满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I still remember ______ to the Famen Tem...

I still remember  ______ to the Famen Temple and what I saw there.

A.to take

B.to taken


D.being taken


D 【解析】本题考查非谓语动词。此处非谓语动词做remember的宾语,而remember后用非谓语动词做宾语时,可以用v-ing形式,v-ing表示的动作已经完成,也可用动词不定式,表示的动作还未发生,根据后文的saw可知此处非谓语动词动作已经完成,且与逻辑主语是被动关系,用v-ing的被动式,选D。

In the face of _____ failure, it is vital that we should keep up _____ good state of mind.

A.a; /

B./; a

C.the; /

D./; the



Directions: Write an English composition in about 100 words according to the instructions.

1) 有些人认为出国学习深造最为理想。

2) 有些人认为在国内一样能学到好的知识与本领。

3) 我认为。。。



Directions: Translate the flowing sentences into English. You are required to use the word given in the bracket for each respective sentence.


2.我从没跟任何人说过,这是你我两人的秘密。 (Never)

3.你操练得越多,你的英语口语提高得就越快。 (the more…, the more…)

4.随着杂交水稻的推广,我们将逐渐消除饥饿。(with, hybrid)




Most people look forward to retirement as a time when they can finally take up activities that they never had the time or energy to pursue before. Bust some recent studies on people in their golden years are disturbing: they suggest that retirees are more likely to suffer from depression and possibly higher rates of other diseases such as heart disease and high blood pressure. That’s why a new study of French workers is welcome news.

Led by Hugo Westerlund, a professor of psychology at Stockholm University, the study of more than 14,000 workers found lower rates of depression and fatigue(疲劳) in people after they got tired while they were still employed.

The scientists followed the employees of the French national gas and electric company for 14 years. They found in the year immediately after retirement, the volunteers reported 40% fewer depressive symptoms than they had in the year before their retirement. The researchers also found an 81% drop in reports of both mental and physical fatigue over the same time period.

Clearly, said Westerlund, much of these decrease in physical and mental fatigue can be traced back to relief from the stresses of work. The decline in depressive symptoms suggests that retirement may be having a positive mental effect, too, which may have a lot to do with the generous pensions(养老金) that French workers enjoy. Most retirees in that country still benefit from about 80% of their yearly salaries.

“The economic or financial situation in retirement is very important,” Westerlund says. “We don’t know if the decrease in fatigue and depressive symptoms is because of the removal of something bad while in work or the addition of something good while in retirement. But no matter the reason, if life in retirement is not comfortable, then we won’t see the improvements we did.”

However, in European nations like France, governments are considering changes to pension plans, which may affect retirees’ health after they leave their jobs—with less of a financial safety net, workers may no longer seem so mentally and physically happy to be out of work.

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS)

1.According to some recent studies, retired people may have depression and higher rates of other disease like ____________________________________.

2.Westerlund’s group found that in the year just after the retirement most retired French workers felt much less tired both __________________________________.

3.What dies the word “improvements” in paragraph 5 refer to?


4.Retirement may make people happier with ___________________________________




A, B, C, D, E(AB), F(AC)

A. Control of Respiration

B. Basic tips for preserving cut flowers

C. Role of Respiration

D. Most Important Aspect of Flower Care

E. Need for Clean Water

F. Ways of Stopping Respiration


While everybody enjoys fresh cut flowers around his house, few people know how to keep them for as long as possible. This may be done by keeping in mind a few simple facts. The key to keeping fresh cut flowers for a week or more without floral preservatives(which contain biocides that kill bacteria and fungus) is to keep the water fresh and the stems free of air pockets so they can continue to draw up water.


An important thing to remember about cut flowers is that they are sensitive to temperature. For example, studies have shown that cut carnations(康乃馨) retain their freshness eight times longer when kept at 12℃ than when kept at 26℃. Keeping freshly harvested flowers at the right temperatures is probably the most important aspect of flower care.


Flowers are not intended by nature to live very long. Their biological purpose is simply to attract birds or insects, such as bees, for pollination (授粉). After that, they quickly dry up and die. The process by which flowers consume oxygen and produce carbon dioxide, called respiration (呼吸), generates the energy the flower needs to give the flower its shape and colour. The making of seeds also depends on this energy. While all living things respire, flowers have a high level of respiration. A result of all this respiration is heat, and for flowers the level of heat relative to the mass of the flower is very high. Respiration also brings about the eventual death of the flower. Thus the greater the level of respiration, the sooner the flower dies.


How, then, to control the rate at which flowers die? By controlling respiration. How is respiration controlled? By controlling temperature. We know that respiration produces heat, but the reverse is also true. Thus by maintaining low temperatures, respiration is reduced and the cut flower will age more slowly.


Another vital factor in keeping cut flowers is the quality of the water in which they are placed. Flowers find it difficult to “drink” water that is dirty or otherwise polluted. Even when water looks and smells clean, it almost certainly contains harmful substances that can endanger the flowers. To rid the water of these unwanted substances, household chlorine bleach (含氯漂白剂) can be used in small quantities. It is recommended that 15 drops of chlorine bleach(at 4% solution) be added to each litre of water. The water and solution should also be replaced each day.



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