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Dogs are known for their sense of smell....

Dogs are known for their sense of smell.They can find missing people and things like bombs and illegal drugs.Now a study suggests that the animal known as man’s best friend can even find bladder(膀胱)cancer.

Cancer cells are thought to produce chemicals with unusual odors(气味).Researchers think dogs have the ability to smell these odors, even in very small amounts, in urine(尿).The sense of smell in dogs is thousands of times better than in humans.

The study follows reports of cases where, for example, a dog showed great interest in a growth on the leg of its owner.The man was later found to be skin cancer.Carolyn Willis led a team of researchers at Amersham Hospital in England.They trained different kinds of dogs for the experiment.The study involved urine collected from bladder cancer patients, from people with other diseases and from healthy people.Each dog was tested 8 times.In each test there were 7 samples for the dogs to smell.The dog should signal the one from a bladder cancer patient by lying down next to it.Two cocker dogs were correct 56 percent of the time.But the scientists reported an average success rate of 41 percent.The British Medical Journal published the research.In all, 36 bladder cancer patients and 108 other people took part.During training, all the dogs reportedly even identified(认出)a cancer in a person who had tested healthy before the study.Doctors found a growth on the person’s right kidney(肾).Carolyn Willis says dogs could help scientists identify the combined chemicals produced by bladder cancer.That information could then be used to develop machines to test for the chemicals.The team also plans to use dogs to help identify markers for other kinds of cancer.

49.What’s the general idea of the text?

A.Dogs have a good sense of smell        B.Dogs can help cure cancer

C.Dogs can smell cancer                 D.Dogs help perform experiments

50.According to the text, people who suffer bladder cancer_____

A.often have urine with unusual smell                       B.probably smoke cigarettes in their life

C.can easily make dogs lie down                    

D.are likely to die within nine years

51.The underlined word “involved” in the text is closest in meaning to _____.

A.showed            B.used          C.proved       D.preferred

52.What can we conclude from the last paragraph?

A.Dogs can only smell bladder cancer.

B.Dogs have a good knowledge of cancer.

C.Cancer doesn’t have any sign in the beginning.

D.Scientists might invent some equipment to test cancer.


49---52   CA BD 【解析】略




Cao Min couldn’t believe she was experiencing exactly what she had seen years ago in the film “Titanic”.

Cao and her two children from Anhui Province were traveling on board the “Liaoludu 7” on February 22.They were among the first people on the ship who were rescued by lifeboats.Cao’s one-year-old son was the youngest passenger on board.

The “Liaoludu 7” was traveling in the Bohai Straits from Lvshun in Liaoning Province to the port city of Longkou in Shandong Province.It suddenly lost its power at 2:30 pm and tilted(倾斜)on its side.With 81 people on board, the ferry(渡船)began to sink.

“I was so scared that my legs couldn’t move forward.They kept shaking even when I was asked to jump onto a lifeboat,” Cao recalled.

Upon receiving the may?day appeal(紧急呼救), China Marine Search and Rescue Centre immediately informed the State Council.The center sent eight lifeboats to the sinking ship and asked for help from the Ministry of Agriculture, the Navy and nearby fishing boats.

After more than four hours of fighting strong winds and freezing ocean water, the passengers were rescued.All but four survived.These four died after spending too long time in the freezing waters, according to a spokesperson for the Beijing-based center.

46.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A.The film “Titanic” had been on show again in Shanghai.

B.Cao’s two-year-old son was the youngest passenger on board.

C.“Liaoludu 7” with all passengers on board survived.

D.The ferry began to sink on the way to the port of Shangdong Province.

47.The underlined word “scared” in paragraph 4 means “__________” in English.

A.anxious        B.unfortunate   C.frightened     D.disappointed

48.From the passage we can infer that __________.

A.China Marine Search and Rescue Centre quickly carried out the rescue task

B.the center sent eight lifeboats and asked for help from the United Nations

C.the passengers were fighting strong winds and freezing ocean water for one hour

D.the ferry sank into the sea immediately it tilted on its side at 2:30 pm



第四节  完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)


That night, Joe came back home very late, pulling his heavy legs, obviously tired.He then sat down by the window, ­ 26  his head.

Hearing her husband back, Kay  27  out of the kitchen, but to her  28 , Joe sat still,

without  29 .Usually, when he came back, he would greet her with a kiss or a hug.Immediately Kay 30 something unusual.She went over to Joe and asked, “Tell me, my dear, any 31  news?”

“Well, I have to say that things are not in our  32 .It seems that I have no  33 to defeat my opponent (对手).He’s much more  34 , for he’s been holding the position for nearly four years, and people think he’s done a  35  job.Many signs show that he’s in the 36 .”

“Oh, really? But I still believe you have our own  37 .You’re in your forties at the best age for a man.You’re new, so people have reasons to  38  you to do better.So let’s go to the voters and tell hem, ‘Give Joe Hart a chance, and he’ll show you who’s your better 39”

Their next three weeks were spent  40  different neighborhoods, going to all kinds of parties, and making speeches at universities and gatherings.Even Judy and Julie, their small children, went from door to door,  41  their “Please vote for our daddy, Joe Hart!”

The night before the  42 vote, the whole Hart family were too  43 to fall asleep.The moment before the final result was declared, their  44 were brought to their mouths, but at last they all  45 and burst into tears.

Joe Hart became head judge of the state of Texas, USA.

26.A.lifting         B.raising       C.hanging     D.combing

27.A.walked       B.looked       C.kept        D.stole

28.A.anger         B.joy          C.surprise     D.disappointment

29.A.hope         B.movement    C.patience     D.smile

30.A.said          B.sensed        C.told         D.did

31.A.lucky         B.exciting      C.new        D.bad

32.A.favor         B.way          C.place        D.sight

33.A.time          B.thought      C.chance       D.wish

34.A.interesting     B.experienced   C.lovely       D.fit

35.A.good          B.poor         C.beautiful     D.funny

36.A.success        B.office        C.lead         D.government

37.A.people        B.reasons       C.rights        D.advantages

38.A.force         B.expect       C.order         D.ask

39.A.choice        B.friend        C.leader       D.person

40.A.helping        B.visiting       C.inviting            D.traveling

41.A.answering     B.repeating      C.showing     D.offering

42.A.final         B.next         C.first         D.close

43.A.eager         B.sorry         C.anxious      D.happy

44.A.breaths       B.worries       C.tongues      D.hearts

45.A.left          B.arrived             C.laughed      D.jumped



—Shall we go out for a walk?  

—Sorry.I’m too busy to             for the moment.

A.get away

B.get off

C.get through

D.get together



—Could you do me a favor to hand out these papers?

—           .

A.Yes, I could

B.It’s my pleasure

C.With pleasure




The United States signed up on Friday for the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, _________ it the last major country to join the event.



C.to make

D.having made



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