满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Whoever invented______ wheel is believed...

Whoever invented______ wheel is believed to have made______ most useful invention in______ history.  

A.a; the /;

B.the; the; /

C.the;. /; /

D.a; a; the.


B 【解析】    

第一部分:语音 共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


1. concern      A. voyage         B. common        C. continue         D. forecast

2. breathe      A. thick         B. southern      C. beneath        D. method

3. exactly    A. experience    B. examine       C. excite         D. expression

4. settle      A. base         B. season        C. shock         D. usual

5. watched   A. judged        B. worked       C. refused        D. wanted



第三节 书面表达(满分30分)









Nowadays, it is a common phenomenon that more and more high school students open their own blog on the Internet……






A.The spreading tea

B.The history of tea growing

C.Changes of tastes for drinks

D.Reducing cancer risks

E.The plant Camellia sinensis

F.A woman’s opinion of tea

61. _____________________________

Americans are far more knowledgeable about drinks than they were 20 years ago. Witness the Starbucks revolution and you’ll know where the trend goes. Now, encouraged by recent studies suggesting that it can cut the risk of cancer and heart disease and slow the aging process, tea is enjoying a similar change. Enough fashionable tea houses are springing up to make even longtime coffee drinkers consider switching drinks.

62. _____________________________

Tea is available in more places than ever. The Tea Association of the United States reports that from 1990 to 1999, annual sales of the drink grew to $4.6 billion from $1.8 billion. “Green tea is seen by consumers as a ‘functional food’” — delivering health benefits beyond food itself, says Vierhile.

63. _____________________________

Recently published studies point out that only teas that come from the leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis have been shown to contain health benefits. Other herbal teas may taste good, yet they do little more than warm up the drinker. But for Camellia sinensis, the evidence is powerful. In a 1998 study, Harvard University researchers found that drinking one cup of black tea a day lowered the risk of heart attack by as much as 44 percent compared with non-tea drinkers, and other studies have suggested that the antioxidants (抗氧化剂) in these so-called real teas can also prevent cancer.

64. _____________________________

One such antioxidant in green tea is ECGC, a compound 20 times as powerful as vitamin E and 200 times as powerful as vitamin C. “When people ask me for something good and cheap they can do to reduce their cancer risk, I tell them to drink real tea,” says Mitchell Gaynor, director of medical oncology at New York City’s Strang-Cornell Cancer Prevention Center.

65. _____________________________

Among those inspired to become a green-tea drinker is Tess Ghilaga, a New York writer who took it up after seeking advice from a nutritionist six years ago. “I’ve never been a coffee drinker,” says Ghilaga, 33. “She told me to start drinking green tea for the antioxidant qualities.” Now Ghilaga and her husband habitually make tea — they order theirs from InPursuitofTea.com, an Internet tea company. And although tea contains about half the amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee, “you still get such a kick from it,” says Ghilaga.




What would life be like without television? Would you spend more time 26  , reading, or studying? Well, now it’s your chance to turn off your TV and  27  ! TV-Turnoff Week is here.

The goal of TV-Turnoff Week is to let people leave their TV sets  28   and participate in activities  29   drawing to biking. The event was founded by TV-Turnoff Network, a non-profit organization which started the event in 1995. In the 30  , only a few thousand people took part. Last year more than 7.6 million people participated,  31   people in every state in America and in more than 12 other countries! This is the 11th year in which  32   are asking people to “turn off the TV and turn on  33  .”

According to the TV-Turnoff Network, the average  34   in the US spend  35  time in front of the TV (about 1,023 hours per year) than they do in school (about 900 hours per year). Too much TV  36   has made many kids grow fat.  37  , in 2001’s TV-Turnoff Week, US Surgeon General David Satcher said, “We are raising the most  38   generation of youngsters in American history. This week is about saving lives.”

Over the years, studies have shown that watching a lot of TV  39   poor eating habits, too little exercise, and violence. Frank Vespe of the TV-Turnoff Network said that turning off the TV “is or  40  , part of a healthy lifestyle”.

“One of the great lessons of  41   TV-Turnoff Week is the realization that  42   I turn on the TV, I’m deciding not to do something else,” Vespe said.

TV-Turnoff Week seems to be making a  43  . Recent US Census(人口普查)data  44   that about 72 percent of kids under 12 have a limit on their TV time. That’s  45   about 63 percent ten years ago.

26. A. drinking         B. sleeping        C. washing               D.playing outside

27. A. find out              B. go out           C. look out               D. keep out

28. A. away              B. off                C. on                           D. beside

29. A. like                    B. as                     C. from                    D. such as

30. A. end                    B. event            C. beginning             D. total

31. A. besides           B. except for      C. including              D. except

32. A.governments     B. parents              C. organizers            D. businessmen

33. A. the light              B. the radio       C. life                          D. the Internet

34. A. grown-ups      B. kids                  C. clerks                   D. parents

35. A. less                    B. enough              C. little                    D. more

36. A.programmes    B. screen           C. hours                   D. watching

37. A. However             B. On the contrary  C. In fact                      D. As a result

38. A. overweight      B. overeaten      C. overgrown            D. overseeing

39. A. leads to           B.results from     C. develops               D. keeps away

40. A. will be            B. should be      C. may be                     D. could be

41. A. organizing          B. taking part in     C. participating             D. asking for

42. A. wherever        B. every day      C. every time            D. this time

43. A. living             B. choice           C. difference             D. sense

44. A. shows             B. says              C. reads                    D. writes

45. A. rising             B. down from     C. up to                    D. up from



— Are yon feeling any     ?

— No, in fact my health isn’t so     as before.

A.well; good

B.well; well

C.better; well

D.better; good



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