满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

People try to avoid public transportatio...

People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars, and this ______ creates further problems.

A.in return

B.in case

C.in addition

D.in turn


D 【解析】本题考查介词短语辨析。in turn依次; 反过来; in short简单地说, 总之; in case万一; in doubt感到怀疑, 拿不准。本句句意为:人们尽可能使用私家车以避免交通阻塞,而反过来,这又带来了新的问题。

______ I’m tired of life here, I have been considering trying my luck in another city, but I haven’t decided yet.

A.As for

B.Now that

C.As if

D.Thanks to



---- What’s that noise?      

---- Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machine ______.

A.was tested

B.will be tested

C.is being tested

D.has been tested



--- When will your school _______ for the summer holiday?

--- At the end of this month.

A.break down

B.break in

C.break up

D.break out



— My teacher punished me this morning.

—Why? ______ I know, you’ve done nothing wrong,

A.as long as

B.as far as

C.as well as

D.as soon as



The sudden death of Kim Jong-il(金正日) had a short-term effect on Asian trade, _______the dropping of stocks(股票) in some Asian countries.

A.relying on

B.accounting for

C.resulting from

D.standing for



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