满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNIC...

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has declared October 15 as Global Handwashing Day in 2005.The first Global Handwashing Day is on October 15 of 2008.Activities are planned over twenty countries to get millions of people in the developing world to wash their hands with soap. Global Handwashing Day is the idea of the Public-Private Partnership for Handwashing with Soap. Partners include the UN Children's Fund, American government agencies, the World Bank and soap makers Unilever and Procter and Gamble. The goal is to create a culture of hand washing with soap.

Hand washing can prevent the spread of disease. Experts say people around the world wash their hands but very few use soap at so-called critical moments. These include after using the toilet, after cleaning a baby and before touching food.

When people get germs on their hands, they can infect themselves by touching their eyes, nose or mouth. Then they can infect others.

The organizers say all soaps are equally effective at removing disease-causing germs. The correct way to wash is to wet your hands with a small amount of water and cover them with soap. Rub it into all areas, including under the fingernails. Rub for at least twenty seconds.Then, rinse well under running water. Finally, dry your hands with a clean cloth or wave them in the air. Soap is important because it increases the time that people spend washing. It also helps to break up the grease and dirt that hold most of the germs.And it usually leaves a pleasant smell,which increases the likelihood that people will wash again.

Washing with soap before eating and after using the toilet could save more lives than any medicine. It could help reduce cases of diarrhea(痢疾) by almost half. And it could reduce deaths from pneumonia and other breathing infections by one-fourth. Diarrhea is the second leading cause of child deaths, killing more than one and a half million children a year. Pneumonia is the leading cause, killing about two million children under five each year. Hand washing can also prevent the spread of other diseases.

50.We can learn from Paragraph 1 that _______.

A.the first Global Handwashing Day was held in 2005

B.many originations support the idea of Global Handwashing Day  

C.Global Handwashing Day was founded by many soap makers

D.the content of Global Handwashing Day is to wash your hand frequently

51.The underlined phrase “critical moments” in Paragraph 2 refers to _______.

A.the turning points    


C.the arrangement of a time

D.the necessary parts in health

52.The main purpose of the story is to tell us ________.

A.hand washing is very important

B.to create a culture of hand washing with soap

C.germs can infect ourselves and others

D.soaps play an important role in everyday life

53.The last paragraph implies that ___________.

A.a soap is a kind of medicine to prevent a disease

B.it is important for children to wash hands in a correct way

C.Pneumonia kills about two million children each year

D.Diarrhea is the second leading cause of child deaths.


51---53  BAA   【解析】略

第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)


It was so cold that I couldn’t feel my legs. There was going to be a racing contest that night so I was 26  my horse, Skippy, up. I was simply running laps around the ring. The  27  cold air had been blowing past me, freezing my limbs, but every second I  28  it. You could hear the faint  29  of the people up at the clubhouse eating their dinner. My parents were also there, not knowing that my little sister had slowly wandered her way down to the ring. It was  30  because there was no moon or stars. Nobody else was in the ring at the time. I was really enjoying the  31  and I was able to  32  what Skippy was doing. As I took my last lap it  33  . Everything rapidly slowed down as I saw my little sister step  34   the ring. I saw true fear on her face because she knew she wouldn’t be  35  to move out of the way fast enough. She knew that she was going to get hit.

She tried to  36  but nothing came out of her fear-dried throat. When my horse got to her, he was still in a full out run.  37  , miraculously(奇迹般地), he slid so hard on his back feet that he  38 . It really made the  39  seem absolutely unreal. I thought that maybe I was  40 . I had  41  in my mind that I wasn’t seeing what was happening. I knew I had hit my sister. There was no way I could have  42  her. My horse was rising straight up and while he was in the air I couldn’t breathe. It’s like I forgot  43 . As all of this happened I watched my sister’s face transform (变形) through many different  44 : terror, confusion, curiosity, and then a sort of relief. Then she was laughing.

As I held my sister into my arms, Skippy stood right behind me knowing that I actually owed him my life  45  he saved my sister’s.

26.A. picking     B. warming                 C. catching                   D. setting

27.A. bitterly     B. hardly                    C. gently                  D. perfectly

28.A. challenged    B. witnessed        C. enjoyed                    D. hated

29.A. ceremony     B. tradition         C. victory                        D. laughter

30.A. windy          B. bright                     C. dark                         D. cloudy

31.A. quiet            B. quality                   C. impression            D.significance

32.A. rely on     B. focus on                 C. insist on                   D. put on

33.A. let out       B. held on               C. participated in           D.took place

34.A. close to      B. out of                 C. into                         D. towards

35.A. able          B. frightened        C. content                     D. proud

36.A. evaluate     B. worry                     C. scream                        D. escape

37.A. Accidentally  B. Normally           C. Generally                 D. Somehow

38.A. sped up     B. rose up                   C. broke down                 D. wore out

39.A. moment     B. contest                  C. comment                  D.technique

40.A. advancing     B. breathing            C. concluding           D. dreaming

41.A. that                 B. none                  C. neither                        D. it

42.A. hit           B. recognized              C. missed                    D. acknowledged

43.A. how             B. what                  C. when                       D. why

44.A. actions     B. emotions            C. attitudes                   D. thoughts

45.A. if                  B. because             C. as if                         D. so that



.He tried________to persuade his friends to travel with him, so he traveled alone.

A.in store

B.in vain

C.in turn

D.in trouble



Sealers and whalers were the first Europeans ________ to New Zealand, later followed by more Europeans, ________ for a better life.

A.coming; seeking

B.to come; seeking

C.came; to seek

D.to come; to seek



A 31-year-old woman was still________when rescuers carried her out and said "Thank you" to the people around her.







 —People say your little brother has been admitted into QinghuaUniversity.

—Yes. Never ________ he could achieve so much success.

A.had I thought

B.would I have thought

C.could I have thought

D.will I have thought



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