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阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题(请注意问题后的词数要求) [1]Why ...


[1]Why play sports? You might say “to get exercise” and you’d be right. To have fun? That’s true, too. But there’s more. In fact, there are at least 5 more reasons. According to the Women’s Sports Foundation, girls who play sports get a lot more than just fit.

[2]Girls who play sports do better in school. You might think that athletics wi1l take up all your study time. But research shows that girls who play sports do better in school than those who don’t. Exercise improves learning, memory, and concentration, which can give active girls an advantage in the classroom.

[3]Girls who play sports learn teamwork and goal-setting skills. Sports teach valuable life skills. When you work with coaches, trainers, and teammates to win games and achieve goals. you’re learning how to be successful. Those skills will        at work and in family life.

[4] Sports are good for a girl’s health. In addition to being fit and maintaining (维持) a healthy weight, girls who p1ay sports are also less likely to smoke. And later in life, girls who exercise are less likely to get breast cancer or osteoporosis (骨质疏松).

[5]Playing sports builds self-confidence. Girls who play sports feel better about themselves. Why? It builds confidence when you know you can achieve your goals. Sports are also a feel-good activity because they help girls get in shape, maintain a healthy weight, and make new friends.

[6] Exercise cuts the pressure. Playing sports can reduce stress and help you feel a little happier. How? The brain chemicals released during exercise improve a person’s mood. Friends are another mood-lifter. And being on a team creates tight bonds between friends. It’s good to know your teammates will support you—both on and off the field!

1.What’s the main idea of the text? (no more than 8 words)

2.List three advantages that exercise can give you when you are in school. (two words for each)

3.Fill in the blanks in Paragraph 3 with proper words.(no more than 5 words)

4.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 into Chinese.

5.What can lift your mood while playing sports? (no more than l5 words)


1.Why should girls play sports/ Reasons why girls should play sports (take exercise) 2. (l) improve/improving learning; (2) improve/improving memory; (3) improve/improving concentration 3.help you (a lot)/benefit you/be helpful to you/serve you well/do you good 4.体育运动还是一项感觉良好的运动,因为运动能帮助女孩们保持体形,维持健康的体重,还能帮她们交到新朋友。 5.略 【解析】 1.通读全文可知文章讲述的正是为什么女孩子要参加运动。 2.根据文章第二段内容。 3.根据本段前面部分内容可知运动有很多很多的好处。那么治疗应该是表示相同的意思。 4.根据文章最后一段的2,3行内容。 5.略

根据下列句子及所给汉语注释, 写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每空只写一词)

1.California also has the d______ of being the most multicultural state in the USA..

2.According to the constitution, it is _________ (必须做的,义务的)for a citizen to undertake military service.

3.Cloning plants is s___________ while cloning animals is very complicated.

4.When I first applied for a patent I was very puzzled by the ______(评判的标准).

5.It was this exploring around problems and his _________(充满活力的,精力充沛的)spirit that led to his most famous invention --- the telephone in 1876.

6.Without any h_________, he jumped into the river to save the drowning child.

7.The football game will continue, ___________(不管、不顾)of wind and rain.

8.Although he is most often a________ with the invention of the telephone, he was indeed a continuing searcher after practical solutions to improve the quality of everyday’s life.

9.The flower girl’s poor English will _______(使、、、注定) her to the gutter to the end of her days.

10.The war ________(中断了)the trade between the two countries.



 "Children should not be left unsupervised (无人监督的) to play with a dog." say experts in this week's British Medical Journal. Their advice is part of a review aimed at doctors who deal with dog bites.

"Dog bites and maulings are a worldwide problem, particularly in children." write Marina Morgan and John Palmer. Every year 250,000 people who have been bitten by dogs attend minor injuries and emergency units in the United Kingdom, and half of all children are reportedly bitten by dogs at some time, boys more than girls.

Accurate death figures are difficult to obtain, but in the past five years, two to three cases a year have made news headlines.

Based on the latest medical evidence, they advise doctors how to examine and treat a patient presenting with a dog bite. They discuss the risk of infection and when to refer to specialist care. For travelers bitten abroad, they suggest assessing the risk of rabies(狂犬病).

In terms of prevention, they suggest that children should be taught to treat dogs with respect, avoid direct eye contact, and not tease them. They should be taught not to approach an unfamiliar dog; play with any dog unless under close supervision; run or scream in the presence of a dog; pet a dog without first letting it sniff you; or disturb a dog that is eating, sleeping, or caring for its babies.

"Dog owners also need to change their behavior", says Rachel Besser, a children's doctor and lifetime dog owner, in an article.

"It is clear that not all dog owners appreciate that children should not be left unsupervised with a dog", she says. Just as some parents are obliged to take parenting classes, she would like to see compulsive classes for expectant dog owners to teach them about the responsibilities of dog ownership. Educational programs are also needed to teach children about some precautionary (预防的) behaviors around dogs.

Finally, she would like to see animal doctors advising dog owners about bite prevention, and doctors promoting bite prevention when treating patients who have been bitten by dogs.   

1.Dog biting is a problem which _____.

A.only happens to a few children

B.should be paid attention to

C.only boys may meet with

D.has made news headlines

2.The underlined word "they" in Paragraph 4 refers to "________" .

A. doctors         B. parents            C. experts            D dog owners

3.To avoid dog bites, a child should be taught to_____.

A.have direct eye contact

B.approach an unfamiliar dog

C.run or scream in the presence of a dog

D.leave a dog feeding itself

4.What are Rachel Besser's words mainly about?

A.It's necessary to teach children how to raise dogs.

B.Children should be taught not to play with dogs.

C.All the dog owners would like to attend classes on caring for dogs.

D.Some dog owners would like children to be left unsupervised with a dog.

5.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A.Dogs, Dangerous To Children

B.Children Should Know Behaviors Around Dogs

C.Doctors, Treat Dog Bites Correctly

D.Never Leave Children Unsupervised With Dogs



When you see homework covering the kitchen table and toys are piling up around the sofa,you probably wish there was a bit more space.You are not alone.Nearly a third of parents say they feel squeezed into their homes but cannot afford to move to a bigger property,a report reveals today.

Twenty—nine percent say ‘their property is too small to fit the size of their family’—rising to 40 percent for those 34 and under.One in four children is ‘forced to share’ a bedroom,according to the Finda Property,com website.Property analyst Samantha Baden said:“Afford ability remains a key issue for families,with the average cost of a three-bedroom home around £193,000.”Very few can afford to buy—or to rent—a property of the size they want and in the area they desire to live in,according to Miss Baden.

A recent report,from investment firm LV,also found that many‘ space—starved parents’ are pushed into a two—bedroom home which was perfect when they were a young couple,but has no space for three or so children.Grown—up children who cannot afford to leave home are also adding to the problem facing families in Britain's ‘big squeeze’.

For a home to be the correct size, which means it is not overcrowded,parents must have their own bedroom.Children under ten can share, as well as same—sex children between ten and 20.Anyone over 21 also needs their own room.

The report comes as official figures,published yesterday by the Land Registry,revealing house prices are falling sharply in every region except London.The worst—hit area is the North East,where, average house prices have fallen to below£100,000 for the first time in seven years. However,they remain unaffordable for millions.

1.According to Paragraph 1,the report reveals          .

A.some families can't afford a bigger property

B.children like to do homework in the kitchen

C.only a few families have housing problem

D.people are satisfied with their living condition

2.What Miss Baden said in Paragraph 2 means            .

A.most families don't have enough money yet

B.no family could afford a three—bedroom home

C.it is common to live in a three—bedroom home

D.the price of a bigger property is still acceptable

3.The report from the investment firm LV shows            .

A.young couples should live in a two—bedroom home

B.families with three or so children couldn't afford a home

C.parents should buy houses for their grown—up children

D.some grown—up children couldn't afford a separate home

4.According to the passage,the right size for a home means           .

A.parents should have a bedroom of their own

B.anyone over 21 needs to live in their own home

C.children under ten should share parents’ bedroom

D.children under 20 should have their own bedroom

5.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.House prices are falling down everywhere.

B.People are able to buy a home of correct size.

C.The North East is now all area.suitable to live in.

D.The house prices in London has not fallen down.



Apple Inc co-founder and former CEO Steve Jobs, counted among the  greatest American CEOs of his generation, died on Wednesday at the age of 56,  after a years-long and highly public battle with cancer. Mourners gathered outside his house in Palo Alto, California, and Apple stores around the world.                         

Steve Jobs made technology fun. As tech leaders, they're really happy if they have one hit in their life. Steve Jobs has the Apple II, the Mac, the iPod, the iPhone, the iPad and Pixar.

Steve Jobs was a college dropout. He was adopted by a machinist and his wife, an accountant. They supported his early interest in electronics. He and his friend Steve Wozniak started Apple Computer—now just called Apple—in 1976. They stayed at the company until 1985. That year, Steve Wozniak returned to college and Steve Jobs left in a dispute with the chief executive.

Mr. Jobs then formed his own company, called NeXT Computer. He rejoined Apple in 1997 after it bought NeXT, He helped remake Apple from a business that was in bad shape then to one of the most valuable companies in the world today. However, Steve Jobs stepped down as Apple's chief executive in August, 2011 because of his health. He died a day after the company released a new iPhone version that met with limited excitement. Steve left behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple.

President Obama said in a statement: by building one of the planet's most successful companies from his garage, Steve Jobs showed the spirit of American ingenuity (独创性). By making computers personal and putting the Internet in our pockets, he made the information revolution not only accessible but intuitive (直觉的) and fun.

The fact that he was able to redesign American commerce top to bottom and across is really astonishing. He probably will be considered an industrial giant on the scale of Thomas Edison and Henry Ford, so one of the greatest of all time. Steve Jobs not only revolutionized technology, he also revolutionized American business. Steve Jobs was remembered as a " great visionary and leader" and a marketing genius.

1.What does the underlined word "dispute" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?





2.According to Paragraph 2, the author wants to show that _____.

A.Steve Jobs made fun of modem inventions

B.Steve Jobs makes great contributions to the world

C.tech leaders will be happy when they have one hit in their life

D.Steve Jobs owns many companies in America

3.Which of the following statements about Steve Jobs is NOT TRUE?

A.Steve Jobs stepped down as Apple's chief executive because of poor health.

B.Steve Jobs and his friend built a company called Apple Computer in 1976.

C.Steve Jobs was remembered as the founder of Apple and the Internet

D.President Obama spoke highly of Steve Jobs for his achievements.

4.How long did Steve Jobs work for Apple?

A.9 years.

B.14 years.

C.23 years.

D.35 years

5.This passage is mainly about _____.

A.a brief introduction of Steve Jobs

B.the inventions of Steve Jobs

C.the childhood of Steve Jobs

D.the death of Steve Jobs



The storm left, _______ a lot of damage to this area.


B.to have caused

C.to cause

D.having caused



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