满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

She’s been feeling very since she starte...

She’s been feeling very       since she started her new job.

    A. fed up with    B. stressed out    C. connected with    D. addicted to


B   【解析】本题考查动词短语。句意:从事新工作以来,她一直感到很有压力。所选答案没有宾语,故排除 ACD。三者都含有介词,应带宾语。

—How long have you been doing that?

    —Since I       her for the first time.

    A. meet    B. met    C. have met    D. had met



This book tells       life story of John Smith, who left       school and worked for a newspaper at the age of l6.

    A. the;the    B. a;the    C. the;不填    D. a;不填



Come and see me whenever    .

    A. you are convenient      B. you will be convenient

    C. it is convenient to you      D. it is your convenience



苏格兰歌手“苏珊大妈” 凭借选秀节目《英国达人》在2009年脱颖而出。她的故事仿佛一部现代童话,带给无数人启迪。


1.        苏珊·波伊儿(Susan Boyle) 从小梦想成为职业歌手;

2.        苏珊多次参加选秀节目被拒,但她从不放弃梦想;

3.        2009年4月,47岁的苏珊参加了《英国达人》(Britain’s Got Talent),一曲《我曾有梦》(I Dreamed A Dreamed)使她成名,并最终圆了她的歌手梦。

参考词汇:职业的 professional; 激励  inspire







1.They were in the time to produce carbon, nitrogen, water vapour and other gases.

2.The earth dissolves harm gases and acids into the oceans and seas.

3.Its population are increasing rapidly.

4.According a widely accepted theory, the universe began with a “Big Bang” that threw matter in all directions

5.People say Vancouver is Canada’s most beautiful city, surround by the mountains and the Pacific Ocean.

6.She helped improve prison condition and gave prisoners work and education.

7.By chance I came cross an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in women’s diseases.

8.I looked carefully at the text and realize that it was intended for women in the countryside.

9.Dr Yuan is quite satisfying with his life.

10.As a young man, he saw the great need for increase the rice output.



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