满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

第一部分:英语知识运用(共四节,满分95分) 第一节:语音 共5小题;每小题1分...


第一节:语音 共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


1. attend    A. blame   B announce    C. tablet         D. fax

2. province  A. fold     B. tolerate     C. postage       D. ecology

3. citizen    A .recycle  B. communism  C. clarify       D. constant

4. chart     A. school   B. characteristic   C. chemical   D chat

5. Britain    A. certain   B. train         C. contain     D. against


1------ 5  BBADA    【解析】略

第三节: 书面表达(满分30分)





With the popularity of computers, ____________________________________













In my village a lot of children were leaving school for various reason. Some families are too poor to send their children to school, and they have to earn money to support their families. Many parents do not think it useless to send their children to school. They would rather let their children to stay at home .I feel worried this. I think every child should have a chance to go to school .We should pay many attention to the education of children, for we will play an important part in our socialist construction in the future .Ways must be found prevent children from leave off their studies.



第三部分 写作(共三节,满分55分)

第一节 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


66. Their plans seem good in ________ (理论) but won’t work in practice .

67. One of their first ________ (商业的) products was an electronic typewriter.

68. ________ (总共) , about 50 NATO aircrafts took part in the attack.

69. The blood samples have been sent away for ________ (分析) .

70. We will continue the race, __________of (不顾,不管) the weather.

71.When the fire got out of control, the captain told the sailors to_____(放弃) the ship.

72. One or two glasses of wine every day can be ________ (有益的). 

73. Full_____(准备) are being made to ensure the art exhibition will go on smoothly.

74. He suggests the product of labour should be equally ________ (分配).

75. The government’s first task is _______(起草) a new constitution for the country.





A.Reasons for Having Large Families in Some Countries.

B.Calculation of Population Growth.

C.Efforts Made to Lower the Mortality Rate (死亡率)

D.High Fertility Rates in Developing Countries.

E. Low Fertility Rates in Developed Countries.

F. Birth Control Programs.

61. ________  

Population growth is determined by the relationship between births and deaths. The growth rate is calculated by the birth rate minus the death rate. If the birth rate is 4%, for example, and the death rate is 3%, the population growing at rate of 1% per year.

62. ________

Historically, families had many children, but average life expectancies are low and many children died young. Improvements in nutrition and public health programs in the past 30 years have led to a drop in the mortality rate and hence to more rapid population growth.

63. ________

Public health programs and improved nutrition over the past 30 years have brought about declines in mortality rates in the developing nations. But fertility rates(出生率)have not declined as quickly, and the result has been high rates of population growth. Reduced population growth depends to some extent on decreased birth rates.

64. ______

Family planning and modern forms of birth control are important mechanisms for decreasing fertility, but by themselves such programs have had rather limited success in most countries where they have been tried. If family planning strategies are to be successful, they must make sense to the people who are supposed to benefit from them.

65. _______

To a great extent, in developing countries people want large families because they believe they need them. In some societies, children are important sources of farm labor, and they may thus make significant contributions to household income. In societies without any social security programs for the aged, children may also provide a vital source of income for their old parents.       



Dye (染料) can bring a little color to life. Most clothing is colored with dyes. Modern, manufactured dyes can be costly. Natural dyes from plant and animal products have been used since ancient times. So this week, we describe a natural way to dye wool.

There are several methods to put dye onto material. The vat method, for example, can be used to dye wool with onionskins. For this example, use one hundred grams of natural wool. The wool must be clean. Leave it overnight in water and liquid soap. Then wash it with clean water that is a little warm. Gently squeeze out the extra water.

A solution called a mordant (媒染) is used in the dying process. A mordant helps fix the dye to the material. Traditionally, mordants were found in nature. Wool ash is one example. But chemical mordants such as alum are popular today. Alum is sold in many stores. It is often mixed with cream of tartar, a fine powder commonly used in cooking.

Mix eight grams of alum with seven grams of cream of tartar in a small amount of hot water. Add the solution to a metal pan of cool water. Next, add the wool and place the mixture over heat. Slowly bring the liquid to eighty-two degrees Celsius. Heat the mixture for forty-five minutes. After it cools, remove the wool and wash it.

To prepare the dye solution, cover thirty grams of onionskins with water. Use only the dry, brown outer skins. Boil the liquid until the onionskins lose their color, about forty-five minutes. Remove the skins after the dye cools.

Now it is time to dye the wool. Place the wool into the dye and heat the mixture. Bring it to a boil, then immediately reduce the heat to eighty-two degrees. Now heat the dye for about forty-five minutes or until the wool is the desired color. Keep in mind that wet wool looks darker than it is.

Once the dye cools, remove the wool and wash it. Now the wool is orange or yellow. Or at least it should be.

57. According to the passage, mordants are ________.

A. dyes used in the dying process

B. materials which will be put dye to

C. wood ashes used in the dying process

D. not dyes but play an important role in the dying process

58. Which of the following statements about “natural dyes” is true?

A. They might be cheaper than chemical dyes.

B. They are more expensive than chemical dyes.

C. They have been used for only recent years.

D. They are all made from animal products.

59. As for the vat method, which of the following statements is NOT necessarily needed?

A. Ash.                B. Water.           C. Mordant.              D. Temperature.

60. Choose the proper order of dying wool:

a. boil the liquid with onionskins.

b. add mordants to a metal pan of cool water.

c. wash the wool with clean water.

d. put the wool into the liquid and heat it

e. heat the mixture and then wash it.

A. c, b, e, a, d        B. e, b, c, d, a     C. b, e, a, d, c              D. a, b, e, c, d



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