time

43. How do you think of the mother in the passage?

A. Clever                     B. Greedy                    C. Cold – hearted         D. Selfish

44. From the last passage we know that____

A. the boy got all the money he wanted

B. the mother was unwilling to give the money to the boy

C. the boy realized that it was not right to ask for money for the housework

D. the mother was angry with what the boy said


41-44 BCAC      【解析】略



Chuck was one of my students in my high school English class. He was a writer of great 21. So, when he was accepted into the journalism program at the University of Missouri, I wasn’t 22.

During his first year at college, Chuck stopped by the school a few times to keep me informed of his 23. We recalled(回忆)that we had worked together several years before to 24 money for 23 sick Cambodian babies who were being cared for by a nurse friend of mine in Thailand, a place far away yet close to our 25. Chuck raised several thousand dollars. It was an activity that 26 our formal relationship into a friendship.

In his second year at college, it was discovered that Chuck had lung cancer and had only a short while to 27. I went to see him one day. Seeing me, he was filled with 28 and we talked and laughed for most of the afternoon.

About six weeks later, Chuck died. It was a great 29 for everyone, especially for his family. Chuck was 30 and full of promise. More importantly, he was a good person, a just person.

When I went to his 31, his father told me that several weeks before, Chuck had asked him to 32 his possessions with him so that he might select a few things to be buried in the coffin(棺木) with him . Chuck 33 six items, including an essay he had written.

He told me that Chuck liked the 34 I had written to him at the bottom of the last page. In that little note, I affirmed his talent as a 35.

I was grateful for the 36 gift Chuck gave me that day. His taking my note with him offered me a great opportunity to 37 students’ lives. I felt a sense of purpose that was greater than ever. Whenever I 38 my purpose, I think of Chuck, and I am reminded of it once again: 39 have the power to affect hearts and 40 for a long time.

21. A. use                    B. promise                   C. height               D. assistance

22.A. disappointed           B. amused                    C. excited             D. surprised

23. A. secret                 B. job                          C. progress           D. family

24. A. raise                  B. borrow                    C. spend                   D. save

25. A. college                  B. hearts                         C. village              D. friends

26. A. transformed               B. divided                    C. put                   D. devoted

27. A. spare                 B. act                          C. live                  D. sleep

28. A. worry                B. joy                          C. pain                 D. tears

29. A. honor                B. comfort                   C. day                  D. loss

30. A. fortunate            B. serious                    C. talented            D. unsatisfied

31. A. funeral                      B. office                             C. dormitory      D. school

32. A. go over              B. take over                 C. give away         D. threw away

33. A. added                B. bought                    C. examined          D. chose

34. A. story                  B. letter                       C. joke                 D. message

35. A. writer                B. teacher                    C. doctor              D. comedian

36. A. excellent            B. practical                 C. extraordinary    D. expensive

37. A. believe                  B. draw                       C. know                      D. influence

38. A. remember          B. forget                         C. change             D. achieve

39. A. Parents              B. Teachers                  C. Students         D. Strangers

40. A. health                B. concentration           C. accents             D. minds



 — Jane and Maria look exactly the same to me.

— Oh, sometimes it’s hard for me to tell one twine from____.



C.the other

D.the others



I was surprised to see how much ____ she was looking with her new hairstyle.







Management theories are ____ but the method of doing business is different.

A.the same pretty much

B.much pretty the same

C.the same much pretty

D.pretty much the same



However busy he is, he will ____ some time for exercise every day.

A.put away

B.turn out

C.bring in

D.set aside



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