满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

They were lost at sea, _______ the mercy...

They were lost at sea, _______ the mercy of wind and weather.






B 【解析】固定短语 at the mercy of sb任由sb摆布;

Then I got up slowly, looking at ______ moon, and lost in ______ thought, which made me sad.

A.the; \

B.\; the

C.the; the

D.\; \



某海外学校举办英语夏令营,开设了如下课程:园艺(gardening)烹饪(cooking) 防身术(self-defence)护理(nursing)。






注意: 1. 词数 100字左右

2. 可适当增减细节, 使内容连贯。

3开始和结尾已给, 不计入总词数。

Dear leader

 I am very glad that your school will hold the English Summer Camp that contains many courses, such as gardening,cooking,self-defence, nursing and so on.











Looking forward to your early reply.

                                                     Yours truly

                                                        Wang Hua



下面短文中有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。






Li Ming and Li Juan study hardly in a high school. They do extremely well all the

subjects. Li Juan decides to attend in Sichuan University while Li Ming preferred Beijing University. It makes them differ from the most students is that they don’t go to school. In fact, they have never been to school. Since kindergarten, we have studied at home. Neither of them feels they have missed anything by taught at home all the time. Like many people received home schooling in Chengdu, and they feel they are lucky.





The standard of living of any country means the average person's share of the goods and services which the country produces. A country’s standard of living, therefore, depends first and foremost on its ability to produce wealth. "Wealth" in this sense is not money, for we do not live on money but on things that money can buy, “goods” such as food and clothing, and "services" such as transport and entertainment.

A country's ability to produce wealth depends upon many factors, most of which have an effect on one another. Wealth depends to a very large degree upon a country's natural resources, such as coal, gold, and other minerals, water supply and so on. Some regions of the world are well supplied with coal and minerals, and have a fertile (肥沃的)soil and a favorable climate; other regions possess perhaps only one of these things, and some regions possess none of them. The USA is one of the wealthiest regions of the world because she has vast natural resources within her borders(边疆), her soil is fertile, and her climate is of great variety. The Sahara Desert, on the other hand, is one of the least wealthy.

Next to natural resources comes the ability to turn them to use. Sound and stable (稳定的)political conditions, and freedom from foreign invasion(侵略), enable a country to develop its natural resources peacefully and steadily, and to produce more wealth than another country equally well served by nature but less well ordered.

Another important factor is the technical efficiency(效能) of a country's people. Old countries that have, through many centuries, trained up numerous(无数的) skilled craftsmen and technicians are better placed to produce wealth than countries whose workers are largely unskilled.

Wealth also produces wealth. As a country becomes wealthier, its people have a large margin(富余)for saving, and can put their savings(储蓄) into factories and machines which will help workers to turn out more goods in their working day.


People's (1)_____ standard


The average share of the goods and services for people

(2) _____ by the country.

Some factors that (3) _____

the standard of

living of any country

▲ Wealth depends (4) _____ upon a country's natural resources such as coal, gold, other minerals, water supply and a fertile soil and a favorable climate

▲ Next to natural resources comes the ability to turn

(5) _____ resources to use.

▲ The (6) _____ efficiency of a country's people is another important factor

The comparison

between the

USA and the

Sahara Desert

▲ The USA has vast natural resources, her soil is fertile, and it has (7) _____ climate

▲ The Sahara Desert, on the other hand, is one of the

(8) _____

The (9) _____

of wealth

▲ Wealth also produces wealth.

▲ Wealthy people can put their savings into factories and machines which will help workers to (10) _____ out more goods in their working day.




A. Classroom participation

B. Differences in American university education

C. Examination system

D. Competition among students

E. Honest policy in students' school work

F. Students' responsibility for learning

1.There is considerable variety in university classrooms in the United States. Because of diverse teaching methods and non-standardized curricula (课程), no two courses are the same.    Undergraduate courses are considerable different from graduate courses. The classroom atmosphere in expensive, private universities may differ from that in community colleges, which are free and open to everyone.

2.Participation in the classroom is not only accepted but also expected of the student in many courses. Some professors base part of the final grade on the student's oral participation. Although there are formal lectures during which the student has a passive role (i.e., listening and taking notes), many courses are organized around classroom discussions, student questions, and informal lectures.

3.Many teachers believe that the responsibility for learning lies with the student. (Courses are not designed merely for students to pass exams.) The ideal student is considered to be one who is motivated to learn for the sake of learning, not the one interested only in getting high grades.

4.Ideally, the teacher-student relationship at universities is characterized by trust. Thus, cheating on tests, Plagiarizing (抄袭) in written work, presenting other's ideas as original, and turning in homework completed by someone else are all prohibited (禁止).

5.Relationships between students in the classroom can be cooperative or competitive. International students should not hesitate to ask for help if it is needed. in classes where such a grading curve is used, students may be reluctant to share lecture notes or information for fear that their own grades will suffer.



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