满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It is believed that hard work is the ___...


It is believed that hard work is the ____ of one’s success.

 A. purpose    B. goal       C. guarantee      D. achievement


C 【解析】








Fishing is my favorite sport. I often fished for         81________________

hour without catching anything, but this doesn’t worry      82. ________________

me. Some fishermen are unlucky, instead catching fish,     83. ________________

they catch old boots or rubbish. But I’m even less luck. I    84________________

never catch everything—even old boots after             85. ________________

spend a whole morning on the river. So I always go home   86. ________________

with empty bag. “You should give up fishing,” my friends   87. ________________

say, “It’s a waste time.” But they don’t realize one        88. ________________

important thing. I’m not real interested in fishing. I’m      89 ________________

only interested in sitting in a boat and do nothing at all.     90. ________________







76. She was a _________ (安慰) to her old father.

77. Smith is very ________(吝啬的). He never helps the poor, though he is rich.

78. New Zealand has a p________ of about 3.8 million people.

79. We’ve got to be _______(实际的) and buy only what we can afford.

80. China’s role in keeping the world’s peace is highly v______.



Most of the flowers in nature are red, orange and yellow. If we have seen a black flower, it’s a chance in a million.

People have made a census (普查) to colors of mor e than four thousand kinds of flowers and discovered that only eight of them are black.

As we know, sunlight is formed by seven different colored lights.The wave length of each light is different, so the quantity of heat in each light is also different. Flowers, especially their petals, are easy to be harmed by light temperature.

Black flowers can take in all the light waves which cause the flowers to dry up in the high temperature. So black flowers can rarely survive sunlight. But red flowers, yellow flowers and orange flowers can protect themselves from sunlight by reflecting the red light, yellow light and orange light, each of which has a large quantity of heat.

1. It is _____ to see a black flower.

A. impossible     B. seldom          C. common       D. no chance

2. From the passage we know that _______.

A. black flowers are so weak that it is difficult for them to grow up.

B. there are only eight black flowers in nature

C. sunlight is formed by seven different colored lights, so the wave length of each light is different

D. black flowers can take in the light of all the wave length which makes them dry up because of high temperature

3. Which of the following ideas is WRONG?

A. People have found that only a few kinds of flowers are black.

B. Flowers are easy to be harmed by very high temperature.

C. Red, orange and yellow flowers can also take in the light of all wave lengths.

D. The black flowers can’t protect themselves from sunlight.



The two largest islands of the British Isles are Great Britain and Ireland. England, Wales and Scotland together form Great Britain. Scotland, lying in the northern part of Great Britain and bordering(接壤)England on the south, is half the size of England and Wales, having an area of about 76 000 square kilometers. Most of Northern Scotland is mountainous area known as the Scottish Highlands. In the center of Scotland there are the Central Low-lands, and the south is waving, hilly area known as the Southern Uplands which rise to 800m. There are many rivers in Great Britain, but they are not very long. The rivers which run to the east are longer than the ones which run to the west.

In Scotland the main rainy winds come from the Atlantic Ocean. The west part is wet with an average(平均) rainfall of up to 200cm while the east is dry with about 75cm. The winters are cold with an average January temperature of 4℃. The summers are cold and warm but rarely hot.

1. This passage mainly tells us____ .

A. how many parts form Great Britain

B. the positions of England, Wales and Scotland

C. the areas of Great Britain

D. Something about Scotland

2. England lies____ .

A. in the south of Great Britain          B. to the south of Scotland

C. to the north of Wales                D. in the north of Scotland

3. This passage also tells us____ .

A. the population of Great Britain        B. the history of England and Wales

C. the size of Scotland                 D. the position of Northern Ireland

4. The Central lowlands_____ .

A. lie between the Scottish Highlands and the Southern Uplands

B. lie to the north of Scottish Highlands

C. lie to the south of the Southern Uplands

D. border England on the south

5. The writer says that in Scotland there is more rain____ .

A. in the Highlands than in the Southern Uplands     B. in the west part than in the east

C. in the Central Lowlands than in the Highland      D. in the east than in the west





Cook wanted for Busy London Restaurant

Experience (经历) required (需要).

Call Tom 020 0451 87.

Dance teacher

We are looking for a dance and singing teacher to teach 4 to 7-year-old children. You only work three hours on Saturdays. You should have teaching experience. Send a CV (求职信) to Steve Reed, 9 Lenton Close, London or telephone 020 8334 47.


Friendly family needs someone to look after 2 small children.

Some light housework.

Good pay.

Live in our house.

Tel: Mrs. Smith 020 0562 78

Waiters required

Have restaurant knowledge and some bar experience. You will need to love learning new things.

Tel: Cathy 020 4563 12

1. Which job needs you to be able to sing?

A. Babysitter.         B. Dance teacher.       C. Cook.          D. Waiter.

2. What kind of job can Jack do if he cooked in a restaurant from 1998 to 2004?

A. Babysitter.        B. Waiter.           C. Cook.          D. Dance teacher.

3. John has just come to London from another city. She needs a place to live in.

So she may call________________.

A. 020 0451 87      B. 020 4563 12         C. 020 0562 78     D. 020 8334 47



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