满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The clothes you wear. The food you eat. ...

The clothes you wear. The food you eat. The color of your bedroom walls. Where you go and how you get there. The people you hang around with. What time you go to bed. What do these things have in common, you’re asking? They’re just a few examples of the many hundreds of things that your parents controlled for you when you were a child.

As a kid, you didn’t have a say in everything; your parents made decisions about everything from the cereal you ate in the morning to the pajamas you wore at night. And it’s a good thing, too—kids need this kind of protection on their own.

But finally, kids grow up and become teens. And part of being a teen is developing your own identity—one that is separate from your parents’. But as you change and grow into this new person who makes his own decisions, your parents have a difficult time adjusting(调整).

In many families, it is this adjustment that can cause a lot of fighting between teens and parents. And issues like the type of friends you have or your attitudes to partying can cause bigger arguments, because your parents still always want to protect you and keep you safe, no matter how old you are.

The good news about fighting with your parents get more comfortable with the idea that their teen has a right to certain opinions. It can take several years for parents and teens to adjust to their new roles, though. In the meantime, focus on communicating with your parents.

Sometimes this can feel impossible—like they just don’t see your point of view and never will. But talking and expressing your opinions can help you gain more respect from your parents.

Keep in mind, too, that your parents were teens once and that in most cases, they can relate to what you’re going through.

1.In the first two paragraphs, the writer________.

A.complains that parents control kids too much.

B.proves that kids have no right to give their opinions.

C.describes how carefully parents look after kids

D.explains that it is necessary for parents to control kids

2.A lot of fighting breaks out between teens and parents because________.

A.parents aren’t used to losing control of kids

B.teens like to have everything decided

C.parents blame teens for not respecting them

D.teens are eager to develop their own identity

3.In the opinions of the writer, parents control teens in order to ________.

A.prevent them from having their own ideas

B.protect them from being hurt

C.make them respect parents in family

D.make sure that children have a good future.

4.The underlined word “this” in paragraph 6 may refer to “________”.

A.arguing with friends

B.fighting with your parents

C.communicating with parents

D.adjusting to new roles

5.What might be the most suitable title for the passage?

A.What do parents control their children for?

B.How parents take are of children?

C.How to get rid of your parents’ control?

D.Why do I fight with parents so much?


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D  【解析】你长大独立的过程,对你的父母来说,可能却是一个艰难的调整和适应过程。他们还不习惯这个新的你——在他们心里,你还是他们的那个小不点呢。 1.细节理解题。结合第二段的最后一句And it’s a good thing, too—kids need this kind of protection on their own.可知答案。 2.细节理解题。结合In many families, it is this adjustment that can cause a lot of fighting between teens and parents和because your parents still always want to protect you可知答案。 3.细节理解题。结合 because your parents still always want to protect you and keep you safe, no matter how old you are可知答案。 4.词义理解题。结合上下文可知this指代上文提到的focus on communicating with your parents. 5.文章标题题。结合主旨大意可知无论孩子长多大,父母总想保护孩子。那你还为什么同你的父母争吵呢?

It was Monday. Mrs. Smith's dog was hungry, but there was not any meat in the house.

  Considering that there was no better way. Mrs. Smith took a piece of paper, and wrote the following words on it:“Give my dog half a pound of meat.” Then she gave the paper to her dog and said gently:“Take this to the butcher(* person whose job is selling meat)and he's going to give you your lunch today.”

  Holding the piece of paper in its mouth, the dog ran to the butcher's. It gave the paper to the butcher. The butcher read it carefully, recognized that it was really the lady's handwriting and soon did it as he was asked to. The dog was very happy, and ate the meat up at once.

  At noon, the dog came to the shop again. It gave the butcher a piece of paper again. After reading it, he gave it half a pound of meat once more.

  The next day, the dog came again exactly at noon. And as usual, it brought a piece of paper in the mouth. This time, the butcher did not take a look at paper, and gave the dog its meat, for he had regarded the dog as one of his customers(*people who buy sth. from a shop).

  But, the dog came again at four o'clock. And the same thing happened once again. To the butcher's more surprise, it came for the third time at six o'clock, and brought with it a third piece of paper. The butcher felt a bit puzzled. He  said to himself, “This is a small dog. Why does Mrs. Smith give it so much meat to eat today?”

Looking at the piece of paper, he found that there were not any words on it!

1.Mrs. Smith treated her little dog quite____.





2.It seemed that the dog knew well that the paper Mrs. Smith gave it ______ .

A.might do it much harm

B.could do it much good

C.would help the butcher

D.was worth many pounds

3.The butcher did not give any meat to the dog __________ .

A.before he felt sure that the words were really written by Mrs. Smith

B.when he found that the words on the paper were not clear

C.because he had sold out all the meat in his shop

D.until he was paid enough by Mrs. Smith

4.From its experience, the dog found that ________.

A.only the paper with Mrs. Smith's words in it could bring it meat

B.the butcher would give the meat to it whenever he saw it

C.Mrs. Smith would pay for the meat it got from the butcher

D.a piece of paper could bring it half a pound of meat

5.At the end of the story, you'll find that _______.

A.the dog was clever enough to write on the paper

B.the dog dared not go to the butcher's any more

C.the butcher was told not to give any meat to the dog

D.the butcher found himself cheated by the clever animal









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I came across with an old man in rags the other day, he was begging for a living. To be frank, I didn’t know how I ought to give him some money. On the one hand, I am not born in a rich family. On the other hand, old as the man was, he was in  good health. In most people’s opinion, he should be able to earn her living instead of be a beggar. All of us ought to help those who is really in need. However, what matters is that all the people should try to depend in themselves first. Therefore our society can be much harmonious, which is we all look forward to.



We often find many people are complaining about their work around us. It’s clear that we can not deal with the pressure caused by work at all. So how can we have a happy working day? __1___

Make yourself energetic every morning. It means you should not stay up too late. You should take a comfortable shower and go to bed before 22:00 every night. __2__

Keep smiling once you open your eyes. When getting up from your bed, you should always keep a smile on your face. __3___ And you can listen to some soft music you like with your headset on the way to yoru company.

___4__ Before you get down to work, you can make a list of the work that you are going to finish today. You will find out what are the most important things to do and what are the less important ones.

Improve your relationships in the office. Make a habit of saying hello actively to your colleagues, as a gesture of friendship. You will be happier if you can get along well with your colleagues and your life will go more smoothly.

___5__ The key is whether you have a possive attitude. The above are my suggestions. Hope they can help you to have a great day!

A.In short, we create real happiness for ourselves.

B.In fact, it’s not so difficult if we can do as follows.

C.List out what you are going to do in the office today.

D.Therefore, we should stop complaining about our work.

E. Say hello to your family members and friends on the road.

F. Have the right attitude towards work and the people around us.

G. Plenty of sleep is healthy and it can offer you a whole day’s energy.



Helen Thomas, born on August 4, 1920, is a famous news reporter, a Hearst Newspapers columnist, and member of the White House Press Corps. She served for fifty-seven years as a correspondent and White House bureau chief for United Press International (UPI). She is called “First Lady of the Press”.

Born in Kentucky, Helen Thomas was raised in Detroit, Michigan where she attended public schools and later graduated from Wayne State University. Upon leaving college, Helen served as a copy girl in an old company in Washington. In 1943, Ms. Thomas joined United Press International and the Washington Press Corps. Thomas served as president of the Women’s National Press Club from 1959 to 1960.

In November, Helen began covering then President-elect John F. Kennedy, following him to the White House in January 1961 as a UPI correspondent. She later became White House Bureau Chief for UPI, where she was employed until her resignation on May 17, 2000. Thomas then became a White House correspondent and columnist.

Thomas was the only woman journalist traveling with then President Nixon to China in January, 1972. She has traveled around the world several times with Presidents Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, and Clinton, during the course of which she covered every Economic Summit. The World Almanac has cited her as one of the 25 Most Influential Women in America. 

On March 21, 2006, Thomas was called upon directly by President Bush for the first time in three years. Thomas asked Bush about Iraq. Helen Thomas has written four books and she is also a popular speaker at events nationwide. 

1.What’s the correct order of the events?

a. Thomas joined the UPI and the Washington Press Corps.

b. Thomas traveled with President Nixon to China.

c. Thomas served as president of the Women’s National Press Club.

d. Thomas resigned.

e. Thomas was called upon by President Bush.

f. Thomas became a White House correspondent and a columnist.

A.a, b, c, d, e, f

B.a, c, b, d, f, e

C.a, c, b, d, e, f

D.a, d, e, f, c, b

2.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Thomas made speeches about events nationwide.

B.Thomas has written four books.

C.Thomas covered every Economic Summit when traveling with US presidents.

D.Thomas became a correspondent after she graduated from the university.

3.From the passage, we can conclude that Thomas is a _____ woman.





4.After reading the passage it can be inferred that ___.

A.Thomas worked in the White House for 57 years.

B.Thomas is the most influential woman in America

C.President Bush received Thomas once in his term.

D.Thomas has traveled around the world with Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush, and Clinton.

5.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.The First Lady of the Press—Helen Thomas

B.A Successful News Reporter—Helen Thomas

C.Life Experience of Helen Thomas

D.Helen Thomas and Her Career



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