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Chinese mainland's star-making reality T...


Chinese mainland's star-making reality TV show "Happy Boy" will not be open to male applicants from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau or other foreign cities, said the country's top TV industry committee yesterday.

Happy Boy is the male version of Super Girl, which is regarded as the Chinese version of American Idol. The girl's event, operated by central China's Hunan TV, drew an audience of 400 million for the final match in 2005. The country's State Administration of Radio, Film and Television approved the male version earlier this month. However, the regulation that only mainland's male applicants are allowed to register was released just days before the application procedure began on Wednesday in Changsha, one of the five mainland cities to hold the contest. The other four includes Chengdu and three undecided cities.

The regulation spoiled Hunan TV's ambition to extend the series to the overseas market, an official with the TV station told the Hunan-based Xiaoxiang Morning yesterday. "My Hero," another star-making reality show by Shanghai's SMG Dragon TV, said it was not informed of the regulation, and it is still receiving foreign applicants, said an official with Dragon TV. A previous regulation by the administration has made clear that televised talent shows can't run for more than six weeks at a time. While the first "Happy Boy" may last for five months, according to a previous report.

Last year there were about 10 influential star-making TV shows across the country, among which those from CCTV, Hunan Satellite TV and SMG's Dragon TV, were the most popular. "Super Girl" ran for almost five months and "My Hero" lasted four months. While the shows have proven popular, they have also earned many complaints from people who say they are crude and not satisfactory.

1. It can be inferred from the passage that _______.

A. Male applicants from Hong Kong won’t be accepted to attend Happy Boy show.

B. It was Hunan TV that made the regulation that they couldn’t accept foreign applicants.

C. American Idol was started earlier than Super Girl.

D. Audience love American Idol better than Happy Boy.

2. Which of the following may best explain the underlined word spoiled in paragraph 3?

A. prevented         B. gave         C. encouraged          D. affected

3. We can safely draw the conclusion that ________.

A. Hunan TV will obey the regulations issued by the administration.

B. not all of the audience think highly of the shows.

C. there were about 10 popular TV shows across the country.

D. Dragon TV broke the regulations on purpose.

4. The relationship between State Administration of Radio, Film and Television and Hunan TV is possibly close to _______.

A. teacher and student                      B. coach and sportsmen

C. father and son                                D. police and criminal


 C  A  B  B 【解析】


Successful people in international business understand the cultures of other countries and learn to change their practices in different cultures. They understand the importance of avoiding business decisions based on misconceptions—mistaken ideas. 

One cause of misconceptions is ethnocentrism, the belief that one’s own culture’s way of doing things is better than the way of other cultures. It’s ethnocentrism that leads to failure in international business. To avoid ethnocentrism, it’s necessary to study the different elements(组成部分)of culture: language, values and attitudes, and customs and manners. 


A knowledge of the local language can help international business people in four ways. First, people can communicate directly. Second, people are usually more open in their communication with someone who speaks their language. Third, an understanding of the language allows people to infer meanings that are not said directly. Finally, knowing the language helps people to understand the culture better. 

Values are people’s basic beliefs about the difference between right and wrong, good and bad . An attitude is a way of thinking or acting. Values and attitudes influence international business. For example, many people in the United States believe that chocolate from Switzerland is better than chocolate from other countries, and they buy a lot of it. 

Customs and manners

Customs are common social practices. Manners are ways of acting that the society believes are polite. For example, in the United States, it is the custom to have salad (色拉) before the main course at dinner, not after. It’s not acceptable to talk with food in mouth at table. Failure to understand the customs and manners of other countries will bring difficulty selling their products. Orange juice as a breakfast drink of an American company in France doesn’t sell well because the French don’t usually drink juice with breakfast.   

1. A knowledge of the local language allows international business people _________. 

A. to communicate without outside help

B. to be more open with their customers

C. to express their thoughts indirectly

D. to have a better idea of their own culture

2. The act of many people buying chocolate of Switzerland shows the role of ________. 

A. attitudes        B. values           C. manners          D. customs

3. What would be the best title for the text?                    

A. Misconceptions in Business               B. Basic Beliefs in Business

C. International Business Culture             D. Successful International Business

4. The author’s purpose of writing this article is to tell people ___________.       

A. how to take a right attitude in business

B. how to act politely and properly in business

C. how to use a local language in business

D. how to avoid misunderstandings in business




The meaning of the word “volunteer” may be a little different in different countries, but it usually means “one who offers his or her services” .There are many different ways in which people can volunteer, such as taking care of sick people, working in homes for homeless children, and picking up garbage(垃圾)from beaches and parks. Volunteers may work within their own countries or in other countries. They are often people with a strong wish to help those who are less fortunate than themselves. Volunteers don’t expect any kind of pay.

At the root of volunteering is the idea that one person may have the ability to offer services that can help other people. Tracy, a good friend of mine, however, recently came back from India with a new idea of what being a volunteer means. She worked for two and a half weeks in one of Mother Teresa’s homes in Calcutta. The following is her story.

“I first heard about

Mother Teresa in my high school, we watched a video(录像)about her work in India and all over the world. I was so moved by her spirit to help others and her endless love for every human being that after I graduated from high school, I too wanted to try her kind of work. So with two friends I flew to Calcutta for a few weeks.”

“I was asked to work in a home for sick people. I helped wash clothes and sheets, and pass out lunch. I also fed the people who were too weak to feed themselves and tried to cheer them up. I felt it was better to share with them than to think that I have helped them. To be honest, I don’t think I was helping very much. It was then that I realized that I had not really come to help, but to learn about and experience another culture(文化)that helped improve my own understanding of life and the world.”

1. According to the text, a volunteer refers to a person who __________.

A. is willing to help those in need without pay

B. can afford to travel to different places

C. has a strong wish to be successful

D. has made a big fortune in life

2.Tracy started her work as a volunteer ____________ .

A. after she met Mother Teresa    B. when she was touring Calcutta

C. after she finished high school   D. when she was working in a hospital

3. Why did Tracy choose to be a volunteer?

A. She liked to work with Mother Teresa.

B. She was asked by Mother Teresa to do so.

C. She had already had some experience.

D. She wanted to follow Mother Teresa’s example.

4. What is Tracy’s “new idea”(Paragraph 2)of being a volunteer?

A. Going abroad to help the sick.

B. Improving oneself through helping others.

C. Working in Mother Teresa’s home.

D. Doing simple things to help the poor.




第三部分 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分 40分)


    For most Chinese university students, the US is a favorite destination for further education. But apart from obstacles such as the GRE and TOEFL exams, choosing a good graduate school is no easy task.

Admission is very competitive for international students, so it is important to apply for a number of institutions to have a reasonable chance of acceptance.

Since the application to most universities requires a certain fee, Chinese students usually choose seven to 17 universities according to their own financial circumstances.

Wang Yuwei, a Zhejiang University graduate, sent applications to 15 US universities.

When the 24-year-old girl began looking for a US graduate school in her senior year, she took time to compare the various schools and find the ones most suiting her needs. Now, studying at the University of Washington, she knows that her hard work paid off.

 “To broaden your chances, at least one third of the applications should be to less selective schools,” said Wang. “Applicants shouldn’t limit their choices to the most famous institutions.”

Furthermore, one shouldn’t rely on too much on college rankings such as the Gorman Report or US News & World Report’s annual league tables.

The right school is the one that best meets your own personal needs and interests, rather than someone else’s assessment of an institution’s prestige(声望).

“Usually choices are based on one’s personal interests and academic background, but it is important to make sure that your chosen subject is satisfying,” said Wang.  

1. The author believes that the right school is the one that _____.

A. has the best location

B. offers good living conditions

C. best meets one’s assessment of an institution’s prestige

D. best meets one’s own personal needs and interests

2. According to this passage, what can we judge?

A. To go abroad for further education, you must pass the GRE or TOTEL.

B. Choosing a good graduate school is a piece of cake.

C. More and more students will go abroad for their further education.

D. To get a better chance to go abroad, you’d better apply for a less selective school.

3. In the passage the writer uses the example of Wang Yuwei to show ______.

A. you must spend a lot of time comparing the various schools

B. it is necessary to find the suitable university that meets your personal interests

C. it isn’t worthwhile to spend time looking for the right university

D. one’s own financial circumstances is worth considering

4. What will be continued after this passage?

A. How hard Chinese students studied in America.

B. Some advice on how to take care of yourself in America.

C. Some other things to consider to choose the right school.

D. The difficulties you will meet with while living in America




完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分 30分)


 Traveling in Vietnam was like visiting a mysterious neighbor. You have lived next door to each other for years but know very    1_ about what happened on   2__ side of the fence.

   I traveled there last August. A(n)   3   180-kilometre trip from a Chinese border town to Hanoi, the capital of Vietman,   4    an adventurous eight hours. That’s   5    the country still doesn’t have a modern expressway system. The major passage going through the country is only a two—way road.    6    , many areas are mountainous.

   Vietnamese drivers are   7    and fearless. They compete with each other at full speeds no matter how scared the   8    feel. When the bus shook us violently for the hundredth time, the driver made a   9   to make us feel better. “See, this is just a(n)   10   Vietnamese people give you, a free massage(按摩) service.”

   It was midnight   11   I reached that hotel. Switching on television, I was   12   by something: All the __13__ in the TV plays spoke in the same voice.   14   , modern Korean plays and historical Chinese plays are   15   with the Vietnamese. But it seemed they didn’t have enough   16   to dub(为…配音) all these programs. So, the same boring woman appears 17   every TV play to speak for the roles. The next morning when I opened the window, I found myself in a huge “   18   ”. The buildings in the streets were __19  in all kinds of colors you can imagine. Vietnamese are allowed to   20   their houses as they like. Each one was different. The large number of colors brought the city alive.

1. A. little                     B. much                C. a lot                         D. few

2. A. another       B. other         C. either               D. the other

3. A. long         B. simple        C. pleasant             D. easy

4. A. took               B. spent         C. paid               D .devoted 

5. A. why               B. when         C. because             D. where

6. A. Therefore          B.However        C. Also                D. Otherwise

7. A. wonderful    B. impatient             C. careful              D. helpless

8. A. passengers          B. policemen     C. drivers              D. passers-by

9. A. story       B. joke                 C. promise             D. statement

10. A. gift              B. pleasure        C. competition         D. surprise

11. A. that              B. until           C. when              D. while

12. A. excited            B. embarrassed     C. disappointed         D. amazed

13. A. actresses          B. actors          C. characters           D. channels

14. A. At present  B. To be honest     C. Sure enough          D. Of course

15. A. satisfied           B. received        C. content              D. popular

16. A. time              B. budget          C. people               D. space

17. A. beside            B. under          C. over                D. behind

18. A. film              B. garden               C. book                D. cup

19. A. put               B. set           C. dressed              D. filled

20. A. rent       B. make         C. live                 D. paint




 Whether ways will be found to help China _______ the current world financial crisis is just _______ worries the public.

A. prevent; that      B. survive; what   C. forbid; that      D. quit; what



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