满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

. 第四部分:写作(共三节,满分35分) 第一节:选择适当的词填空。(共10小题...




settle down,  rather than,  caught sight of,  by accident,  in time,

on the contrary,  bring up,  had a gift for , cooled down,  prevented from

76. The car came to a halt(停止) just __________ to prevent an accident. 

77. What __________ you __________  joining us last night?

78. A heated argument could have been settled better if both sides __________ first.

79. __________ allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price.

80. After years of travelling, he decided to __________ here.

81. I __________ her out of the corner of my eye when I stepped out of my office.

82. That she __________ dancing at the age of three amazed her parents.

83. These are matters that you can __________ at the meeting tommorrow.

84. The gun went off __________ and hurt the boy badly. 

85. I’m not ill. __________, I’m very healthy.


76---85   in time  ;  prevented from ;  cooled down  ;   rather than ;  settle down   ;  caught sight of   ;   had’ a 飞、gift for   ;  bring up  ;  by accident ; on the contrary  【解析】略


So you have been called for an interview-well done ? Your effort has been paid off . Now to get the job , you will fell better at the interview if you show an understanding of the nature of the organization .

Ask a member of family or a friend to act as the employer and to give you an unreal interview . Be as realistic as possible , answer the questions seriously . Afterwards discuss how it went .

Think about how the employer would prefer to see you look . Remember the majority of employers are over 30 .

It is not wise to rush out and buy new clothes which will be worn for the first time at the interview . You’ll feel more at ease (自在) in a familiar dress .

Carelessness in any of these could cost you the job . Arrive at least 15 minutes before time . This will give you a chance to have a look around , read the notice broad and get the feel of the place .

Being late at interviews produces a bad impression. The first impression the interviewer gets of you formed as you walk through the door , so take a couple of deep breaths .

Be ready to shake hands of the interviewer offers .

Don’t take a seat until asked . Then sit comfortably .

Make eye contact when you are greeted and again if you shake hands , and during questioning . Eye contact is a form of non-verbal(非语言的) greeting .

Remember the interviewer’s name and use it from time to time .

Be ready for the question “Is there anything you want to ask?” Before the interview you should get ready for two or three such questions. Look on these not just as a chance to get information but as a means to improve your prospects (前途)in the employer’s estimation(判断). 

Asking can show knowledge and avoid mistakes even before you begin . You can check on these later , when the hope for job is offered . 

And if you fail , look upon the interview as an experience in itself , learn from it .

We wish you good luck and good job hunting .

72.Before you go to see the employer , it is better for you to_____________ .

A.put on your newly-bought clothes

B.have you hair cut

C.buy some modern and beautiful ties , shoes . etc

D.find a dress which you’ve got used to

73.To make a good impression , it is important for yo_____________ .

A.to walk through the door quickly

B.not to see the interviewer’s eyes

C.to sit down in front of the interviewer

D.to remember the interviewer’s name and use it sometimes

74.The underlined word “eye contact” means_____________.

A.looking at each other for a long time

B.a kind of greeting without any words

C.shaking hands with the employer again and again

D.a way of getting a wonderful job

75.People usually do the following things before a job interview, which is the right order for doing them ?

a. Asking a friend to give you an unreal interview .

b. Understanding the nature of the organization .

c. Paying attention to your clothes .

d. Arriving at the place of the interview on time .

e. Getting some information from the advisers .

A.a, e, b, c, d     B.d, c, b, a , e     C.b, e, a , c, d     D.e, d, a , b, c




The journey to the moon had been the first step toward future exploration(探险) in space. The distance between the Moon and Earth is very short indeed when compared with the distances between Earth and the other planets. Mars, the nearest planet to Earth is millions of miles away. Traveling to the planets will be man’s next aim. Such travels will be more challenging than the trip to the moon and certainly more adventurous.

Recently, two American spaceships, Vikings 1 and 2, landed on Mars trying to discover whether that planet has any life on it. So far the signs of life on Mars has neither confirmed(确认) nor ruled out. Russians have discovered that the surface of Venus(金星) is so hot that it is almost certain that there is no life there. Also the atmosphere of Venus is extremely dense(稠) and the pressure is nearly a hundred times greater than that of the Earth’s atmosphere.

Scientists believe man may find planets which have the same conditions as those we have on Earth , but man should realize Earth will be his only home for a long time and begin to love and care for it.

63. According to the passage, traveling to the planets will be ________.

A.  much easier and even more interesting  B.  far more exciting and dangerous

C.  man’s final aim                    D.  man’s first step

64. Which of the following is Not true?

A.  Mars is nearer to the earth than the moon.

B.  The moon is much nearer to the earth than Mars.

C.  Of all the planets, Mars is the nearest to the earth.

D.  All the planets are much farther to the earth.

65. From the passage, we can guess_____.

A.  there is life on Mars       

B.  there is no life on Mars

C.  the atmosphere of Mars is not so dense as that of Venus

D.  scientists will have little hope to find the answers

66. Man can live on under the conditions of _______.

A.  much too hot surface                   B.  the same pressure as we get on earth

C.  normal atmosphere as we have on earth     D.  both B and C




Damage to Ozone layer Gets Worse

In the middle of winter, when snow is falling in many parts of the United States, scientists have sounded a warning to people who plan to spend many hours in the sun this summer. The warning is: The sun’s summertime rays are more dangerous than once thought.

A team of scientists from 80 nations recently reported to the United Nations that a layer of ozone (臭氧层) in the atmosphere, which protects humans from harmful levels of ultraviolet radiation(紫外线辐射), will be thinner over the United States this summer. The thinner layer allows more ultraviolet rays from the sun to reach Earth. The extra amount of ultraviolet radiation could cause an increase in the number of cases of skin cancer.

Scientists first became concerned about the ozone layer in the mid-1980s when a hole was discovered in the layer above Antarctica during the winter. The hole was caused by chemicals used in refrigerators and air conditioners. When these chemicals are sent out into the atmosphere, they produce gases that destroy the ozone.

Concern about the protective ozone layer rose more recently when data(数据) from satellites and ground stations showed that ozone levels were dropping over areas other than Antarctica. Low ozone levels were recorded in the spring and summer over the United States and over other populated areas in the world.

Although many countries have already begun stopping the use of ozone destroying chemicals, the new findings are expected to advance the timetable for a total ban(禁止) of the chemicals.

59.   The scientists have observed the ozone layer_____.

A.  since 1980             B.  since last winter      

C.  for about 20 years       D.  for about one year

60. The ozone layer in the atmosphere can _____.

A.  do a lot of good to human beings in many ways.

B.  protect humans from diseases caused by bad weather.

C.  do a lot of harm to human beings in the summer-time.

D.  protect humans from harmful levels of ultraviolet radiation.

61. Scientists first found that there was a hole in the ozone layer_____.

A.  above Arctic during the winter in the mid-1980s

B.  above Antarctica during the winter in the mid-1980s

C.  over somewhere in the north of the equator in 1980

D.  over the U.S.A in the summertime in the mid-1980s

62.   The damage to the ozone layer was caused by_____.

A.  the changeable weather

B.  ozone-destroying chemicals

C.  chemicals from refrigerators

D.  chemicals from air conditioners




_________ it was to become was a mystery until the dust began to slowly combine into a ball moving around the sun.








I'm amazed that Mr Harris _________ have said nothing about the matter.







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