满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

No student likes ________ in the teacher...

No student likes ________ in the teacher’s face during the class.

A.making fun of

B.being made fun of

C.being made fun

D.making fun


B 【解析】略

-----I’ m sorry that I have broken your glasses.

----- ____________!

A.Never mind

B.Not at all

C.You’re welcome

D.With pleasure



VII.书面表达 (满分20分)


提示:     1. 养成良好的英语学习习惯(如:……);

2. 多看英语电视和电影;扩大词汇量;

3. 要有自信;多讲,多用,不要怕出错。

注意:     1. 词数100左右;

2. 电子邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入你所写词数)。

Dear Li Hua,


Your sincerely

Li Ming



V. 短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

Do you like friends who can teach you a lot every day?    

Books are s______ friends because they bring knowledge to us     91.___________

and keep us company through our ______ (人生). They are       92.___________

so valuable that ________ (图书馆) are built to keep them.         93.___________

A_____ all great men are lovers of books. Franklin said that it     94.___________

was books that led him to success and that he could have  

a______(获得) nothing without books. Books are the holders of       95.___________

mankind’s _______(经验) and imagination. They enable us to see    96.___________

through the past and predict the ______. So when you open a      97.___________

book, you would get into a world ______ you have never been     98.___________

before. A good book is a good teacher that h______  you to get over 99.___________

difficulties. No matter what you are, _______or old, poor or rich,    100.___________

books are your devoted friends.   



Part B 完成下列句子:

16. 事故发生时有人路过那里吗?

Was there anybody passing by when the accident _________ _________.

17. 这张照片让我想起童年。

This picture ___________ me ___________ my childhood.

18. 他厌倦了国外的生活,正考虑回到中国。

He has _________ _________ __________ living abroad. He is considering going back to China.

19. 这样,他们减少饭菜中脂肪的含量,增加了纤维素。

In this way they _________ _________ the fat and increased the fiber in the meal.

20. 咱们应该怎样处理这些报纸?

What shall we ________ _________ the waste paper?

21. 至于账单嘛,先生,请把它忘了。

_________ _________ the bill, sir, please forget it.

22. 什么也不能阻止他们的计划得以实施。

Nothing can _________ their plans from _________ __________ out.

23. 既然大家已到齐,我们就开会吧。

_________ _________ everyone is here, we can begin the meeting.

24. 我可以隐约看出三个人影在远处移动。

I could make out three figures _________ __________ __________.

25. 他爷爷手拿报纸坐在扶手椅里。

His grandfather _________ _________ in the armchair with a newspaper.

26. 我陪他一直走到公交车站。

I accompanied him _______ far ________ the bus stop.




Part A 单词拼写

1. On New Year’s Eve, many people g_____ under the town clock to welcome the coming year.

2. Many a________ (奖品) will be given to the winners in the following music ceremony.

3. You can’t leave without the teacher’s p___________(允许).

4. Try to achieve a better ________ (平衡) between work and play.

5. After Mary bought a new house, she was deeply in d______.

6. Do you think the new credit cards will be of great b________ (好处) to our customers.

7. The policeman was the first person on the s_______ (出事地点).

8. He is not stupid; on the c__________, he is very intelligent.

9. Even though he is in r_______, he keeps his dignity.

10. Too much sugar can be h__________(有害的) to children’s teeth.

11. Mary was in low spirit. His boyfriend took her to the concert to c________ her up.

12. Few people can e_________ without water for more than a week.

13. Chinese people have the fine__________ (传统) of respecting teachers.

14. The lake is __________ (环绕) by trees.

15. The girl referred to just now has a g________ for playing the violin.



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