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第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分, 满分30分) 请阅读下面短文,掌...


第二节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分, 满分30分)


John was waiting for the girl whose heart he knew, but whose face he didn’t, the girl with the rose.Thirteen months ago, in a Florida library he found notes in the book margin (空白).The soft

 36 reflected a thoughtful soul and insightful mind.

In the book, he 37 the previous owner’s name, Miss Hollis Maynell.With time and effort he

 38 her address.He wrote her a letter 39 himself and inviting her to write 40 .

Then the two grew to know each other 41 the mail.A romance was budding.John requested a photograph, 42 she refused.Later they planned their first meeting-7:00 pm at Grand Central Station in New York.

“You’ll 43 me, ” she wrote, “by the 44 I’ll be wearing on my coat.” So at 7:00 he was in the station.

A young woman in a green suit was coming toward him, her figure like a flower was long and

 45 and her eyes blue.Almost uncontrollably he made one 46 closer to her, and just at this moment he saw Hollis Maynell-a woman well past 40.The girl was walking quickly away.He felt 47 he split in two, so keen was his desire to follow her, and 48 so deep was his longing for the woman whose 49 had truly companioned (陪伴) him.

He did not 50 .He said, “I’m John, and you must be Miss Maynell.I am so glad you could

 51 me; may I take you to dinner?”

The woman smiled, “I don’t know what this is about, but the young lady in the green suit begged me to 52 this rose on my coat.She said if you were to ask me to dinner, I should tell you she is 53 you in the restaurant across the street.She said it was some kind of  54 !”

It’s not difficult to admire Miss Maynell’s wisdom.The true nature of a heart is seen in its response to the 55 .

36. A.reading                 B.handwriting            C.smiling                   D.speaking

37. A.invented               B.thought                   C.discovered                  D.understood

38. A.published              B.wrote                         C.caught                    D.located

39. A.introducing           B.saying                    C.showing                  D.enjoying

40. A.back                     B.up                          C.on                          D.away

41. A.in                         B.by                          C.through                  D.at

42. A.therefore            B.but                         C.so                          D.and

43. A.realize                  B.recognize                C.know                   D.like

44. A.flower                  B.book                      C.rose                        D.glasses

45. A.fat                        B.ugly                       C.tall                         D.slim

46. A.stair                         B.jump                      C.pace                       D.step

47. A.as though              B.even if                    C.that                        D.although

48. A.still                      B.already                   C.yet                         D.though

49. A.appearance            B.development           C.voice                      D.spirit

50. A.laugh                    B.hesitate                   C.follow                    D.affect

51. A.know                    B.meet                       C.notice                     D.write

52. A.wear                     B.catch                      C.take                        D.bring

53. A.looking for           B.talking to                C.looking at               D.waiting for

54. A.check                   B.exam                      C.test                         D.quiz

55. A.beautiful               B.weak                      C.unattractive             D.strong


36--- 40 BCDAA   41--- 45 CBBCD       46--- 50 DACDB       51--- 55 BADCC 【解析】


.—What would you like to do? Doing shopping or going to the cinema?

    —_______.Whatever you want to do is fine with me.

    A.All right         B.It’s up to you          C.Glad to hear that    D.It just depends




.Bay, Amazon and Wall Mart are popular websites ______ people can sell goods to each other.

A.where              B.which               C.when                 D.whose




 She was the first in our class _____ the mold: Instead of getting a job in education, she decided to become a businesswoman.

     A.to break                 B.breaking              C.broke                  D.broken




—What do you think of our next game?

—A bit worried.We ______ it with our two major players injured.

A.have lost                B.will have lost          C.lost               D.are losing




It is only when an NBA player has aged and been through many battles ______ he learns an

 important lesson; there is no “I” in “team”.

A.after                     B.before                   C.what                  D.that



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