满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

八:短文改错(满分15分)。 Different people have dif...


Different people have different ideas about music.                              1.      

For me, I like rock music because it’s so exiting. But                         2.      

my favorite rock band, the “Foxy Ladies”, are one of                         3.      

the most famous rock music band in the world. I also like            4.      

pop music. My classmate Li Hua love dance music,                          5.      

because she enjoys in dancing. My best friend, Jane,                        6.      

likes Jazz music and she thinks Jazz is real cool.                          7.      

My brother also likes rock very much, thinking them amazing.     8.      

But my mother thinks rock is bored. “I like some relaxing            9.      

music,” she says. That’s she likes country music, I think.             10.  


1.   √              2. But→And         3.  are→is     4. band→bands        5. love→loves      6. 去掉in       7. real→really        8. them→it         9. bored→boring           10. she前加why            【解析】略


1. Our school has ___________(实现)all its goals this year.

2. The meeting is ________ (有可能的)to last 3 hours.

3. The supermarket is _______(坐落)in the center of the city.

4. The __________ (进化) of human beings is a long process.

5. This rule can’t be ________(应用)to every case.

6. She studied ____________ (政治学) at university.

7. He ________(犹豫)before he answered because he didn’t know what to say.

8. Who are your_________ (同伴)on the journey?

9. My teeth are very _________ (敏感的)to cold food.

10. What is the _________ (关系)between you and her?

11. Water has _________ (相对地)high freezing point.

12. The old man was completely __________(专注于)in the book.

13. We can __________ (证明) that your theory is wrong.

14. They finally went ________ (登机)the plane.

15. His __________ (婚姻) is full of happiness, which is admired by others.






prepare for; throw light upon; cut up; instead of; contribute to; a variety of; provide…for; give off; take advantage of; break down; all the way

1. They didn’t arrive on time for         reasons.

2. They have         the development of science and technology.

3. The hotel can         the first-class service          guests.

4. If the plastic is burned, it will         poisonous gas.

5. Sugar and starch(淀粉) are         in the stomach.

6. You should trust me and I’ll be with you        .

7. The speech made by Mr. Smith may            the mysterious culture.

8. We will go there by bike            on foot this afternoon.

9. The teacher asked us to           tomorrow’s exam.

10. She had to _____________ the meat for her little dog.





A: Good morning. Marketing Department.

B: Well, I’m phoning about a job you advertised in the local newspaper.

A: I’m the marketing manager.     61   

B: Yes, it’s Johnson.

A: Good.     62  And you are still in college?

B: Twenty-four years old.    63  

A: And what’s your major at college?

B:     64 Besides, I studied English, law, accounting, computer and ten more courses.

A:    65   

B: Yes, I worked in the marketing department during the summer holidays.

A: Um, I see. Could you come for an interview at 2: 15 p.m. on Wednesday, young man?

B: Yes, madam.

A: Good. See you then.

A.I graduated one year ago.

B.Could I have your name, please?

C.How old are you?

D.Who is it speaking?

E.Are you good at English?

F.Have you any experience as salesman?

G.Business administration(管理).



23. The way the guests_____in the hotel influenced their evaluation(评价) of the service.


B.were treated

C.would treat

D.would be treated



22. He demanded that such things_____ from happening again.



C.be prevented

D.should prevent



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