满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The two largest islands of the British I...

The two largest islands of the British Isles are Great Britain and Ireland. England, Wales and Scotland together form Great Britain. Scotland, lying in the northern part of Great Britain and bordering(接壤)England on the south, is half the size of England and Wales, having an area of about 76 000 square kilometers. Most of Northern Scotland is mountainous area known as the Scottish Highlands. In the center of Scotland there are the Central Low-lands, and the south is waving, hilly area known as the Southern Uplands which rise to 800m. There are many rivers in Great Britain, but they are not very long. The rivers which run to the east are longer than the ones which run to the west.

In Scotland the main rainy winds come from the Atlantic Ocean. The west part is wet with an average(平均) rainfall of up to 200cm while the east is dry with about 75cm. The winters are cold with an average January temperature of 4℃. The summers are cold and warm but rarely hot.

1. This passage mainly tells us____ .

A. how many parts form Great Britain

B. the positions of England, Wales and Scotland

C. the areas of Great Britain

D. Something about Scotland

2. England lies____ .

A. in the south of Great Britain          B. to the south of Scotland

C. to the north of Wales                D. in the north of Scotland

3. This passage also tells us____ .

A. the population of Great Britain        B. the history of England and Wales

C. the size of Scotland                 D. the position of Northern Ireland

4. The Central lowlands_____ .

A. lie between the Scottish Highlands and the Southern Uplands

B. lie to the north of Scottish Highlands

C. lie to the south of the Southern Uplands

D. border England on the south

5. The writer says that in Scotland there is more rain____ .

A. in the Highlands than in the Southern Uplands     B. in the west part than in the east

C. in the Central Lowlands than in the Highland      D. in the east than in the west


 B  D  C  A  B 【解析】略



Cook wanted for Busy London Restaurant

Experience (经历) required (需要).

Call Tom 020 0451 87.

Dance teacher

We are looking for a dance and singing teacher to teach 4 to 7-year-old children. You only work three hours on Saturdays. You should have teaching experience. Send a CV (求职信) to Steve Reed, 9 Lenton Close, London or telephone 020 8334 47.


Friendly family needs someone to look after 2 small children.

Some light housework.

Good pay.

Live in our house.

Tel: Mrs. Smith 020 0562 78

Waiters required

Have restaurant knowledge and some bar experience. You will need to love learning new things.

Tel: Cathy 020 4563 12

1. Which job needs you to be able to sing?

A. Babysitter.         B. Dance teacher.       C. Cook.          D. Waiter.

2. What kind of job can Jack do if he cooked in a restaurant from 1998 to 2004?

A. Babysitter.        B. Waiter.           C. Cook.          D. Dance teacher.

3. John has just come to London from another city. She needs a place to live in.

So she may call________________.

A. 020 0451 87      B. 020 4563 12         C. 020 0562 78     D. 020 8334 47





Mother’s Day was coming,but John had been visiting customers.He was now in a small town just outside a flower shop and he knew what to do.

He went into the shop and saw a young man  36  the clerk(店员) to sell him some roses for six dollars,but the clerk just explained that roses were    37   and that his money was not enough.

The clerk looked up at John,  38  her head.Something inside of John was   39  by the boy’ s voice.John had been   40  with his business,and he looked at the clerk and  41    mouthed that he would pay for the roses.

The clerk looked at the young man and told him to get the roses for six dollars. The young man almost jumped into the  42  and ran from the store with the  43 .It was worth the extra dollars just to see that kind of   44 .

John ordered his own flowers and made sure that the  45  would include a note telling his mother how much he loved her.He drove away from the shop,feeling very  46 .He caught a  traffic light about two blocks away.As he  47  at the light,he saw the young boy walking down the sidewalk.He watched him cross the street and enter a park through two huge gates.Suddenly,he  48  that it wasn’t a park but a cemetery(公墓).

The light  49 ,and John slowly crossed the intersection.He  50   and on an impuise(冲动)got out and began to follow the boy.The young man stopped by a small monument(墓碑) and went to his  51  . He began to cry after he carefully  52  the roses on the grave(墓地).He stared at the little boy’s heaving(起伏的)body and listened to his crying.

John turned with  53 ,and walked back to his car.He drove  54  to the shop and told her he would  55  the flowers personally.He wanted to tell his mother one more time just how much he loved her.

36.A.begging              B.ordering             C.forcing               D.threatening

37.A.cheap                  B.beautiful         C.expensive        D.special

38.A.shaking              B.waving               C.shocking                 D.holding

39.A.sensed                   B.touched                  C.hurt                   D.lightened

40.A.influenced                 B.ruined                    C.buried                    D.satisfied

41.A.loudly                    B.silently                   C.gently                    D.calmly

42.A.river                  B.air                          C.lake                   D.hole

43.A.money                    B.flowers                   C.basket                    D.cards

44.A.surprise                  B.fright                        C.excitement             D.sadness

45.A.sending                  B.message                  C.transportation     D.export

46.A.inspired                  B.disappointed            C.good                      D.sorry

47.A.sang                       B.waited                    C.looked                   D.stood

48.A.remembered            B.found                     C.discovered              D.realized

49.A.flashed                  B.changed                  C.disappeared            D.shone

50.A.drove back              B.pulled over             C.broke down            D.settled down

51.A.arms                      B.palms(手掌)            C.feet                   D.knees

52.A.laid                        B.removed                 C.set                         D.grew

53.A.laughter                  B.anger                  C.tears                      D.cruelty

54.A.slowly                    B.quickly                   C.carefully            D.excitedly

55.A.bring                  B.fetch              C.take                   D.fasten



. We all hope that the flame will not _____ in such cold weather.

A.die out

B.die off

C.die down

D.die away.



You are not in good health, I think. You could improve your _____ by running every day.







You can do whatever you like _______ you follow the school rules..

A.on condition

B.on condition that

C.on this condition

D.on condition if



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