满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

2 The bell ________ the end of the perio...

2 The bell ________ the end of the period rang, interrupting our heated discussion.

A indicating B indicated C indicates D to indicate


A 【解析】略

ⅣMultiple choice.

1Fishermen and sailors sometimes claim____ monsters in the sea.

A seeing B to have seen C having seen D to see



B sentences


2 他生称看见一个黑黑的,圆圆的动物在水中快速游动.

3 他们还认为,在世界其他地方的湖泊里也许有类似的生物.

4 他们说,水温这样低的湖泊不可能生存有体形如此巨大的动物.

5 虽然没人很清楚的看到过怪物,但有关的信息从上世纪末就有了。

6 因为天气不错湖面很平静,李晓和说她和家人可以很清楚的观看怪物。

7 龙可以是和善的或凶猛的,他们能带来好运或引起死亡和破坏。

8 在中国文化中,龙是慷慨智慧的,虽然有点神不可测。

9 有一个比较盛行的说法:如果你在龙年出生,你就会聪明勇敢而且具有与生俱来的领袖资质。

10 为什么在世界不同的地方龙有不同的特征?一些专家认为这是由于神话的起源不同。



Ⅲ Translate into Chinese

A.          Phrases

1 接近,靠近2 生气

3 伸出4 再次成为新闻

5 看清楚某物6 看起来象

7 潜入水中8 远亲

9 不可能10 占地

11说实话12 适应,适合

13 灭绝14编故事

15 帮助弄清楚,阐明某事

16 开门见山

17 几乎一夜之间

18 选择,喜欢,攻击19 不同寻常

20 根据21 由于





Complete these sentences using the correct form of the words given below.

hair fright appear predict reputation positive indicate fortunate 

1 The boy was ______ to death by the violent thunderstorm.

2 She was quiet ______ about the amount of money.

3 You never know how she will react: she is so_________.

4 He has established his good ________ as a writer.

5 A _______ chest sometimes is a symbol of strong for a man.

6 A red sky at night _______ fine weather the following day.

7 The plane __________ behind the cloud, so you couldn’t see it.

8 __________, he passed the examination.

9 The knife needs __________.

10 If we continue to destroy the countryside, more animals will become________.



B. Cultural corner

Dragon can be friendly or 1______, they can bring good luck or 2_______ death and destruction. For a creature that doesn’t actually exit, that’s 3_____.

In Chinese culture, dragons are 4______and wise, although they can be 5_________. The dragon was closely 6_________ to the royal family. According to popular 7_______, if you were born in the year of the 8_______, you are intelligent, brave and a natural leader.

But in the west, dragons had a different 9__________.

Why10________the dragon have a different character in different parts of the world? Some experts believe it is 11______to the animals the myths grow out of. In the west, the idea of the dragon probably came from the 12______. But in China, the idea of the dragon came from the 13_________, a good sign for 14_________. So the Chinese dragon was a 15_________ of good fortune.



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