满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Towards the end of the baseball game, a ...

Towards the end of the baseball game, a controversial call was given. At full speed Paul Harvey slid home (本垒)and, thinking he had just ___36___ a game-changing run, he stood up only to face the words, “You’re ___37___!”

Angry, he threw off his helmet and ran over to explain to the ___38___ why the call was wrong. Before his ___39___ really got out of control, someone pulled him away, and he walked to the bench---___40___.

Long after the coaches, players, and fans had gone home, he realized the impact of his ___41___. Like most of us do when we are faced with the __42___ of our actions, he could have just let it go, reasoning, “Everybody ___43___ it.”

However, in the silence of his heart, he knew that just ___44___ everyone else does it, that doesn’t make it all right. And so, long after his friends had gone home, he ___45___ that coach back up to the school—not to ___46___ his car. No, the boy tracked this man down so he could tell him face to face, “I’m sorry, Sir. It was all my___47___.”

It takes true courage to stand up to face the ___48___ we all make and say, “I was wrong. I’m sorry.” What makes this ___49___ unique is that it wasn’t meant for the world to ___50___, it was meant simply as a way to stay ___51___ to his own heart.

The truth is at one time or another we have all been this boy --- ___52___ out in anger, saying hurtful things, and feeling ___53___ for doing so. But the real test comes later when we are ___54___ with the choice to say “sorry” or to walk away thinking, “Ah, they’ll get over it.”

Maybe the “they” is a customer, a friend, or a child. Whoever it is, don’t pass up the opportunity to get right with your own heart. The time for apology is now! Courage is a ___55___ of the heart.

1.A. broken              B. scored         C. hit            D. completed

2.A. down                B. in             C. off            D. out

3.A. judge               B. fan            C. coach          D. player

4.A. temper              B. strength       C. mood           D. spirit

5.A. peaceful            B. pale           C. hopeful        D. disappointed

6.A. explanation         B. argument       C. performance    D. behavior

7.A. satisfaction        B. guilt          C. embarrassment  D. pride

8.A. does                B. hates          C. likes          D. receives

9.A. until               B. because        C. when           D. if

10.A. accompanied        B. sent           C. brought        D. tracked

11.A. repair             B. clean          C. destroy        D. drive

12.A. fault              B. rudeness       C. mistake        D. carelessness

13.A. promise            B. impoliteness   C. effort         D. attempt

14.A. situation          B. excuse         C. announcement   D. apology

15.A. praise             B. remember       C. hear           D. see

16.A. true               B. still          C. calm           D. sensitive

17.A. setting            B. acting         C. looking        D. holding

18.A. regretful          B. brave          C. nervous        D. right

19.A. offered            B. awarded        C. presented      D. charged

20.A. matter          B. description     C. bottom        D. expression


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.D 11.C 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.C 16.A 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.A 【解析】 1.考查动词。结合前面的“告诉跑出本垒”  可知Harvey认为自己能“得分”。 score(在比赛中)得分。 2.考查副词。可他站起来时,听到却是“你出局了”。out (棒球等)出局。 3.考查名词。结合下文Harvey跟踪coach到学校并向他道歉可知,此处他想向coach解释一下。 4.考查名词。结合下文Harvey道歉可知,此处做的是不理智的行为,故选temper。“在他的脾气失控之前”。 5.考查形容词。此时的Harvey很生气,气的脸色“苍白”。 6.考查名词。在其他人离开后,平静下来的Harvey意识到自己的“行为”behavior的影响。 7.考查名词。当事人自己认为能得分,结果却是“出局”,这令当事人很尴尬(embarrassment)。句意:像大多数人一样,当面对我们的行动带来的尴尬时,他本可能也只是让这件事过去。说,“(在那种情况下)每个人都会那么做”。 8.考查动词。参考42解析。结合下文everyone else does it。 9.考查连词。可他知道仅仅因为其他人都这么做,并不能使这种行为正确。前后两句是因果关系。 10.考查动词。结合下文the boy tracked this man。 track 跟踪;追踪。因此Harvey就跟着教练回到学校,不是为了发泄而砸destroy他的车,而是为了道歉。 11.考查动词。参考45解析。 12.考查名词。It is my fault. 这是我的过错。 13.考查名词。结合后半句“I was wrong. I’m sorry.”可知此处应是“不好的内容”。 Impoliteness无礼;失礼。 14.考查名词。由this判断所填名词应指代前面提到的内容“道歉”。 15.考查动词。句意:使道歉独特的不是让世人听到hear,它仅仅是让人忠诚与自己的内心。 16.考查形容词。true to 忠实于,信守。 17.考查动词。act out(用行动)把……表示出来。 18.考查形容词。发泄自己的怒火时,感觉自己的做法是“正确”的。 19.考查动词。be presented with面对。 20.考查名词。 a matter of ……的情况、问题或事情。

When I saw my teacher nodding _______ to me, I calmed down and went on with my performance.

A. encouragingly     B. amazingly    C. increasingly     D. accordingly



—Mom, today I received a message telling me to send money to the account.

—Delete it. It’s a trick. Many a person ________ by such tricks.

A. have been cheated                 B. were cheated    

C. has been cheated                   D. was cheated



Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional ________.

A.consequence                    B.independence

C.competence                        D.intelligence



—China is developing rapidly.

—Yes, to make our country more prosperous, we should firmly        the principle of scientific development.

   A. contribute to     B. subscribe to         C. stick to         D. turn to



Saving and recycling are long-term projects _______ determination matters a great deal.

A. that                 B. which              C. whose               D. where



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