满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

We will ______ all the natural resources...

We will ______ all the natural resources if we continue consuming them like that.

A.run out

B.wipe out

C.drop out

D.hold out


B 【解析】略

The news that Xiamen Xiang’an Tunnel, China’s first undersea tunnel, has been put into traffic excites us greatly, ______?

A.doesn’t it

B.does it

C.do they

D.don’t they



________ the two designs, and you will find what problem there is with yours.



C.To compare





诚信是处世之本。但是在中学生当中,考试作弊、抄袭作业、欺骗家长和老师等现象屡见不鲜。请你对以上种种现象作简要描述,并以How to guarantee honesty为题,从三个方面,谈谈如何保证学生做到诚信




How to Guarantee Honesty

As we all know, honesty is always an essential principle of living. Much to our regret, however, … ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­


Honesty is the best policy, which is what we should keep in mind all the time.






I feel very happy to receive your letter and here I'd like

to give you some a        on how to learn English.Above all,                            76. ____________

don't lose your heart. Many students find it _______ to learn English,                77. ____________

especially _______ write good English compositions.In my opinion,                    78. ____________

if you want to _______(改善)your writing, you should learn                               79. ____________

by heart as many English expressions and sentence p        as possible.      80. ____________

And at the same time try to use _______ in your compositions.I                         81. ____________

think just r        grammar rules is no use. And only by reading                         82. ____________

and writing a lot, _______ you be able to learn English well in an                            83. ____________

effective way.I definitely _______(相信) the most important                       84. ____________

thing is that you should _______ writing every day and never give up.                85. ____________




Alone in the wilderness. Nothing but jungle. A world of shadow with the rays of light falling like blonde hair from the crowns of the giant trees. Jungle in the midday sun. Everything motionless. Not a sound from sky or earth. Complete silence. Only some coconuts falling, at long intervals, very far away. The world reduced to the soft touch of cool grass along my naked back, and a sweet smell of rich soil and vegetation. Stretched out with closed eyes beside my heavy burden of fruit and firewood, I enjoyed the feeling of fresh blood streaming through every part of my body and fresh jungle air filling every corner of my lungs.

     Resting motionless, I could see the sun through my closed eyelids, alone in the sky, as lonely as I, and as motionless and silent as everything else. The earth had surely stopped turning and somewhere on this planet there was supposed to be roaring traffic in busy streets. What a crazy, unbelievable thought!

         Another coconut fell, to make the world come to a complete standstill. I had to roll over onto my stomach to feel that at least I could move and make noises. Then I found company. A little brown ant was struggling to find its way with a bit of dry straw through the jungle of leaves and grass below my nose. I wondered if I could give the little fellow a lift with its burden, but it showed not the slightest sign of tiredness and struggled on with all six legs, head first or head last, waving its feelers energetically as if the trip had just started. Who ever saw a tired ant? Tiredness, disagreeable tiredness, is restricted to hunted animals, slaves and modern man. It is as great an effort for an office clerk to walk five blocks with a loaded brief-case as it is for a jungle-dweller to cross a valley with a goat on his back. It is as hard to get up and climb or run when you have been seated for years as it is to get up and walk when you have been in bed for months. The body is strange. Spare it, and you get really tired for almost nothing; use it, and almost nothing makes you really tired.

         I rose to my feet. I had heard a horse neighing down in the valley. Above me, on the open highland plains, there were wild horses. But down in the valley there was never a horse unless there was a man on it. Somebody was making his way up the valley and my wife was alone.

71.The author mentions coconuts’ falling to          .

         A.show his loneliness                                                           B.add beauty to the jungle

         C.express his love of nature                                               D.stress the absolute silence

72.   What’s the right order of the following events?

         ① I heard a horse neighing down in the valley.

         ② I went to the jungle.

         ③ I found an ant carrying a bit of dry straw.

         ④ I lay on the ground to have a break.

         ⑤ I picked fruits and chopped firewood.

A. ②③⑤①④                 B. ⑤③②④①                          C. ②⑤④③①                 D. ⑤④③②①

73.How does the author feel about the ant?

         A.He admired its attitude toward work.

         B.He was amazed at its tireless efforts.

         C.He showed sympathy for the little ant.

         D.He was content to have it as a companion.

74.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that the author would probably          .

         A.work harder than before                                                 B.talk to the man on the horse

         C.make his way home                                                          D.stay in the valley

75.We can learn from the passage that the author          .

         A.enjoyed being alone                                                          B.experienced a world of quietness

         C.missed his busy life in the city                                        D.had an unforgettable adventure



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