满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后...



“Hey, Dad, are you going to come to my award ceremony tonight?” I   36   asked my father. “I have to work late tonight. I doubt whether I’ll be able to   37   it on time. I am just too busy right now,” he replied.

My mind could not   38   the idea that he would be too busy working late. He was also too busy to   39   my horse show, football games and the 15th birthday party. He always used the same   40  . Why had I even bothered to ask?   41  , there was always a slight hope that tonight would be   42 .

As my mother and I arrived at school, two friends   43   me. “Jill, meet my dad. Dad, this is my friend Jill.” I shook the hand of a tall man. Camera flashes lit up the room, and claps filled the   44   as students accepted their awards. My name was finally called,  45   three others. I followed my classmates to the   46  . When I reached out my hand to shake the   47  , a big smile lit up her face. The blinding flash from my mother’s camera   48   my eyes and I knew my dad wasn’t there. I walked back to my seat   49  .

Back at home, seeing my dad’s car in the garage, I told myself he would not be   50  . But the strong smell of alcohol hit me as soon as I   51   inside, and I could feel my tears   52  .

I followed the sound of his drunken words and saw him   53   on the couch.

54   did father lie to me? I threw my award on the floor, walked to my bedroom, and shut the door. Tears rolled down my face. I wondered if I would ever be more   55   than his whiskey bottle.

36. A. confidently                B. eagerly                     C. proudly             D. fearfully

37. A. reach                         B. keep                        C. take                  D. make

38. A. create                        B. support                    C. appreciate          D. accept

39. A. watch                        B. avoid                       C. attend               D. speed

40. A. excuse                       B. reply                        C. promise             D. trick

41. A. Besides                      B. Thus                        C. Otherwise          D. However

42. A. active                        B. formal                    C. different            D. serious

43. A. recognised                 B. greeted                 C. encouraged        D. showed

44. A. air                             B. audience               C. school           D. playground

45. A. apart from                 B. other than          C. except for      D. along with

46. A. stage                         B. position                    C. office                D. exit

47. A. Jill’s                          B. teacher’s                  C. mother’s           D. father’s

48. A. fixed                         B. touched                    C. hurt                  D. inserted

49. A. successfully            B. disappointedly      C. delightedly     D. hopefully

50. A. drunk                        B. woken                  C. forgiven            D. hidden

51. A. stepped                  B. noticed                     C. examined          D. glanced

52. A. getting off                 B. taking down             C. building up        D. turning around

53. A. leaning                  B. lying                    C. putting                     D. carrying

54. A. How                          B. Where                  C. Why                 D. Whether

55. A. perfect                   B. comfortable                 C. fortunate           D. Important


36—40: B D D C A    41—45: D C B A D      46—50: A B C B A        51—55: A C B C D       【解析】略

35.   He asked , “ Are you a Party member or a League member?”

→He asked me _________.

A.am I a Party member or a League member

B.was I a Party member or a League member

C.if I was a Party member or a League member

D.whether was I a Party member or a League member.



34.   --Have you ever heard of an American president called Chester A.Arthur?

--No, and he is not mentioned in my history book at all. He seems ______________.

A. to have been completely forgotten                 B. having completely forgotten

C. to have completely forgotten                         D. completely forgetting



33.   ________ in the fields on a March afternoon, he could feel the warmth of spring.

A.To walk



D.Having walked



32.   --What kind of ________ makes 3G cellphones so popular with the young?

--Video communication, I think.







30.   It was once called the Sea of Bamboo, but now only one fifth of the area ______ covered with bamboo, and sixty percent of other plants ______ taken the place of the bamboo.

A.are; have

B.is; has

C.is; have

D.are; has



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