满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I knew_____ John Lennon, but not ______f...

I knew_____ John Lennon, but not ______famous one you know.

A.the , a

B.a , the

C.\ , the

D.the , the


B 【解析】略

—Lets go to a movie after work, OK ?


A.Not at all.

B.Oh, it all depends.

C.It is all depending.

D.Yes, you are welcome







Tom 喜欢运动,积极参加校运会并为班级赢得荣誉。





Dear friends,

Today we are having a party to honor our friend Tom, who is returning to his own country with his parents…….




第二节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





My wife and I went to visit the town that we both               81._______

grew up last summer. We hadn't been to there for ten            82. _______

years. First we went to the place where my wife spends          83. _______

her childhood. People there asked us come into their houses     84. _______

and had a cup of coffee. Then we went to see my old             85. _______

neighbor. How a disappointment(失望)! It was all                86. _______

changed. All the old houses I remembered gone and               87. _______

their places were some very modern one. I didn't                88. ________

know some of the people who lived there.                        89. _______

But they were friendly to us. We had very good time.            90. ________






76.The _______ (质量) of service in this hotel has greatly improved.

77.  Thanks for your _______(邀请). I’d like to come.

78.  The climate here _________(适合)me very well.

79.  Our cars are _______(类似)only in colors.

80.  Cold weather may _______(持续)for a few more days.




When I decided to apply for a summer job, I was a freshman. After several attempts(尝试), I got an interview with Dave Hensley, a manager in the games department at Cedar Point Amusement Park. I was a very shy and quiet boy, but I put aside my shy nature for the interview, and was as outgoing(外向的) as I knew how to be. Apparently(明显地)it worked. I was informed (通知) to go to the park the next day. However, when I arrived, Dave told me he was assigning (分派) me to be a guesser. That position required standing all alone, speaking to thousands of people over a microphone. I never dreamed Dave would assign me to that position.

Dave must have sensed my fear as he said, “Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll do fine.” Then he took me to the Guessing Game location in an area of the park. Along the way, Dave talked to me, trying to improve my confidence. He told me to just relax and be myself, and then the microphone was put into my hand.

My mind was disorderly, but I knew I wanted to work at Cedar Point, and that desire meant I had to make it. After thirty minutes, Dave took the microphone and gave it to another guesser. He turned to me and said, “Well, at least you’re not afraid of the microphone!” Thanks to Dave’s trust and encouragement, I went on to become a very successful guesser. His support in helping me overcome that fear improved my life in more ways than Dave could ever imagine. In that same spirit, I successfully completed my Master’s degree in electrical engineering which I had once wanted to give up.

64. In order to get the job, the author _______.

A. had to have several interviews with Dave Hensley

B. often went to the amusement park at Cedar Point

C. let the manager know he was a very shy and quiet person

D. made the manager believe he was good at dealing with strangers

65. Right after the author heard that his position was a guesser, he was ____.

A. excited       B. afraid     C. happy       D. regretful

66. After reading the whole passage, we can infer that the author _______.

A. didn’t do well in electrical engineering at first

B. wanted to be a guesser all his life

C. could learn new things very quickly

D. wanted to be a person like Dave Hensley

67. By writing about his own experience, the author wants to tell us _______.

A. how to be a successful guesser as a freshman

B. how to be a popular person in a company

C. the importance of trust(信任)and encouragement

D. the importance of having a good manager



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