满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

______of people ______to prefer ______ga...

______of people ______to prefer ______games to playing games.

A.The majority, seem, watching

B.The majority, seems, to watch

C.Majority, seem, watching

D.Majority, seems, to watch


A 【解析】考察主谓一致和prefer的用法。The majority of 意为……的大部分,为固定用法,排除CD。后面的谓语动词由people决定,因为people是复数名词,所以后面的主谓动词用复数形式,即A,第三空是prefer的用法,prefer A to B,或者prefer doing to doing sth ,

假设你是新华中学的学生李华, 将参加主题为Let’s pick up a book and read 的英语演讲比赛。请你撰写一份演讲稿,主要内容包括:

1. 目前很多学生课余时间沉溺于网络,远离书本,导致记忆力减退,对学习失去兴趣等问题。

2. 阅读的益处,如:开阔视野、增强理解力、提高成绩等。

注意:1. 词数: 120词左右

2. 演讲稿的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。

Good morning, everyone,

I’m Li Hua from Xinhua Middle School. The topic of my speech is “Let’s pick up a book and read”. ________________________ _________

Thank you!


Li Hua









My father is an engineer work in a big company. He is such busy that he sometimes has to stay up late. Apart from this, he hardly has any times to take exercise. He has been on poor health for some time. My mother and I are worried that he may fall ill if he works too hard. These days I’m thinking why to develop my father’s interest in playing sports. Considered that today is Father’s Day, I decided buy a pair of jogging shoes for him. I secret put them on the desk in his study. When my father entered into his study this evening, he looked surprised, but he immediately realized my intention. He promises that he would go jogging every evening.



1. Her __________ (雄心, 野心) is to become part of the national team for the next Paralympic Games

2.Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered ______________ (同情心) by a robot.

3.As he was not allowed to ___________ (陪伴;伴奏) her to the shops, he wrote out a list of items for her.

4.As a ________________ (恩惠;喜爱) Tony promised to help Claire make herself smarter and her home more elegant.

5.In 1942 he joined the staff of the Philadelphia Navy Yard as a __________ (较年幼的,地位低的) chemist.

6.It was when Asimov was eleven years old that his ___________ (才干,特殊能力) for writing became obvious.

7.Soon after his ______________ (离婚) in 1973, Asimove married again.

8.I could see he was terrified of being ______________ (遗弃,抛弃) by us.

9.I’m sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and _______ (反射;思考) on the day.

10.Without ____________ (暂停) we jumped into the boat with the other whales and headed out into the bay.



Do you know how to be street smart? Being street smart means knowing how to keep yourself safe from strangers when you’re alone or with other kids.  1  .

Most strangers aren’t dangerous and wouldn’t do anything to hurt kids. Unfortunately, though, some strangers can be dangerous, and it’s impossible to tell who’s OK and who’s not.  2 That’s why it’s important to follow these safety rules all the time.

Make your whereabouts known.

The adult who’s taking care of you needs to know where you are and when you’ll be coming home.

It’s more fun and safer to do things with friends. Traveling with a friend whenever you can is a good idea, and traveling with a group of kids is even better.

 4 Safe spots are places where you can stop if you need help, like the houses of kids you know, the houses of your parents’ friends, police stations, libraries, and fire departments. When you’re walking or riding your bike, make a mental note of the safe spots along your route. That way, you’ll know where they are in case you ever need one.

  5 You’ve probably been told lots of times that you should not yell and keep quiet. But when you think you might be in danger, it’s the perfect time to be noisy! If a stranger approaches you, follows you or tries to grab you, yell as loudly as you can and try to get away. People in the area will hear what’s going on and help you , so make plenty of noise.

A.stick with (紧跟,不离开) a friend.

B.Pick out safe spots.

C.It helps you stay safe.

D.Shout “help” when necessary.

E. Go to school with your friends.

F. Make a lot of noise if you’re scared.

G. A dangerous person doesn’t necessarily look scary.



 Farming is moving indoors, where the sun never shines, where rainfall is irrelevant (无关的) and where the climate is always right. The perfect crop field could be inside a windowless building with controlled light, temperature,humidity,air quality and nutrition. It could be in a New York high- rise or a complex (建筑群) in the Saudi desert. It may be an answer to the world’s food problems.

The world already is having trouble feeding itself. Half the people on Earth live in cities, and nearly half of those – about 3 billion – are hungry or ill–fed. Food prices, currently increasing, are badly affected by dryness, floods and the cost of energy required to plant, harvest and transport it. And prices will only get more unstable. Climate change makes long-term crop planning uncertain. Farmers in many parts of the world already are using water available to the last drop. And the world is getting more crowded: by mid-century, the global population will grow from 6.8 billion to 9 billion.

To feed so many people may require expanding farmland at the expense of forests and wilderness, or finding ways to greatly increase crop output.

Gertjan Meeuws and three other Dutch bioengineers grow vegetables and house plants in closed and regulated environments. In their research station, water flows into the pans when needed, and the temperature is kept constant. Lights go on and off, creating “day” and “night”, but according to the rhythm of the plant.

Meeuws says a building of 100 square meters and layers of plants could provide a daily diet of 200 grams of fresh fruit and vegetables for the entire population of Ken Bosch, about 140,000 people. Their idea isn’t to grow foods that require much space, like corn or potatoes.

Sunlight is not only unnecessary but can be harmful. Plants need only specific wavelengths of light to grow. Their growth rate is three times faster than under greenhouse conditions. They use about 90 percent less water than outdoor agriculture. And city farming means producing food near the consumer, so there’s on need to transport it long distances.

1.According to the text, Gertjan Meeuws’ farming _______.

A.can be used for corn production

B.is much like greenhouse farming

C.is adaptable to any environment

D.uses more water than outdoor farming

2.What is the second paragraph mainly about ?

A.The effect of climate

B.The hungry people in cities.

C.The world’s food problem.

D.The world’s increasing population.

3.What is the purpose of the text ?

A.To compare traditional and indoor farming.

B.To discuss the influence of climate change.

C.To explain the world’s food problem.

D.To introduce a new model of farming.



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