满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

7.Your mother is coming. What present___...

7.Your mother is coming. What present_______for your birthday?

A.you think she has got

B.you think she has got

C.do you think she has got

D.do you think has she got


C 【解析】略


6._________we must keep in mind is that we must protect water and use it wisely.









1.revolution    A. population  B. culture       C. blue    D. club

2.measure    A. steady     B. real     C.breathe D.decrease

3.pronounce    A. cube   B. fiction C. racial  D. civil

4.march       A. character   B. machine         C. butcher         D. technology

5.organ   A. grasp       B. agency       C. range  D. Oxygen




V. 单句改错(10分)




1. Following the road and you will find the store.                              1.________

2. I don’t doubt whether I’m able to finish the work on time.                     2. _______

3. Every new drug must be tested at least two different kinds of animals.           3. _______

4.On the third day, I found myself spend a whole in my tent.                     4._______

5. It’s waste of time arguing with him.                                       5. _______

6. He is a man who value friendship beyond all things.                        6. _______

7. "How dare you say that?" The teacher said angrily pointed to Tom.              7. _______

8. It doesn’t bother me how I look like.                                       8. ______

9.Each doctor and nurse were given a new shirt.                                9. ______

10. I’d rather have a house of my own than to share one with someone else, no matter how small it is.                                                                10. _______




IV. 课文填空(11分)某些空需填两个单词

The kite 1) ________ high in the sky, but nothing happened. I was beginning to think that the experiment would not 2)________. Just then, I saw some of the hairs on the string 3)___________. The string was getting 4)________. I brought my finger close to the key and felt a light but very clear 5)_______________.The experiment proves that 6)____________ and electricity are the same.

I had travelled only two hours one day 7)______ the winds increased so much that I had to put my tent up 8)_______ the winds became too strong. Within a few minutes the winds increased 9)______ a howling storm that 10)__________ to blow me and my tent away, but 11)_______ of that happened.






1. How much do you _________(要价) for mending shoes?                   1.__________

2. If she _______(继续) drinking like that, I’ll have to carry her home.          2. __________

3. The car couldn’t start because the _______(发动机)went wrong.          3.___________

4. It is _________(极其) cold in the South Pole.                            4. __________

5. The teacher walked the children out of the ________(幼儿园).              5. __________

6. I have _________(后悔) not having studied hard.                         6.___________

7. The newspaper described her as a ______(有前途的) young pianist.          7. __________

8. The girl was so angry that she __________(撕) the letter into pieces.          8. __________

9. He started his first _______(航海)with only one ship and ten men.         9. ___________

10. I felt a _________(急剧的) pain in my stomach.                         10. _________



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