满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I would rather ________the football matc...

I would rather ________the football match last night with my friends. Otherwise,I would have finished my paperwork by now.

A.not have watched

B.not watch

C.hadn't watched

D.haven't watched


A 【解析】考查固定用法。Would rather do sth宁愿做某事;本题是它的完成式,同时也是否定式。Would rather not have done宁愿满意做某事; 句意:我宁愿昨天晚上满意看那场足球赛。要不然我现在就已经完成我的论文了。

He, an average citizen, always thinks of_____ he can do more for the people.

    A.how             B.why              C.what            D.which



Children under sixteen are not permitted to participate in such kind of activities _____ bad for their mental development.

A. as is            B. as are               C. that are         D. that they are



I always _____ on life when listening to Beethoven’s symphony.

A. react            B. recover          C. reflect              D. respond



—I’m fed up with this rain. How I wish to go hiking this weekend!

—Forget it. I’m afraid the wet days will _____.

A. hold up          B. keep up          C. take up          D. turn up



_____ to be a press conference at the town hall tonight. _____ to be broadcast live.

A. There’s; It’s      B. It’s; There’s          C. There’s; There’s       D. It’s; It’s



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